
出版時(shí)間:2001-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Richard L.Bursen  頁數(shù):841  字?jǐn)?shù):1177000  




作者:(美國)伯登(Richard L.Burden) J.Douglas Faires


1. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES 1.1 Review of Calculus   1.2 Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic  1.3 Algorithms and Convergence  1.4 Numerical Software 2. SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS IN ONE VARIABLE  2.1 The Bisection Method  2.2 Fixed-Point Iteration  2.3 The Newton's Method  2.4 Error Analysis for Iterative Methods  2.5 Accelerating Convergence  2.6 Zeros of Polynomials and Muller's Method  2.7 Survey of Methods and Software 3. INTERPOLATION AND POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION  3.1 Interpolation and the LaGrange Polynomial  3.2 Divided Differences  3.3 Hermite Interpolation  3.4 Cubic Spline Interpolation  3.5 Parametric Curves  3.6 Survey of Methods and Software 4. NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION  4.1 Numerical Differentiation  4.2 Richardson's Extrapolation  4.3 Elements of Numerical Integration  4.4 Composite Numerical Integration  4.5 Romberg Integration  4.6 Adaptive Quadrature Methods  4.7 Gaussian Quadrature  4.8 Multiple Integrals  4.9 Improper Integrals  4.10 Survey of Methods and Software 5. INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS  5.1 The Elementary Theory of Initial-Value Problems  5.2 Euler's Method  5.3 Higher-Order Taylor Methods  5.4 Runge-Kutta Methods  5.5 Error Control and the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Method  5.6 Multi-Step Methods  5.7 Variable Step-Size Multi-Step Methods  5.8 Extrapolation Methods  5.9 Higher-Order Equations and Systems of Differential Equations  5.10 Stability  5.11 Stiff Differential Equations  5.12 Survey of Methods and Software 6. DIRECT METHODS FOR SOLVING LINEAR SYSTEMS 7. ITERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN MATRIX ALGEBRA 8. APPROXIMATION THEORY 9. APPROXIMATING EIGENVALUES 10. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 11. BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 12. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES INDEX


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   Factorizations take a simpler form when the matrix A is positive definite.For example,the Choleski factorization has the form A=LLt,where L is lower triangular.A symmetric matrix that has an LU factorization can also be factored in the form A =LDLt,where D is diagonal and L is lower triangular with 1's on the diagonal.With these factorizations,marupulations involving A can be simplified.If A is tridiagonal,the LU factorization takes a particularly simple form,with U having 1's on the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere,except on the diagonal immediately above the main diagonal.In addition,L has its only nonzero entries on the main diagonal and one diagonal below. The direct methods are the methods of choice for most linear systems.For tridiagonal,banded,and positive definite matrices,the special methods are recommended.For the general case,Gaussian elimination or LU factorization methods,which allow pivoting,are recommended.In these cases,the effects of roundoff error should be monitored.In Section 7.4 we discuss estimating errors in direct methods. Large linear systems with primarily 0 entries occurring in regular patterns can be solved efficiently using an iterative procedure such as those discussed in Chapter 7.Systems of this type arise naturally,for example,when finite-difference techniques are used to solve boundary-value problems,a common application in the numerical solution of partial-differential equations. It can be very difficult to solve a large linear system that has primarily nonzero entries or one where the 0 entries are not in a predictable pattern.The matrix associated with the system can be placed in secondary storage in partitioned form and portions read into main memory only as needed for calculation.Methods that require secondary storage can be either iterative or direct,but they generally require techniques from the fields of data structures and graph theory.The reader is referred to(BuR)and(RW)for a discussion of the current techniques. The software for matrix operations and the direct solution of linear systems implemented in IMSL and NAG is based on LAPACK,a subroutine package in the public domain.There is excellent documentation available with it and from the books written about it.We will focus on several of the subroutines that are available in all three sources. Accompanying LAPACK is a set of lower-level operations called Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms(BLAS).Level 1 of BLAS generally consists of vector-vector operations with input data and operation counts of O(n).Level 2 consists of the matrix-vector operations with input data and operation counts of O(n2).Level 3 consists of the matrix-matrix operations with input data and operation counts of O(n3).For example,in Level 1,the subroutine SCOPY overwrites a vector y with a vector x; SSCAL computes a scalar a times a vector x; SAXPY adds a scalar a times a vector x to a vector y(y = a?x+y); SDOT computes the inner,or scalar,product of two vectors; SNRM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector by a method similar to that discussed in Section 1.4; and ISAMAX computes the index of the vector component that gives the maximum absolute value of all the components.In Level 2,SGEMV computes the product of a matrix and a vector and in Level 3,SGEMM computes the product of a matrix and a matrix.






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