
出版時間:2002-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:姚林生  頁數(shù):247  


  《大學英語口語(上冊)》課文內(nèi)容與大學生的生活、學習、思想、行為、情操、成功緊密相關(guān),都是年輕人感興趣且樂于交談的話題,且適合當代我國大學生學習英語口語的特定環(huán)境。在提高大學生用英語進行口頭交際的強烈欲望的同時,《大學英語口語(上冊)》有意識地把語言形式與社會語境結(jié)合起來,注重對大學生自身素質(zhì)的提高?! ”咎捉滩墓卜稚?、下兩冊。為了能讓學生盡快地完成從校園生活到社會生活的順利過渡,在選材上,上冊側(cè)重于學習生活、娛樂交際、文化習俗等內(nèi)容;下冊側(cè)重于商務禮儀、涉外交流、國際合作等內(nèi)容。


Unit 1 The Secret of SuccessUnit 2 Good Marks and Study MethodUnit 3 Learn to DebateUnit 4 How to Become a Fluent English Speaker?Unit 5 Coming Down from Your "Ivory Tower"Unit 6 Manners, Behaviour and PersonalityUnit 7 Love,Sex and MarriageUnit 8 What Is Happiness and Where Is It?Unit 9 Where Does My Tuition Come from?Unit 10 Cheating, Plagiarism and Corruption of Social MoralsUnit 11 Preparing for an Oral Test on ComputerUnit 12 The Secrets and Skills of InterviewUnit 13 Market for Human ResourcesUnit 14 Going Abroad to Pursue Advanced StudyUnit 15 Exercise Reaps Good HealthUnit 16 Young People Universally Crave RecreationUnit 17 Helping to Prevent CrimeUnit 18 A Day of Ms. Zhou Dongmei at Washington UniversityUnit 19 Doctor Claire Bundey Is Teaching in a Chinese CollegeUnit 20 Wave PowerKey to the Exercises



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