
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:陳立華 編  頁數(shù):246  字?jǐn)?shù):370000  


《英語閱讀教程》分上、下兩冊,供一學(xué)年教學(xué)使用。教材每冊分為l6個單元,每單元課文分別由A、B、C三大部分組成。A部分課文主要選自當(dāng)代英文報紙,內(nèi)容包括新聞?wù)?、文化、體育報道、財經(jīng)報道、科技報道、生活欄目等。A部分的訓(xùn)練重點是快速閱讀,要求學(xué)生參考規(guī)定時間計時閱讀,經(jīng)常檢查閱讀速度是否加快,理解能力是否提高。B部分課文選自當(dāng)代英、美書刊,內(nèi)容包括英、美國家人文地理、民俗典故及社會生活的方方面面。每課課文后附有各種不同形式的練習(xí)題,要求學(xué)生熟知課文內(nèi)容,理解課文的段落大意和中心思想,能夠根據(jù)上下文猜測生詞的意思,學(xué)會歸納要點、撰寫內(nèi)容提要。B部分還簡略介紹基本閱讀技巧與方法,訓(xùn)練學(xué)生將閱讀技巧運(yùn)用到實踐中去。課文前的預(yù)熱練習(xí)是為了調(diào)動學(xué)生的積極性,鼓勵學(xué)生主動地參與到閱讀中來,使課堂氣氛熱烈、活躍。C部分課文選白英語經(jīng)典文學(xué)作品,內(nèi)容包括優(yōu)秀短篇小說、經(jīng)典詩歌、散文、短篇劇作及長篇小說選讀等。每課課文前介紹基本的文學(xué)理論與文學(xué)評論知識,課后附加一定的思考題與分析題,目的在于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生分析、鑒賞文學(xué)作品的能力,了解常見的文學(xué)評論知識。所有課文內(nèi)容思想健康,具有知識性和趣味性。各個單元閱讀量都較大,選材范圍廣,題材、體裁力求多樣化,語言地道,形式新穎。在閱讀材料的難易程度安排上,盡可能做到由淺入深、循序漸進(jìn)。所編練習(xí)力求實用性強(qiáng),可操作性強(qiáng),切實幫助學(xué)生理解課文難點,把握重點,掌握高效、實用的閱讀方法。書后附有練習(xí)參考答案。    在使用《英語閱讀教程》的過程中,應(yīng)從學(xué)生的實際水平出發(fā),指導(dǎo)學(xué)生循序漸進(jìn)地閱讀各類題材的讀物。第一學(xué)期閱讀速度的起點為每分鐘l20個單詞,逐漸提高,理解準(zhǔn)確率為70%;第二學(xué)期閱讀速度則從每分鐘140個單詞開始,逐漸達(dá)到每分鐘l80個,最后應(yīng)達(dá)到約220個單詞左右的閱讀速度,理解準(zhǔn)確率不低于75%。在課堂教學(xué)中,教師應(yīng)按泛讀課教學(xué)大綱的綜合要求,結(jié)合教材的特點,采取靈活多樣的教學(xué)方法。同時要通過各種方式對學(xué)員進(jìn)行測試和檢查,以了解學(xué)員對閱讀內(nèi)容的掌握程度和存在的問題,及時采取改進(jìn)措施。


Unit1 Section A Hawaii--Jiang's First US Stop Section B What's Right about Reading Section C A NincompoopUnit2 Section A The Handsome and Deformed Leg Section B Useful Companions Section C The Wrong HouseUnit3 Section A Fables Section B When Your Child Talks Back Section C Important ThingsUnit4 Section A You and Your Image Section B You Are What You Give Section C The Eskimo WidowUnit5 Section A Questionnaire on Longevity Section B How to Live to Be a Hundred Section C The TurtleUnit6 Section A The E Diet Section B If You Think We Think Alike, Think Again Section C Hills Like White ElephantsUnit7 Section A Making Up the Difference Section B Before Thieves Come Calling Section C The Talking FlowersUnit8 Section A  How Did You Meet Dad, Mum? Section B Closing the Gap Section C The Tell-tale HeartUnit9 Section A San Francisco Top 10  Section B The New Way to Buy Used Car  Section C A Sunrise on the VeldUnit10  Section A It All Started in Kindergarten  Section B Boys Are Teachers' Pets  Section C My Heart's in the HighlandsOh, My Love is Like a Red, Red RoseUnit11  Section A China, US Clear Trade Barriers  Section B Live Well on One Income  Section C Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's E  How Do I Love Thee?Unit12  Section A The American Way: Friendship  Section B Should the Press Be Human?  Section C I Want a WifeUnit13  Section A The Einstein Enigma  Section B The World's Most Wanted  ……Unit14Unit15Unit16練習(xí)參考答案


  Feeling for the grass-edge of the path with his toes,he reached inside another windowfurther along the wall,where he had left his gun the night before.The steel wasicy,and hisnumbed fingers slipped along it so that he had to hold the gun under his arm for safety.Thenhe tiptoed to the room where the dogs slept.He was worried that they might have been tempted to go before he came,but they were waiting for him,sitting up on the cold floor restless to go.When they saw the gun they began swinging their tails excitedly,but his warning whisper keptthem secret and silent tilI they were hundred Vards away from the house:then they rushed offinto the bush,barking with delight.The boy imagined his parents turning in their beds andmuttering:Those dogs again!Before they were dragged back into sleep;and he smiled scomfully.He always looked back over his shoulder at the house before he passed the Iine of trees thalshut it from sight.It looked so low and small under the tall and brilliant sky.Then he turned hisback on it and on his sleeping parents,and forgot lhem.


  《英語閱讀教程(上)》特色:  權(quán)威性:本套教材系教育部師范司組編的英語專業(yè)規(guī)劃教材。編者與審者均為國內(nèi)知名專家、教授及多年從事師范英語教學(xué)的優(yōu)秀教師。針對性:本套教材汲取了國內(nèi)外最新外語教學(xué)研究成果,理論與實踐并重,針對中學(xué)進(jìn)修教師實際需要精心編寫。實用性:本套教材在選材與練習(xí)設(shè)計上以培養(yǎng)學(xué)習(xí)者綜合語言應(yīng)用能力為宗旨,注重提高其業(yè)務(wù)能力。



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