出版時間:2000-3 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:教育部《實用英語》教材編寫組 編 頁數(shù):100
《實用英語》是一套供高等??茖W校使用的英語教材。本教材的編寫以國家教育委員會1993年頒發(fā)的《普通高等專科英語課程教學基本要求》為依據(jù)?!痘疽蟆芬?guī)定:普通高等??朴⒄Z課程教學的目的是,培養(yǎng)學生掌握必需的、實用的英語語言知識和技能,具有閱讀和翻譯與本專業(yè)有關(guān)的英文資料的初步能力,并為進一步提高英語的應用能力打下一定的基礎?! 榱梭w現(xiàn)上述教學目的,在編寫《實用英語》過程中我們既注意吸收現(xiàn)代外語教學理論中適合我國英語教學實際的某些觀點,又采納傳統(tǒng)外語教學的某些合理部分,結(jié)合我國外語教學中行之有效的理論和方法及現(xiàn)狀,力求正確處理好語言基礎和語言應用的關(guān)系,突出加強語言能力的培養(yǎng)和實際運用,最終達到使學生通過兩年的學習,具有閱讀和翻譯與本專業(yè)有關(guān)的英文資料的初步能力,并為今后進一步提高英語的應用能力打下一定的基礎。 《基本要求》將??朴⒄Z課程教學分為兩個階段:第一階段應重視語言共核教學,培養(yǎng)基本的語言技能;第二階段應結(jié)合專業(yè),強調(diào)基本的閱讀和翻譯技能在本專業(yè)的實際應用。為了體現(xiàn)這一教學安排,本套教材也分成兩個階段。第一階段包括《綜合教程》和《泛讀教程》各3冊,第二階段包括《實用業(yè)務英語》1冊。《綜合教程》和((泛讀教程》是《實用業(yè)務英語》的基礎,并在教學內(nèi)容、技能培養(yǎng)方面逐漸向《實用業(yè)務英語》過渡;《實用業(yè)務英語》是《綜合教程》和《泛讀教程》的總結(jié)和提高,并結(jié)合學生畢業(yè)后使用英語的需要,側(cè)重于實用文體的閱讀和翻譯、實用英語口語的訓練和實用文體模擬寫作方面的訓練?! ”緯鵀椤斗鹤x教程》第一冊,供第一學期與《綜合教程》配套使用。本冊共有10個單元,每個單元由3篇文章組成。文章A(Passage A)為重點泛讀材料,供課堂上使用;文章B(Passage B)為快速限時閱讀材料,既可在課堂上使用,也可在課后由學生獨立完成。每篇文章均標出詞數(shù)和建議閱讀時間,學生完成后,教師只需在課堂上核對一下答案,學生就可以知道自己的閱讀成績;文章C(Passage C)為課外閱讀材料。全書選文既注意了與《綜合教程》的配合,又體現(xiàn)了多樣化,內(nèi)容包括外國風情、生活趣事、科普知識、金融貿(mào)易、學習策略等。我們認為有趣的文章才能激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,注意趣味性與知識性的結(jié)合,兼顧文理工各專業(yè)是我們選材的標準。本書書末附有閱讀文章中出現(xiàn)的所有生詞,用中英文注釋。為了培養(yǎng)學生查閱字典的能力,在詞匯表的編排中,我們給予多種詞義,供學生查閱、選擇、判斷詞匯在文章中的具體含義?! ∥覀兿嘈?,這樣安排有利于擴大學生的閱讀量,有利于學生實際閱讀能力的提高,還有利于課堂組織教學。
《實用英語》系列教材是教育部規(guī)劃的一套高職高專通用的教材。《實用英語泛讀教程》為該系列教材《泛讀教程》第一冊,《實用英語泛讀教程》共有10單元,每單元分A、B、C三篇文章。文章A為重點泛讀材料,供課堂上使用;文章B為快速限時閱讀材料,既可在課堂上使用,也可在課后由學生獨立完成;文章C為課外閱讀材料?!秾嵱糜⒄Z泛讀教程》選文新穎,趣味性強,語言地道,難易適度。編者力求將課上學習與課外閱讀相結(jié)合,使學生能更快、更有效地提高閱讀能力?! ∨c第一版相比,《實用英語泛讀教程1》(第二版)更換了部分閱讀文章和練習;為了便于學生自學,書后加附了所有練習的參考答案。
1.Passage A: The Successful Language LearnerPassage B: For Your Information (Speed Reading)Passage C: Color2.Passage A: Bring the Past to LifePassage B: Rent Control (Speed Reading)Passage C: The Population of the United States3.Passage A: The Problems of International TradePassage B: Your Money (Speed Reading)Passage C: My Bank Account4.Passage A: Being on TimePassage B: Polite or Rude (Speed Reading)Passage C: Parties5.Passage A: GesturePassage B: Where Is the Beef? (Speed Reading)Passage C: Best Teacher I Ever Had6.Passage A: Equality of Opportunity and CompetitionPassage B: How to Shine at an Interview (Speed Reading)Passage C: "Where Theres a Will, There Is a Way"7.Passage A: Children Often Do Humorous ThingsPassage B: Long-term Memory (Speed Reading)Passage C: Steps to the Future8.Passage A: How Unsafe Is It?Passage B: A Working Relationship (Speed Reading)Passage C: A Special Physical Examination9.Passage A: Communications of the FuturePassage B: "High Tech" and "State of the Art" (Speed Reading)Passage C: Whats So Good About the Information Age?10.Passage A: Protection for Consumers in USAPassage B: Getaway People Use XYZ Petrol (Speed Reading)Passage C: Scan This Web SiteGlossaryKey to the Exercises
"Are you the manager?" I said. God knows I didnt doubt it. "Yes," he said. "Can I see you, " I asked, "alone?" I didnt want to say "alone" again, but without this word the question seemed useless. The manager looked at me with some anxiety. He felt that I had a terrible secret to tell. "Come in here," he said, and led me the way to a private room. He turned the key in the lock. "We are safe from interruption here," he said, "sit down." We both sat down and looked at each other. I found no voice to speak. "You are one of Pinkertons detectives, I suppose," he said. My mysterious manner had made him think that I was a detective. I knew what he was thinking, and it made me worse. "No, not from Pinkertons," I said, seeming to mean that I was from a rival agency. "To tell the truth," I went on, as if someone had urged me to tell lies about it, "1 am not a detective at all. I have come to open an account. I intend to keep all my money in this bank." The manager looked relieved but still serious; he felt sure now that I was a very rich man, perhaps a son of Baron Rothschild? "A large account, I suppose," he said. "Fairly large," I whispered. "I intend to place in this bank the sum of fifty-six dollars now and fifty dollars a month regularly." The manager got up and opened the door. He called to the accountant. "Mr. Montgomery," he said, unkindly loud, "this gentleman is opening an account. He will place fifty-six dollars in it. Good morning2. I stood up. A big iron door stood open at the side of the room. "Good morning," I said, and walked into the safe. "Come out," said the manager coldly, and showed me the other way. I went up to the accountants position and pushed the ball of money at him with a quick, sudden movement as if I were doing a sort of trick. My face was terribly pale. "Here," I said, "put it in my account." The sound of my voice seemed to mean, "Let us do this painful thing while we feel that we want to do it." He took the money and gave it to another clerk. He made me write the sum on a bit of paper and sign my name in a book. I no longer knew what I was doing. The bank seemed to swim before my eyes. "Is it in the account?" I asked in a hollow, shaking voice. "It is," said the accountant. "Then I want to draw a cheque."
《實用英語》系列教材——??茖哟瓮ㄓ糜⒄Z教材 權(quán)威性:《實用英語》由教育部規(guī)劃并推薦使用。編者與審者均是國內(nèi)知名專家教授及多年從事英語教學的優(yōu)秀教師?! ∠冗M性:《實用英語》積極吸收了國內(nèi)外最新外語教學研究成果及教材編寫理論,創(chuàng)造了專科層次英語教學的嶄新體系。 實用性:《實用英語》體現(xiàn)了提高學生語言應用能力的宗旨,《實用業(yè)務英語》更 密切結(jié)合了學生畢業(yè)后實際工作的需要?! ⊥ㄓ眯裕骸秾嵱糜⒄Z》在選材和練習設計上,注意了文、理、工各科知識的相互滲透,滲透,兼顧了各專業(yè)的需要。