
出版時間:2000-7  出版社:高等教育  作者:《英語》教材編寫組 編  頁數(shù):255  


  《英語5》、《英語6》和《英語5、6冊答案和譯文》是為由專科升入本科的學(xué)生編寫的一套非英語專業(yè)英語教材。本套教材繼承了前幾冊“既注意打好英語語言基礎(chǔ),又注意培養(yǎng)學(xué)生實際使用英語進(jìn)行涉外交際能力”的學(xué)用結(jié)合的編寫原則,同時還與大學(xué)英語教學(xué)大綱四級的教學(xué)要求相銜接。  《英語5》和《英語6》各包括10個單元,每個單元主要包括“閱讀”、“應(yīng)用文套寫”、“聽與說”、“自我評估”和“快樂學(xué)習(xí)”等部分。“閱讀”部分分為“實用閱讀”和“閱讀欣賞”,前者的選文著重實用性和交際性,后者的選文則注重文體的多樣性和可欣賞性;“應(yīng)用文套寫”選用涉外交際應(yīng)用文,根據(jù)所給的樣例訓(xùn)練學(xué)生理解和套寫有關(guān)英語應(yīng)用文的能力;“聽與說”是本套教材的重要組成部分,其中“說”突出口語涉外交際的實用需要,而“聽”則注重適當(dāng)拓寬聽力訓(xùn)練的范圍??紤]到有些語法難點學(xué)生不易掌握,需要不斷實踐鞏固,而大學(xué)英語四級考試又有專門測試語法技能的要求,《英語5》保留了“語法要點”部分,運用正誤對比的方式,對這些語法難點進(jìn)行了歸納和專項練習(xí)?!队⒄Z6》則針對學(xué)生寫作訓(xùn)練中常出現(xiàn)的結(jié)構(gòu)錯誤編寫了圍繞語法技能的寫作練習(xí);“快樂學(xué)習(xí)”則是為了調(diào)節(jié)學(xué)習(xí)氣氛,同時幫助學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)欣賞幽默英語的能力?!  队⒄Z5》和《英語6》每單元的“自我評估”部分編寫了與大學(xué)英語四級考試大體等值的各項語言技能的訓(xùn)練練習(xí),使學(xué)生能在整個學(xué)習(xí)過程中不斷進(jìn)行自我檢測?!队⒄Z5》和《英語6》還分別編有兩套大學(xué)英語四級考試模擬試題,供學(xué)生作階段性的自我綜合檢測使用?! 榱吮阌诮虒W(xué)和自學(xué),《英語5》和《英語6》的詞匯起點都是《英語4》的詞匯終點?!  队⒄Z5、6冊答案和譯文》給出了《英語5》和《英語6》中所有練習(xí)的參考答案和課文參考譯文。  總之,本套教材是為專升本的學(xué)生編寫的一種極富特色的新教程,構(gòu)思獨特,編排新穎,比較合理地體現(xiàn)了“專升本”英語教學(xué)的特色。  《英語6》總主編為大連理工大學(xué)外語系孔慶炎教授,主編為大連理工大學(xué)外語系姜怡副教授.大連理工大學(xué)美籍教師韋爾瓦·甫琳(Velva Fallin)女士審讀了全書。中央廣播電視大學(xué)劉黛琳教授和孫建華老師為本書的編寫提出了許多寶貴的建議和修改意見,編者在此一并表示深深的謝意。


  《英語5》、《英語6》和《英語5、6冊答案和譯文》是為??粕氡究频膶W(xué)生編寫的一套非英語專業(yè)英語教材。本套教材既注意打好英語語言基礎(chǔ),又注意培養(yǎng)學(xué)生實際使用英語進(jìn)行涉外交際的能力,同時還與大學(xué)英語教學(xué)大綱四級的教學(xué)要求相銜接?!  队⒄Z(非英語專業(yè)本科用)(6)》共10個單元,每單元分為“閱讀”、“應(yīng)用文套寫”、“聽與說”、“自我評估”和“快樂學(xué)習(xí)”五部分。第5單元和第lo單元之后還編有大學(xué)英語四級考試模擬試卷各一套。各單元的“自我評估”部分根據(jù)大學(xué)英語四級考試的題型編寫,有利于學(xué)生自我檢測。


Unit 1 Learn a Foreign Language for your eareer 1Reading 1Practical reading Why Do People Learn Foreign Languages? 1Reading for appreciation Annabel Lee 6Writing The Center for English Language Education (CELE)End of Course Report 9Listening and Speaking 14Self-Assessment 18Merry Learning 21Unlt 2 Job Hunt 22Reading 22Practical reading Job Advertisements 22Reading for appreciation Prize Fight 29Writing Resume with a Cover Letter 33Listening and Speaking 38Self-Assessment 42Merry Learning 45Unit 3 Foreign Friends with us 46Reading 46Practical reading William Empson Taught English in China 46Reading for appreciation When I Was in America 52Writing Letters of Complaint 54Listening and Speaking 58Self-Assessment 61Merry Learning 65Unit 4 Movement to the Far West 66Reading 66Practical reading The West Coast Valleys 66Reading for appreciation A Bilingual Childhood 72Writing Tour Guide Speech 74Listening and Speaking 78Self-Assessment 81Merry Learning 84Unit 5 Chinese Arts 85Reading 85Practical reading I Love Chinese Martial Arts 85Reading for appreciation Beijing Opera: A Glowing Pearl of Oriental Art 91Writing Poster for Performance 94Listening and Speaking 98Self-Assessment 101Merry Learning 104Mode Test 1 105Unit 6 Milestone in Medical Science 116Reading 116Practical reading Clones: A Milestone in Medical Science 116Reading for appreciation Robots Will Roll into Operating Rooms 122Writing Medicine Prescription 125Listening and Speaking 129Self-Assessment 132Merry Learning 136Unit7 Jnvestment in China 137Reading 137Practical reading A Key to Successful Investment in China 137Reading for appreciation Causes Behind the Asian Crisis 143Writing Memorandum of Understanding 146Listening and Speaking 151Self-Assessment 153Merry Learning 156Unit 8 Employment and Contract 157Reading 157Practical reading Seeking Employment Opportunities 157Reading for appreciation Explanation on the Draft Contract Law 161Writing Contract 164Listening and Speaking 170Self-Assessment 173Merry Learning 176Unit 9 Privacy and Plagiarism 177Reading 177Practical reading Public Interest and Private Lives 177Reading for appreciation Plagiarism Exposed at University 183Writing Patent 187Listening and Speaking 192Self-Assessment 195Merry Learning 198Unit 10 public Speaking 199Reading 199Practical reading The Art of Public Speaking 199Reading for appreciation Excerpt from President Nixon s Remarks at Andrews Air Force Base 205Writing Invitation for Bids 208Listening and Speaking 213Self-Assessment 216Merry Learning 219Mode Test 2 220Vocabulary 231


  6.Here is the summary of some useful pattems. Read them carefully and try to remember them.  1. William Empson came to China on the eve of the Slno-Japanese War to teach at Na-tional Peking University as professor of English.  ——Dr. Bethune came to China during the anti-Japanese war to work in the hospital as medi-cal expert.  ——Mr. Green came to Binhai City at the beginning of this term to work at Binhai College as football coach.  2. Empson joined the English faculty there and shared a bedroom with George Yeh, head of the English Department.  ——Mr. Green joined the company there and shared an office with Mr. Wang, the sales manager.  —— The scientist joined the research center and shared the lab with Mr. William, his col-league.  3. At that time I was a third-year student in the English Department and had the good fortune of being taught two courses by Empson.  ——At that time I was a secretary in the company and had the luck of being supported by the manager.  ——At that time he was a green hand in the factory and had the good fortune of being trained by some specialists.  4. Empson was 31, unmarried, full of physical vigour and intellectual alertness, but some-what eccentric.  ——Mr. Green is 28, newly married, full of enthusiasm and creativity, but a little bit careless.  ——Fang Fang is 25, young and beautiful, full of love for her work, but somewhat timid.  5. But what amazed all of us was his prodigious memory.  ——But what surprised all of them was his outstanding endurance.  ——But what astonished all of us was her wide knowledge about this country.  ——But what impressed us greatly was the beauty of the farmland.  6. Empson had a strong British accent, which was a little difficult for Chinese students.  ——The repairman had a strong local accent, which was a little hard for me.  ——The doctor has a kind smile, which is a comfort for the patients.  ——The coach has a very hot temper, which is a bit hard for the players.



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