
出版時(shí)間:1900-01-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:韓志先 等主編  頁(yè)數(shù):298  


本書(shū)為《英語(yǔ)閱讀教程》第四冊(cè),包括10單元,40篇課文。課文內(nèi)容多為人物傳記、歷史故事、文藝小說(shuō)、各地風(fēng)情、科普知識(shí)等。課文長(zhǎng)度為1100~1400詞之間,詞匯難度在5000基本詞之內(nèi)。   本書(shū)的編排體例與前三冊(cè)基本相同。在“學(xué)習(xí)閱讀技能”部分中,本書(shū)著重介紹了略讀和跳讀并配有各種形式的閱讀材料,以期學(xué)生能通過(guò)本套泛讀課本的學(xué)習(xí),綜合運(yùn)用多種閱讀技巧,最終達(dá)到快速閱讀、充分理解、獲得信息的目的。書(shū)后附有參考答案。   本書(shū)配有學(xué)習(xí)輔導(dǎo)書(shū),輔導(dǎo)書(shū)內(nèi)容包括:閱讀文章難點(diǎn)注釋及參考譯文。


Unit  I  Texts 1-4  IA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed   1. In Search of Silence    2. Robert Baden-Powell, Secret Agent    3. Safeguarding Life    4. Along the Mighty Thames      IB  Learning about Reading Skills      IC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  II  Texts 5-8  IIA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed    5. The House That Hippo Built    6. Religions of the East    7. Manners Here, Manners There    8. The House of Alphonse      IIB  Learning about Reading Skills      IIC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  III  Texts 9-12  IIIA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed    9. Weather Catastrophe--Then and Now?   10. The Chimp-O-Mat    11. The Noisy World of the Skindiver    12. The Wisdom of Socrates  IIB  Learning about Reading Skills  IIIC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  IV  Texts 13-16  IVA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed     13. Telltale Trees     14. Six Months in Another World     15. The Strange Saga of Ivan the Terrible     16. Our Greatest Possession  IVB  Learning about Reading Skills  IVC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  V  Texts 17-20  VA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed    17. Sweet Jubilee    18. On Being Translated into English    19. Organized-Crime    20. Lady of the Wasteland  VB  Learning about Reading Skills  VC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  VI  Texts 21-24  VIA  Reading for Comprehension and Speed    21. The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse    22. I've Thumbed My Last Ride   23. The "Upstart Crow"     24. The People Will Live on  VIB  Learning about Reading Skills  VIC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit  VII  Texts 25-28  VIIA  Reading for Comprehension and Spe    25. Needed: An International Language    26 .Jet-Age Smugglers   27 .Is a Raee of Robots Possible?    28. The Sun Also Rises  VIIB  Learning about ReadingSklls  VIIC  Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed ……Unit  VIII Texts 29-32Unit  IX Texts  33-36Unit  X Texts 37-40Key to Exercise



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