出版時間:2013-3 出版社:科學(xué)出版社
生物燃料領(lǐng)域是生物技術(shù)相關(guān)學(xué)科中被討論得最多的研究領(lǐng)域。《生物燃料 可再生能源、農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和技術(shù)進步對全球的影響(影印版)》藝術(shù)地總結(jié)了生物燃料的經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)狀、農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)力和可持續(xù)發(fā)展,以及全球視角。本書很好的把生物燃料的知識分隔成了不同的章節(jié)和特定知識點,使之更易閱讀和理解。此外,每章的參考文獻(xiàn)都是進一步研究的寶貴資源。
Dwight Tomes為艾奧瓦州約翰斯頓市,杜邦先鋒(DuPont Pioneer)公司特質(zhì)研發(fā)和技術(shù)組研究員。自1982年以來,其主要職責(zé)為在幾個玉米農(nóng)業(yè)性狀地區(qū)進行多種作物物種和性狀的轉(zhuǎn)化技術(shù)研發(fā)?,F(xiàn)任期刊In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology—Plant的主編。PrakashLakshmanan博士在澳大利亞糖業(yè)試驗站管理局(BSES Limited),David North植物研究中心領(lǐng)導(dǎo)分子育種計劃。他的研究重點是通過對植物生長和資源利用效率的調(diào)控實現(xiàn)作物改良。自1998年以來,他致力于一個主要的工業(yè)和生物燃料作物——甘蔗的研究。David Songstad于南達(dá)科他州立大學(xué)獲得微生物學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位和植物學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,又于田納西大學(xué)獲得了植物和土壤科學(xué)博士學(xué)位。他曾經(jīng)分別工作于伊利諾伊大學(xué)和加拿大植物生物技術(shù)研究所,并曾在Pioneer Hi-Bred和孟山都兩家公司從事玉米組織培養(yǎng)和玉米轉(zhuǎn)化技術(shù)的研發(fā)工作。他現(xiàn)在主持孟山都公司全球新產(chǎn)品計劃。
1 Historical Perspective of Biofuels: Learning from the Past to Rediscover the Future David Songstad, Prakash Lakshmanan, John Chen, William Gibbons, Stephen Hughes, and R. Nelson 2 The DOE BioEnergy Science Center-A U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergys Research Center Russ Miller and Martin Keller 3 Drivers Leading to Higher Food Prices: Biofuels are not the Main Factor Paul Armah, Aaron Archer, and Gregory C. Phillips 4 The Economics of Current and Future Biofuels Ling Tao and Andy Aden 5 A Multiple Species Approach to Biomass Production from Native Herbaceous Perennial Feedstocks J.L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, G. Sarath, J.M. Stein, V. Owens, K. Gedye, and A. Boe 6 Development and Status of Dedicated Energy Crops in the United States Russell W. Jessup 7 Genetic Improvement of C4 Grasses as Cellulosic Biofuel Feedstocks Katrin Jakob, Fasong Zhou, and Andrew H. Paterson 8 Short-Rotation Woody Crops for Bioenergy and Biofueis Applications Maud Hinchee, William Rottmann, Lauren Mullinax, Chunsheng Zhang, Shujun Chang, Michael Cunningham, Leslie Pearson, and Narender Nehra 9 The Brazilian Experience of Sugarcane Ethanol Industry Sizuo Matsuoka, Jesus Ferro, and Paulo Arruda 10 Biofuels: Opportunities and Challenges in India Mambully Chandrasekharan Gopinathan and Rajasekaran Sudhakaran 11 Biofuels in China: Opportunities and Challenges Feng Wang, Xue-Rong Xing, and Chun-Zhao Liu 12 Genetic Modification of Lignin Biosynthesis for Improved Biofuel Production Hiroshi Hisano, Rangaraj Nandakumar, and Zeng-Yu Wang 13 Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol: The Role of Plant-Expressed Enzymes Manuel B. Sainz 14 Integrated Biorefineries with Engineered Microbes and High-value Co-products for Profitable Biofuels Production W. R. Gibbons and S. R. Hughes 15 Biodiesel Production, Properties, and Feedstocks Bryan R. Moser Erratum Index
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: For example, a single uredinium (pustule) of the rust fungus Puccinia sparganioides (Ash-Cordgrass rust) can produce thousands of urediniospores and these propagules can easily become airborne. However, the probability that any given spore will land on a susceptible host (namely prairie cordgrass) is inversely proportional to the density and diversity of the host species in a given area. In other words, if another susceptible host is too far away from the infected source plant, then the chances of the epidemic progressing to a substantial level are minimal. In contrast, monocultures are composed of single plant species and are often very genetically uniform. This greatly increases the chance that pathogens and pests will be able to spread within a given location and more importantly that such organisms can become highly adapted to a given host genotype and impact the crop even more dramatically. The loss of genetic variability through the process of selection and varietal improvement and the subsequent planting of crop monocultures are the primary reasons why pathogens and pests should be study extensively in perennial feedstock crops. A variety of fungi and water molds, bacteria and mollicutes, protozoa, and nematodes can be pathogenic to plants and there are also several virus and viroid groups that utilize plants as a host. Similarly, many different insect and mite species can feed on plants and cause damage. The potential effects of diseases and pests on herbaceous perennial feedstock crops like prairie cordgrass and little bluestem can be organized into three general groupings based on what the final impact(s) will be (a) photosynthetic capacity, (b) plant-water relations, and (c) seed production and viability. It should be noted that these groupings are not mutually exclusive but are simply used in this review to partition impacts into concise categories. The most obvious impact in terms of economic importance to feedstock crops is the disruption of photosynthetic capacity. Specifically, if the ability of a plant to photosynthesize is reduced, then the potential to produce aboveground biomass will be limited. Reductions can occur through physical means, such as when a pest feeds on a leaf. A prime example would be locust swarms where complete or near-complete defoliation of plants is known to occur, often over enormous regions (Stewart 1997; Todd et al. 2002; Ceccato et al. 2007). Reductions may also occur when a plant is parasitized by a pathogen and both prairie cordgrass and little bluestem have been documented to be susceptible to multiple foliar pathogens (Mankin 1969;Farr and Rossman 2009), some of which are highly specific (e.g., P. sparganioides on prairie cordgrass). In addition to pathogens, natural stands of prairie cordgrass have also been found to be heavily infested with insects, such as the lygaied lschnodemus falicus (Johnson and Knapp 1996; Boe and Stein 2008, unpublished data). This piercing-sucking bug reduced biomass production of natural stands of prairie cordgrass by 40% in Kansas (Johnson and Knapp, 1996) and could become economically important as the feedstock industry develops.
該書以宏觀視角全方位介紹了生物能源領(lǐng)域的研究、應(yīng)用進展,并分析了生物能源對種植業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)和農(nóng)業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的影響,以及對世界經(jīng)濟的影響。各章節(jié)作者來自不同部門、國家,身份各不相同,從不同視角對生物能源領(lǐng)域做了各自的闡述。 ——朱禎 中國科學(xué)院遺傳與發(fā)育生物學(xué)研究所