
出版時間:2013-1  出版社:科學出版社  作者:柯曉華 編  頁數:229  字數:339000  




Chapter 1 Information Technology and the Third Industrial
Section A Information Technology
1. Cloud Computing
2. Modern Information Technology Departments
3. Hardware
4. Software
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section B The Third Industrial Revolution
1. Five Pilla
2. 3D Printing in the Third Industrial Revolution
3. Notes
4. Exercise
Section C Review, Reading,Computer Terms and Exercise
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
3. Computer Terms
4. Exercise
Chapter 2 System Unit
Introduction :
Section A System Unit,Electronic Data and Itructio
1. System Unit
2. Electronic Data and Itructio
3. Notes
4. Exercise
Section B Buses, Ports, Slots, and Power Supplies
1. Buses
2. Ports
3. Expaion Slots
4. Power Supplies
5, Notes
6. Exercises
Section C Review and Tralation
1. Review
2. Tralation
Chapter 3 Data Structures
Section A Fundamentals and Implementation
1. Data Structure Fundamentals
2. Data Structures Implementation
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section B Cotructed Data Structures
1. Customized Data Types
2. Classes and Objects
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section C Review and Grammar
1. Review
2. Grammar
Chapter 4 Computer Progranuning and Its Languages
Section A Computer Programming
1. Introduction
2. Different Types of Computer Programming
3. Object-Oriented Programming
4. Programming Style
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section B Computer Programming Languages
1. History of Programming Language
2. Low-level Programming Language
3. High-Level Programming Language
4. Notes
5. Exercises
Section C Self-evaluation and Review
1. Selbevaluation
2. Review
Chapter 5 Operating Systems
Section A Description of Operating Systems
1. General Knowledge of Operating Systems
2. The History of Operating Systems
3. Note
4. Exercise
Section B Components of an Operating System
1. A Software Survey
2. The Shell of an Operating System
3. The Kernel of an Operating System
4. Notes
5. Exercises
Section C Reading and Exercise
1. Supplementary Reading
2. Exercise
Chapter 6 Application Software-Database and Multimedia
Section A Database
1. About Database and DBMS
2. Eeatures
3. Applicatio of Databases
4. Database Development Platforms
5. Notes
6. Exercise
Section B Multimedia
1, Introduction
2. The Elements of Multimedia
3. Interactive Multimedia Applicatio
4. Notes
5. Learning Task
Section C Review, Reading and Grammar
1, Review
2. Supplementary Reading
3, Grammar
Chapter 7 Imternet
Section, A Internet Communication
1. The History of the Internet
2. Web Basics
3. Accessing the lnternet
4. Notes
5. Exercise
Section B Internet Applicatio
1. Communieation
2. Web Search Engine
3. Electronic Commerce
4. Data Trafer
5. Globalization and the 21st Gentury
6. Notes
7. Exercises
Section C Reading, Grammar and self-evaluation
1. Supplementary Reading
2. Grammar
3. Self-evaluation
Chapter 8 Computer Network
Section A Network Software
1. Example Networks
2. Protocol Hierarchies
3. Types of Networks
4. Notes
5. Exereises
Section B Network Hardware
1. Guide
2. Physical Communication Channel
3. Basic Hardware Components
4. Notes
5. Exercise
Seetion C Review and Abstracting
I. Review
2. Writing an Abstract
Appendix Common Vocabulary in English for Computer Specialty


版權頁:   插圖:   1.History of Programming Language A programming language is a set of words, codes, and symbols that allow a programmer to give instructions to the computer. Many programming languages exist,each with their own rules, or syntax, for writing these instructions.Programming languages can be classified as low-level and high-level languages. As the first three modern programming languages (Fortran, Lisp, and COBOL) were developed in the 1950s, programming languages had gone through a big change in the time period from the 1950s to the 1990s, which could be divided by a boundary, the 1990s. From back in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, programming languages (like BASIC,PASCAL,C,C++) virtually were very complicated and needed to be thinking about the slow and not enough memory of the computer in that time.Since the 1990s, however,with the unprecedented development of PCs and the rapid growth of the Internet in the mid-1990s, developing a language processor has been no longer so complicated like that of before the 1990s, like PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, C #, etc.Also the Internet created an opportunity for new languages to be adopted. In particular, the Java programming language rose to popularity because of its early integration with the Netscape Navigator web browser, and various scripting languages achieved widespread use in developing customized applications for web servers.Some classical and important programming languages are listed below: Fortran (Formula translation) is the oldest language still in use.Created in 1957 by John Backus, the language was developed to perform high-level scientific,mathematical,statistical computations.Now the language is still used in aerospace, automotive industries,governments, and research institutions.



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