出版時間:2009-7 出版社:科學出版社 作者:李紹順,周虎臣 主編 頁數:493 字數:758000
1 Drug Discovery,Design and Development
1.1 Drug Discovery
1.1.1 A Drug Discovery without a Lead
1.1.2 Lead Discovery
1.2 Lead Modification
1.2.1 Identification of the Active Part:The Pharmacophore
1.2.2 Structure Modificatio to Increase Potency and the
Therapeutic Index
1.3 New Drug Development
1.3.1 General Process of New Drug Development
1.3.2 Preclinical Development and Investigational New Drug
1.4 Problems
2 Recepto
3 Enzymes and Enzyme Inhibition
4 Drug Metabolism
5 Prodrugs and Drug Delivery System
6 Computer Aided Drug Design
7 Central Nervous System Drugs
8 Analgesics and Anesthetics
9 Drugs for Metabolic Syndrome Treatment
10 Agents for Gastrointestinal Diseases
11 Cardiovascular Agents
12 Anticancer Agents
13 Antiviral Agents
14 Antifungal Agents
15 Antibacterials
16 Antiparasitic
17 Inflammatory Diseases and Noteroidal Anti-inflammatory
版權頁: 插圖: 3. 4 Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors A competitive irreversible enzyme inhibitor, also known as an active-site directedirreversible inhibitor or an enzyme inactivator, is a compound whose structure is similar tothat of the substrate or product of the target enzyme and which generally forms a covalentbond to an active site residue. In the case of irreversible inhibition it is not necessary tosustain the inhibitor concentration to retain the enzyme-inhibitor interaction. Because this is anirreversible reaction, once the target enzyme has reacted with the irreversible inhibitor, thecomplex cannot dissociate, and, therefore, the enzyme remains inactive, even in the absenceof additional inhibitor. This effect could translate into the requirement for smaller and fewerdoses of the drug. Even though the target enzyme is destroyed by the irreversible inhibitor, itdoes not mean that only one dose of the drug would be sufficient to destroy the enzymepermanently. Yes, it destroys that copy of the enzyme permanently, but our genes areconstantly encoding more copies of proteins that diminish in concentration. As the enzymeloses activity, additional copies of the enzyme are synthesized, but this process can take hoursor even days. In some cases, however, particularly where genetic translation of the targetenzyme is slow, it may be safer to design reversible inhibitors whose effects can be controlledmore effectively by termination of their administration. The term irreversible is a loose one; either a very stable covalent bond or a labile bondmay be formed between the drug and the enzyme active site. As pointed out earlier, some tight-binding reversible inhibitors also are functionally irreversible.