出版時(shí)間:2012-1 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:Anders.C.Nilsson,劉碧龍 編 頁數(shù):403 字?jǐn)?shù):826250
Noise pollution is a general problem.Structures excited by dynamic forces radiate noise.The art of noise reduction requires an understanding of vibro-acoustics.This topic describes how structures are excited,energy flows from an excitation point to a sound radiating surface,and finally how a structure radiates noise to a surrounding fluid.The aim of this text is to give a fundamental analysis and a mathematical presentation of these phenomena.The text is intended for graduate students,researchers and engineers working in the field of sound and vibration.
Anders C.Nilsson holds MSc in Engineering Physics from University of Lund and Dr.Tech.in Sound and Vibration from Chalmers University in Sweden.Anders C.Nilsson worked with problems on the propagation of sound and sonic booms at Boeing Co.,Seattle,USA.Later he moved to Norway and the Research Division of Det Norske Veritas.At Veritas Anders C.Nilsson worked on the propagation of structureborne sound in large built up structures and on the excitation of plates from flow and cavitation.Anders C.Nilsson then transferred to Denmark and was head of the Danish Acoustical Institute for four years.His main activities in Denmark concerned building acoustics.In 1987,Anders C.Nilsson was appointed professor of Applied Acoustics at KTH in Stockholm,Sweden.He was also the head of the Department of Vehicle Engineering and the founder and head,until 2002,of the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory of Sound and Vibration Research (MWL).Anders C.Nilsson has been a guest professor at James Cook University,Australia,INSA-Lyon in France and at the Institute of Acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and is professor emeritus at MWL,KTH since 2008.His main interests are problems relating to composite structures as well as vehicle acoustics.Bilong Liu received his PhD in acoustics at the Institute of Acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002.Then he worked on noise transmission through aircraft structures at MWL,KTH,Sweden till 2006.
Bilong Liu also holds PhD in applied acoustics from MWL,KTH.During Aug.2004 to Jan.2005,he worked on pipe and pump noise at the University of Western Australia in Perth.From 2007 he has been working as a research professor at the Institute of Acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,and from 2011 he has been acting as an associate editor for an Elsevier journal-Applied Acoustics.His main interests include vibro-acoustics,acoustics materials,fluid-structure interaction,duct acoustics,active noise control,smart acoustic materials and structures.
PrefaceNotationsChapter 1 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH ONE DEGREE OF FREEDOM1.1 A simple mass-spring system1.2 Free vibrations1.3 Transient vibrations1.4 Forced harmonic vibrations1.5 Fourier series1.6 Complex notationProblemsChapter 2 FREQUENCY DOMAIN2.1 Introduction2.2 Frequency response2.3 Correlation functions2.4 Spectral density2.5 Examples of spectral density2.6 Coherence2.7 Time averages of power and energy2.8 Frequency response and point mobility functions2.9 Loss factor2.10 Response of a 1-DOF system,a summaryProblemsChapter 3 WAVES IN SOLIDS3.1 Stresses and strains3.2 Losses in solids3.3 Transverse waves3.4 Longitudinal waves3.5 Torsional waves3.6 Waves on a string3.7 Bending or flexural waves-beams3.8 Waves on strings and beams-a comparison3.9 Flexural waves-plates3.10 Orthotropic plates3.11 Energy flowProblemsChapter 4 INTERACTION BETWEEN LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE WAVES4.1 Generalised wave equation4.2 Intensity4.3 Coupling between longitudinal and transverse waves4.4 Bending of thick beams/plates4.5 Quasi longitudinal waves in thick plates4.6 Rayleigh waves4.7 Sandwich plates-general4.8 Bending of sandwich plates4.9 Equations governing bending of sandwich plates4.10 Wavenumbers of sandwich plates4.11 Bending stiffness of sandwich plates4.12 Bending of I-beamsProblemsChapter 5 WAVE ATTENUATION DUE TO LOSSES AND TRANSMISSION ACROSS JUNCTIONS5.1 Excitation and propagation of L-waves5.2 Excitation and propagation of F-waves5.3 Point excited infinite plate5.4 Spatial Fourier transforms5.5 Added damping5.6 Losses in sandwich plates5.7 Coupling between flexural and inplane waves5.8 Transmission of F-waves across junctions,diffuse incidence5.9 Transmission of F-waves across junctions,normal incidence5.10 Atenuation due to change of cross section5.11 Some other methods to increase attenuation5.12 Velocity level differences and transmission losses5.13 Measurements on junctions between beamsProblemsChapter 6 LONGITUDINAL VIBRATIONS OF FINITE BEAMS6.1 Free longitudinal vibrations in finite beams6.2 Forced longitudinal vibrations in finite beams6.3 The mode summation technique6.4 Kinetic energy of vibrating beam6.5 Mobilities6.6 Mass mounted on a rod6.7 Transfer matricesProblemsChapter 7 FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS OF FINITE BEAMS7.1 Free flexural vibrations of beams7.2 Orthogonality and norm of eigenfunctions7.3 Forced excitation of F-waves7.4 Mode summation and modal parameters7.5 Point mobility and power7.6 Transfer matrices for bending of beams7.7 Infinite periodic structures7.8 Forced vibration of periodic structures7.9 Finite composite beamProblemsChapter 8 FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS OF FINITE PLATES8.1 Free vibrations of simply supported plates8.2 Forced response of a simply supported plate8.3 Forced excitation of a rectangular plate with two opposite sides simply supported8.4 Power and energy8.5 Mobility of plates8.6 The Rayleigh-Ritz method8.7 Application of the Rayleigh-Ritz method8.8 Non flat plates8.9 The effect of an added mass or mass-spring system on plate vibrations8.10 Small disturbances8.11 Plates mounted on resilient layers8.12 Vibration of orthotropic plates8.13 Circular and homogeneous plates8.14 Bending of plates in tensionProblemsReferencesIndex