
出版時(shí)間:2012-1  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:裴定一,王學(xué)理  頁(yè)數(shù):432  字?jǐn)?shù):400000  


Modular Forms with Integral and Half-Integral Weights focuses on the fundamental theory of modular forms of one variable with intergral and half-integral weights.The main theme of the book is the theory of Eisenstein series.It is a fundamental problem to construct a basis of the orthogonal complement of the space of cusp forms;as is well known.this space is spanned by Eisenstein series for any weight greater than or equal to 2.The book proves that the conclusion holds true for weight 3/2 by explicitly constructing a basis of the orthogonal complement of the space of cuspforms.The problem for weight 1/2,which was solved by Serre and Stark,will also be discussed in this book.The book provides readers not only basic knowledge on this topic but also a general survey of modem investigatioii methods of modular forms with integral and half-integral weights.It will be of sigruficant interest to researchers and practitioners in modular forms of mathematics.


Dr.Xueli Wang is a Professor at South China Normal University,China.Dingyi Pei is a Professor at Guangzhou Univefsity,China.


Chapter 1  Theta Functio and Their Traformation Formulae
Chapter 2 Eisetein Series
2.1 Eisetein Series with Half Integral Weight
2.2 Eisetein Series with Integral Weight
Chapter 3 The Modular Group and Its Subgroups
Chapter 4 Modular Forms with Integral Weight or Half-integral
4.1 Dimeion Formula for Modular Forms with Integral Weight
4.2 Dimeion Formula for Modular Forms with Half-Integral
Chapter 5 Operato on the Space of Modular Forms
5.1 Hecke Rings
5.2 A Representation of the Hecke Ring on the Space of Modular
5.3 Zeta Functio of Modular Forms, Functional Equation,Weil
5.4 Hecke Operato on the Space of Modular Forms with
Chapter 6 New Forms and Old Forms
6.1 New Forms with Integral Weight
6.2 New Forms with Half Integral Weight
6.3 Dimeion Formulae for the Spaces of New Forms
Chapter 7 Cotruction of Eisetein Series
7.1 Cotruction of Eisetein Series with Weight > 5/2
7.2 Cotruction of Eisetein Series with Weight 1/2
7.3 Cotruction of Eisetein Series with Weight 3/2
7.4 Cotruction of Cohen-Eisetein Series
7.5 Cotruction of Eisetein Series with Integral Weight
Chapter 8 Well Representation and Shimura Lifting
8.1 Weil Representation
8.2 Shimura Lifting for Cusp Forms
8.3 Shimura Lifting of Eisetein Spaces
8.4 A Congruence Relation between Some Modular Forms
Chapter 9 Trace Formula
9.1 Eichler-Selberg Trace Formula on SL2(Z)
9.2 Eichler-Selberg Trace Formula on Fuchsian Groups
9.3 Trace Formula on the Space Sk+1/2(N,x)
Chapter 10 Intege Represented by Positive Definite Quadratic Forms
10.1 Theta Function of a Positive Definite Quadratic Form and
Its Values at Cusp Points
10.2 The Minimal Integer Represented by a Positive Definite
Quadratic Form
10.3 The Eligible Numbe of a Positive Definite Ternary
Quadratic Form





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