
出版時(shí)間:2011-10  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:徐錦芬,江靜 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):190  


Summary):對(duì)該電影,電視劇集或新聞作大致的介紹,為讀者提供背景知識(shí),掃除文化障礙;場(chǎng)景介紹(Introduction to
the Selected
Words,Phrases& Cultural


Unit 1 Friends Complete the World
Getting Started
Episode 1: Unlikely Friends (ABC News)
Episode 2" Toy Story 3 (Movie Clip)
Interactive Activity 1: What do I Look for Most in a
Episode 3: The Lion King (Movie Clip)
Episode 4: Desperate Housewives (TV Drama Clip)
Interactive Activity 2: Role Play: A Caring Friend
Unit 2 Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Getting Started
Episode 1: Ice Princess (Movie Clip)
Episode 2: The Joy Luck Club (Movie Clip)
Interactive Activity 1: Group Discussion The Changing
Episode 3: The Blind Side (Movie Clip)
Episode 4: Interview with the Tiger Morn (NBC News)
Interactive Activity 2: Role Play: Morn, Can You Stop
Bugging Me?
Unit 3 Journeys End in Lovers' Meeting
Getting Started
Episode 1: The Holiday (Movie Clip)
Episode 2: How to Talk to Girls (NBC News)
Interactive Activity 1: Men are from Mars, Women are from
Episode 3: Madagascar 2: Escape Africa (Movie Clip)
Episode 4: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)
Interactive Activity 2: Presentation on Love and
Unit 4 Education Remains in You
Getting Started
Episode 1: Sister Act (Movie Clip)
Episode 2: Desperate Housewives (TV Drama Clip)
Interactive Activity 1: Interview If I Could Learn Something
New... ~
Episode 3: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)
Episode 4: Yale Med Student Disappears (ABC News)
Interactive Activity 2: What I Really Want to Major in
Unit 5 When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do
Getting Started
Episode 1: Disney Family Museum Honors Mickey's Father (VOA
Special English)
Episode 2: The Bucket List (Movie Clip) Interactive Activity
1: Your Own Bucket List
Episode 3: Rick Steves' Europe: Highlights of Paris (PBS
Documentary) ..
Episode 4: Eat Pray Love (Movie Clip)
Interactive Activity 2: My Traveling Experience
Unit 6 The More the Merrier Getting Started
Episode 1: Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special (Movie Clip)
Episode 2: Rick Steves' European Christmas (PBS
Interactive Activity 1 : East or West?
Episode 3: Friends (TV Drama Clip)
Episode 4: Independence Day (Movie Clip)
Interactive Activity 2: Create a Festival
Unit 7 Save the Planet, Save Ourselves
Getting Started
Episode 1: An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)
Episode 2: An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)
Interactive Activity 1: What Can We Do to Make a Difference
to Our Planet?
Unit 8 The Oscars and the Movies
Unit 9 Work as a Way of Serf-Actualization
Unit 10 Hold Fast to Your Dreams
Unit 11 Fascinating Lives of Celebrities



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  •   上課要用的書(shū) 但是律政俏佳人有段視頻的聲音居然是中文??!最討厭中文配音的了
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  •   很好的書(shū),我們上課用的
  •   書(shū)很好?。±锩娴牡佣己馨裟兀。。。?/li>
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  •   正版書(shū)的印刷相對(duì)較好。
  •   上周四下的訂單,這周四上課要用。這到好,周三到的。也是趕巧。 買(mǎi)個(gè)書(shū)花了一星期。如果我住在偏遠(yuǎn)地方就算了。關(guān)鍵我學(xué)校在武漢 當(dāng)當(dāng)什么時(shí)候效率這么低了

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