出版時(shí)間:2012-2 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:許為厚(Wai How Hui) 著 頁數(shù):189
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 CFD as Numerical Solution to Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs
1.2 Role of Coordinates in CFD
1.3 Outline of the Book
Chapter 2 Derivation of Conservation Law Equations
2.1 Fluid as a Continuum
2.2 Derivation of Conservation Law Equations in Fixed
2.3 Conservation Law Equations in Moving Coordinates
2.4 Integral Equations versus Partial Differential Equations
2.5 The Entropy Condition for Inviscid Flow Computation
Chapter 3 Review of Eulerian Computation for 1-D Inviscid
3.1 Flow Discontinuities and Rankine-Hugoniot Conditions
3.2 Classification of Flow Discontinuities
3.3 Riemann Problem and its Solution
3.4 Preliminary Considerations of Numerical Computation
3.5 Godunov Scheme
3.6 High Resolution Schemes and Limiters
3.7 Defects of Eulerian Computation
Chapter 4 I-D Flow Computation Using the Unified Coordinates
4.1 Gas Dynamics Equations Based on the Unified Coordinates
4.2 Shock-Adaptive Godunov Scheme
4.3 The Use of Entropy Conservation Law for Smooth Flow
4.4 The Unified Computer Code
4.5 Cure of Defects of Eulerian and Lagrangian Computation by the
UC Method
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Comments on Current Methods for Multi-Dimensional Flow
5.1 Eulerian Computation
5.2 Lagrangian Computation
5.3 The ALE Computation
5.4 Moving Mesh Methods
5.5 Optimal Coordinates
Chapter 6 The Unified Coordinates Formulation of CFD
6.1 Hui Transformation
6.2 Geometric Conservation Laws
6.3 Derivation of Governing Equations in Conservation Form
Chapter 7 Properties of the Unified Coordinates
7.1 Relation to Eulerian Computation
7.2 Relation to Classical Lagrangian Coordinates
7.3 Relation to Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian Computation
7.4 Contact Resolution
7.5 Mesh Orthogonality
7.6 Unified Coordinates for Steady Flow
7.7 Effects of Mesh Movement on the Flow
7.8 Relation to Other Moving Mesh Methods
7.9 Relation to Mesh Generation and the Level-Set Function
Chapter 8 Lagrangian Gas Dynamics
8.1 Lagrangian Gas Dynamics Equations
8.2 Weak Hyperbolicity
8.3 Non-Equivalency of Lagrangian and Eularian Formulation
Chapter 9 Steady 2-D and 3-D Supersonic Flow
9.1 The Unified Coordinates for Steady Flow
9.2 Euler Equations in the Unified Coordinates
9.3 The Space-Marching Computation
9.4 Examples
Chapter 10 Unsteady 2-D and 3-D Flow Computation
Chapter 11 Viscous Flow Computation Using Navier-Stokes
Chapter 12 Applications of the Unified Coordinates to Kinetic
Chapter 13 Summary
Appendix A Riemann Problem for 1-D Flow in the Unified
Appendix B Computer Code for 1-D Flow in the Unified Coordinate
插圖:(2) Practical methods for computing solutions with shock discontinuities aredeveloped: the artificial viscosity method of von Neumann and Richtmyer whichsmears shock discontinuities[4]; the Godunov method which reduces the generalinitial value problem to a sequence of Riemann problems with cell-averaging data[5] ;the Glimm random choice method which also reduces the general initial valueproblem to a sequence of Riemann problems but with data of randomly chosenrepresentative states[6, 7]; and the shock-fitting (front tracking) method[S]. Thelast two methods are not easily extended to the three-dimensional flow.(3) A very important discovery was made by Lax and Wendroff[9] that in orderto numerically capture shock discontinuities correctly, the governing PDE shouldbe written in conservation form to begin with. This is easily done in Euleriancoordinates (in any dimensions) and also for one-dimensional flow in Lagrangiancoordinates. But for a long time, it was not known how to use Lagrangian coordinates to write the governing PDEs for multidimensional flows in conservation form.This problem was solved by Hui et al.
《統(tǒng)一坐標(biāo)系下的計(jì)算流體力學(xué)方法》編輯推薦:This book reviews the relative advantages and drawbacks of Eulerian and Lagrangiancoordinates as well as the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) and various moving meshmethods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for one and multidimensional flows.It then systematically introduces the unified coordinate approach to CFD, illustrated withnumerous examples and comparisons to clarify its relation with existing approaches. Thebook is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics.Emeritus Professor Wai-How Hui and Professor Kun Xu both work at the Department ofMathematics of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China.
統(tǒng)一坐標(biāo)系下的計(jì)算流體力學(xué)方法 PDF格式下載