出版時(shí)間:2011-6 出版社:科學(xué) 作者:豪斯 頁數(shù):562
Electromagnetic Noise and Quantum
Optical Measurements is the result of more than 40 years of
research and teaching. The first three chapters provide the
background necessary to understand the basic concepts. Then shot
noise and thermal noise are discussed, followed by linear noisy
multiparts, the quantum theory of waveguides and resonators, an
analysis of phase-insensitive systems, detection, photon
probability distributions, solitons, phase-sensitive amplification,
squeezing, the quantum theory of solitons and squeezing, and
quantum non-demolition measurements. Rich appendices give
additional information. The book is intended for graduate students
and scientists in physics and engineering. Numerous problems and
selected solutions will help readers to deepen their knowledge.
1. Maxwell's Equations, Power, and Energy
2. Waveguides and Resonators
3. Diffraction, Dielectric Waveguides, Optical Fibers,and the Kerr
4. Shot Noise and Thermal Noise
5. Linear Noisy Multiports
6. Quantum Theory of Waveguides and Resonators
7. Classical and Quantum Analysis of Phase-Insensitive Systems
8. Detection
9. Photon Probability Distributions and Bit-Error Rate of a
Channel with Optical Preamplification
10. Solitons and Long-Distance Fiber Communications
11. Phase-Sensitive Amplification and Squeezing
12. Squeezing in Fibers
13. Quantum Theory of Solitons and Squeezing
14. Quantum Nondemolition Measurements and the "Collapse" of the
Wave Function
版權(quán)頁:插圖:It is a fact that shot noise can be reduced bF utilizing the mutual repul-sion among the negatively charged electrons. An electron emitted from thecathode can inhibit the emission of electrons following it. This process is uti-lized to reduce the noise emission from cathodes in traveling-wave tubes.On the other hand, if both the amplitude and the phase of an optical waveare to be detected in a heterodyne experiment (Chap. 8), one cannot rely onthe repulsion effect if the amplitude changes of the wave are to be faithfullyreproduced at frequencies as high as optical frequencies. In this case the fullshot noise level has to be accepted. It turns out that shot noise is the funda-mental noise process required to satisfy the uncertainty principle applied toa simultaneous measurement of the amplitude and phase of an optical fieldin heterodyne detection, as discussed in Chap. 8.