
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:科學出版社  作者:金亞秋  頁數(shù):782  




金亞秋,1970年畢業(yè)于北京大學,1978年中國科學院首批公派出國研究生,1982、1983、1985年分別獲美國麻省理工學院(MlT)科學碩士、電氣工程師,博士學位?,F(xiàn)為復旦大學信息科學與工程學院教授、波散射與遙感信息教育部重點實驗室主任。國家級有突出貢獻的中青年科技專家,上海市勞動模范、國家重點基礎研究973項目首席科學家,IEEE Fellow、Electromagnetics Academy Fellow、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing副主編。曾獲國家自然科學獎等十多項科技獎勵。研究領域為自然環(huán)境中電磁波散射輻射傳輸與傳播、空間遙感與對地監(jiān)測信息理論與技術、復雜系統(tǒng)中計算電磁學等。已在國內(nèi)外發(fā)表530多篇學術論文,已出版10部學術專著與文集。


part 1 polarimetric scattering and sar image information
polarimetric scattering indexes and information entropy of the sar
imagery for surface monitoring
statistics of four stokes parameters in multi-look polarimetric
synthetic aperture radar (sar) imagery
terrain topography inversion using single-pass polarimetric sar
image data
automatic detection of change direction of multi-temporal ers-2 sar
images using twothreshold em and mrf algorithms
automatic detection of terrain surface changes after wenchuan
earthquake, may 2008, from alos sar images using 2em-mrf
analysis of the effects of faraday rotation on space-borne
polarimetric sar observation at p band
deorientation theory of polarimetric scattering targets and
application to terrain surface classification
multiparameters inversion of a layer of vegetation canopy over
rough surface from the system response function based on the
mueller matrix solution of pulse echoes
imaging simulation of polarimetric sar for a comprehensive terrain
scene using the mapping and projection algorithm
automatic reconstruction of buildings objects from multiaspect
meter-resolution sar images
three-dimensional stereo reconstruction of buildings using
polarimetric sar images acquired in opposite directions
calibration and validation of a set of multi-aspect airborne
polarimetric pi-sar data
imaging simulation of bistatic synthetic aperture radar (sar) and
its polarimetric analysis
raw signal processing of stripmap bistatic synthetic aperture
phase unwrapping for sar interferometry based on an ant colony
optimization algorithm
multiple patches and center expartsion algorithms for phase
unwrapping of insar images with dense residues
part 2 vector radiative transfer of complex media
iterative solution of multiple scattering and emission from
inhomogeneous scatter media
iterative inversion from the multi-order mueller matrix solution of
vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of random
inversion of scattering from a layer of rondom spheroids using
iterative solutions of the scalar radiative transfer equation
an approach of the three-dimensional vector radiative transfer
(3d-vrt) equation for inhomogeneous scatter media
iterative inversion of canopy parameters and surface moisture using
the multi-order mueller matrix solution of the vector radiative
transfer equation
scattering and emission from inhomogeneous vegetation canopy and
alien target beneath by using three-dimensional vector radiative
transfer (3d-vrt) equation
iterative approach of high-order scattering solution for vector
radiative transfer of inhomogeneous random media
polarimetric backscattering and shift of polarization angle from
random chiral spheroids
scattering simulation for inhomogeneous layered canopy and random
targets beneath canopies by using the mueller matrix solution of
the pulse radiative transfer
retrievals of underlying surface roughness and moisture from
polarimetric pulse echoes in the specular direction through
stratified vegetation canopy
temporal mueller matrix solution for polarimetric scattering from
inhomogeneous random media of non-spherical scatterers
monitoring and early warning the debris flow and landslides using
vhf radar pulse echoes from layering i.and media
part 3 modeling and data validation of satellite-borne microwave
remote sensing
advancement of chinese meteorological feng yun (fy) and oceanic hai
yang (hy) satellite remote sensing
theory and application for retrieval and fusion of spatial and
temporal quantitative information from complex natural
a genetic algorithm to simultaneously retrieve land surface
roughness and soil wetness
monitoring sandstorms and desertification in northern china using
ssm/i data and getis statistics
monitoring flooding of the huaihe river, china, in summer 2003
using characteristic indeces derived from ssm/i multitemporal
suspended sediment concentrations in the yangtze river estuary
retrieved from the cmodis data
a hybrid algorithm of the bp-ann/ga for classification of urban
terrain surfaces with fused data of landsat etm+ and ers-2
a change detection algorithm for terrain surface moisture mapping
based on multi-year passive microwave remote sensing (examples of
ssm/i and tmi channels)
detection of snow and frost in southern china, january 2008 using
amsr-e scattering and polarization indexes
data validation of chinese microwave fy-3a for retrieval of
atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles during phoenix
typhoon, 2008
automatic detection of main road network in dense urban area using
microwave sar images
an unbiased algorithm for detection of curvilinear structures in
urban remote sensing image
an algorithm for ship wake detection from the synthetic aperture
radar images using the radon transform and topographical image
an improved minimum entropy method for refocusing the moving target
image in the synthetic aperture radar observation
part 4 computational electromagnetics of scattering from randomly
rough surface and volumetric objects
reconstruction of roughness profile of fractal surfaces from
scattering measurement at grazing incidence
simulation of scattering from complex rough surface at low grazing
angle using the gfbm/ saa method
bistatic scattering and transmitting through fractal rough
dielectric surface using fbm/saa method
numerical simulation of bistatic scattering from fractal rough
surface using the forward/ backward iterative method
bistatic scattering and transmitting through a fractal rough
surface with high permittivity using the pbtg-fbm/saa method
numerical simulation of radar surveillance for the ship target and
oceanic clutters in twodimensional model
numerical simulation of scattering from fraetal rough surface in
the finite element method
numerical simulation for bistatic scattering from a target at low
altitude over rough sea surface under em incidence at low grazing
angle by using the finite element method
the finite element method with domain decomposition for
electromagnetic bistatic scattering from the comprehensive model of
a ship on and a target above large-scale rough sea surface
numerical simulation of the doppler spectrum of a flying target
above dynamic oceanic surface by using the fem-ddm method
an fem approach with fft accelerated iterative robin boundary
condition for electromagnetic scattering of a target with strong or
weak coupled underlying randomly rough surface
parameterization of tapered incident wave for electromagnetic
scattering simulation from randomly rough surface
polarimetric scattering from a layer to spatially oriented
metamaterial small spheroids
fast iterative approach to difference scattering from the target
above a rough surface
a hybrid analytic-numerical algorithm of scattering from an object
above a rough surface
bistatic scattering from a three-dimensional object over a randomly
rough surface using the fdtd algorithm
a hybrid ka-mom algorithm for scattering from a 3-d pec target
above a dielectric rough surface
analytical iterative algorithm for fast computation of scattering
from multiple conductive cylinders and the image
dual gpof/dcim for fast computation of the sommerfeld integrals and
electromagnetic scattering from an object partially embedded in
dielectric half-space
bidirectional analytic ray tracing for fast computation of
composite scattering from an electric-large target over randomly
rough surface
scattering and image simulation for reconstruction of 3d pec
objects concealed in a closed dielectric box
stochastic functional analysis of propagation and localization of
cylindrical waves in a twodimensional random medium
scattering simulation and reconstruction of a 3d complex target
using downward- looking step-frequency radar
part 5 remote sensing of lunar surface
numerical simulation of polarimetric radar pulse echoes from lunar
regolith layer with scatter inhomogeneity and rough
simulation of brightness temperature of lunar surface and inversion
of the regolith layer thickness
quantitative estimation of helium-3 spatial distribution in the
lunar regolith layer
sar imaging simulation for an inhomogeneous undulated lunar surface
based on triangulated irregular network
an inversion approach for lunar regolith i.ayer thickness using
optical albedo data and microwave emission simulation
simulation of radar sounder echo from lunar surface and subsurface
a primary analysis of microwave brightness temperature of lunar
surface and chang-e 1 multi-channel radiometer observation and
inversion of regolith layer thickness
the modeling analysis of microwave emission from stratified media
of non-uniform lunar cratered terrain surface for chinese chang-e 1
global inventory of helium-3 in i.unar regolith estimated by
multi-channel microwave radiometer on chang-e 1
diurnal physical temperature at sinus iridum area retrieved from
observations of ce-1 microwave radiometer
publication list


Part 1   Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Image Information Polarimetric Scattering Indexes and Information Entropy of the SAR Imagery for Surface Monitoring .. 3 Statistics of Four Stokes Parameters in Multi-look Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery .. 7 Terrain Topography Inversion Using Single-Pass Polarimetric SAR Image Data .. 17 Automatic Detection of Change Direction of Multi-temporal ERS-2 SAR Images Using Two-Threshold EM and MRF Algorithms .. 28 Automatic Detection of Terrain Surface Changes after Wenchuan Earthquake ,May 2008 ,from ALOS SAR Images Using 2EM-MRF Method .. 36 Analysis of the Effects of Faraday Rotation on Space-borne Polarimetric SAR Observation at P Band .. 41 Deorientation Theory of Polarimetric Scattering Targets and Application to Terrain Surface Classification .. 49 Multiparameters Inversion of a Layer of Vegetation Canopy over Rough Surface from the System Response Function Based on the Mueller Matrix Solution of Pulse Echoes .. 63 Imaging Simulation of Polarimetric SAR for a Comprehensive Terrain Scene Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm .. 75 Automatic Reconstruction of Buildings Objects from Multiaspect eter-Resolution SAR Images .. 91 Three-Dimensional Stereo Reconstruction of Buildings Using Polarimetric SAR Images Acquired in Opposite Directions .. 109 Calibration and Validation of a Set of Multi-Aspect Airborne Polarimetric Pi-SAR Data .. 114 Imaging Simulation of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Its Polarimetric Analysis .. 124 Raw Signal Processing of Stripmap Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar .. 140 Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry Based on an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm .. 152 Multiple Patches and Center Expansion Algorithms for Phase Unwrapping of InSAR Images with Dense Residues .. 167Polarimetric Scattering Indexes and Information Entropy of the SAR Imagery for Surface Monitoring * Jin Ya-Qiu and Chen Fei * IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ,2002 ,40(11) :2502-2506 This work was supported by the China State Key Basic Research Project 2001CB309401 and CNSF 49831060 ,60171009 .Statistics of Four Stokes Parameters in Multi-look Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery* Jin Ya-Qiu and Zhang Nanxiong * Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing ,2002 ,28(4) :610-619。


《Infomation of Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiative Transfer in Natural Media Volume 2(2011-2010)(英文版)》是由科學出版社出版發(fā)行的。



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