
出版時間:2011-4  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:維德雷希特 編  頁數(shù):296  




編者:(美國)維德雷希特(Gary Wiederrecht)


1 納米結(jié)構(gòu)的定向組裝 J M MACLEOD,Università degli studi di
Trieste,Trieste,Italy F ROSEI,Université du
2 有序納米顆粒超結(jié)構(gòu)的生物調(diào)控組裝 W L CHENG,S J TAN,M J CAMPOLONGO,M R HARTMAN,J S
KAHN and D LUO,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY,USA
3 表面的手性分子 C J BADDELEY,University of St.Andrews,St.Andrews,UK G
HELD,University of Reading,Reading,UK
4 納米結(jié)構(gòu)的電子束光刻 D M TENNANT and A R BLEIER,Cornell
5 紫外壓印光刻在納米制造中的現(xiàn)狀 J CHOI,P SCHUMAKER and F XU,Molecular
Imprints,Inc., Austin,TX,USA S V SREENIVASAN,Molecular
Imprints,Inc.,Austin,TX,USA,University of Texas at
6 皮升印刻 E GILI,M CAIRONI and H SIRRINGHAUS,University of
7 分子印刻板:從超分子化學(xué)到納米制造 R SALVIO,J HUSKENS and D N REINHOUDT,University
of Twente,Enschede,The Netherlands
8 分子機(jī)械和馬達(dá) A CREDI,Università di Bologna,Bologna,Italy


版權(quán)頁:插圖:More specifically, functional inks have enabled awide range of applications in the area of displays andmicroelectronics. For example, light emitting poly-mers (LEPs) have been printed to fabricate polymerlight emitting diodes (PLEDs) [4]. Bottom-gateorganic field effect transistors have also been fabri-cated depositing all the active materials(semiconductor, gate dielectric, and electrodes)using lithography-free printing techniques [5,6].Nevertheless, the development of highly conductive,printable inks necessary to fabricate conductor lineswith low parasitics has proved challenging. Recently,the introduction of inks containing metal nanoparti-cles or metal-containing organic complexes hasallowed to print lines with high conductivity usinglow-temperature processes. In the following, we willdiscuss the different types of metal inks available fordisplay and microelectronic applications. Among the large range of applications of ink-jetprinting of functional materials, in this work we willfocus on display applications (organic light emittingdiodes (OLEDs), liquid crystal displays (LCDs)) andon electronic applications (active matrix backplanes,sensors, radio frequency identification tags (RFIDs),digital lithography and ink-jet etching). It will beclear that for this range of applications the mainfundamental limitation of ink-jet printing is theintrinsic low resolution of the technique. On theother hand, from a manufacturing point of view ithas proven difficult to achieve high yield and deposi-tion uniformity to transfer ink-jet printed electronicdevices to the production floor. In order to improvethe resolution of ink-jet printing, for example, inorder to print short-channel field effect transistors(FETs), a novel approach will be reviewed. This is aself-aligned technique that relies on the movement ofa droplet on a substrate, induced by forces exerted onthe ink by a contrast in surface energy. This can beachieved by pre-patterning high-resolution struc-tures defining areas with different surface energy ona substrate. An alternative, lithography-free approachwill also be discussed.





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