
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:斯奎爾 編  頁數(shù):544  


《神經(jīng)科學(xué)百科全書》原書篇幅巨大,為所有神經(jīng)科學(xué)百科全書之首。由來自世界各地的2400多位專家撰稿人合力打造,覆蓋了神經(jīng)科學(xué)全部主要領(lǐng)域。每個(gè)詞條在收入書中之前均經(jīng)過顧問委員會的同行評議,詞條中均含有詞匯表、引言、參考文獻(xiàn)和豐富的交叉參考內(nèi)容。    主編為著名神經(jīng)科學(xué)家、美國神經(jīng)科學(xué)學(xué)會前主席LarryR.Squire。內(nèi)容平易,本科生即可讀懂。深度和廣度獨(dú)一無二,足可滿足專家學(xué)者的需要。導(dǎo)讀版精選原書中的部分主題,按內(nèi)容重新編排,更適合國內(nèi)讀者購買和閱讀。


編者:(美國)斯奎爾(Larry R.Squire)


神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞:起源、多樣性與功能  Activity-Dependent Metabolism in Glia and Neurons  Astrocyte: Calcium Signaling  Astrocyte: Identification Methods  Astrocyte: Neurotransmitter and Hormone Receptors  Astrocyte: Response to Injury  Axon Guidance by Glia  Axonal Regeneration: Role of the Extracellular Matrix and the Glial Scar  Bergmann Glial Cells  Calcium Homeostasis in Glia  Calcium Waves in Glia  Cytokine Receptors in Glia  Enteric Nervous System: Glial Cells and Interstitial Cells of Cajal  Ependymal Cells  Gap Junctions and Hemichannels in Glia  Glia and Stroke  Glia Control of Blood Flow  Glial Cells: Astrocytes and Oligodendrocytes during Normal Brain Aging.  Glial Cells: Invertebrate  Glial Cells: Microglia during Normal Brain Aging  Glial Cells: T Cell Interactions  Glial Energy Metabolism: A NMR Spectroscopy Perspective  Glial Energy Metabolism: Overview  Glial Glutamate and GABA Metabolism  Glial Glutamate Transporters  Glial Glutamate Transporters: Electrophysiology  Glial Glycogen Metabolism  Glial Growth Factors  Glial Influence on Synaptic Transmission  Glial Ion Homeostasis: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach  Glial Plasticity and Neuroendocrine Regulation  Glial Responses to Injury  Glial Responses to Virus Infection  Giial Steroid Metabolism  Glioma  Intermediate Filaments  Ionic Channels in Glia  Macroglial Lineages  Microglia Identification Methods  Microglia Properties  Microglial Response to Injury  Myelin: Molecular Architecture of CNS and PNS Myelin Sheath  Neuron-Glia pH Regulation  Neuron-Glia Coupling in Glutathione Metabolism  Neuropeptides and Receptors in Glia  Neurotransmitter and Hormone Receptors on Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells  Neurotransmitter Release from Astrocytes  Oligodendrocyte and Schwann Cell Identification Methods  Oligodendrocyte Morphology  Oligodendrocyte Specification  Potassium Homeostasis in Glia  Radial Glial Cells: Brain Functions  Retinal Glia  Schwann Cell Development  Schwann Cell Morphology  Schwann Cells and Axon Relationship  Schwann Cells and Plasticity of the Neuromuscular Junction  Transplantation of Myelin Forming Cells  Transporter Proteins in Neurons and Glia能量與離子的細(xì)胞內(nèi)調(diào)控  Activity-Dependent Regulation of Glucose Transporters  Brain Glucose Metabolism:Age, Alzheimer's Disease, and ApoE Allele Effects  Brain Injury: Magnetic Resonance Studies of Metabolic Aspects  Brain Na,K-ATPase  Cell-Cell Communication Through the Extracellular Space  Intracellular Calcium and Neuronal Death  Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Nervous System Injury  Monocarboxylate Transporters  Regulation of Cell Volume in Neural Cells原書詞條中英對照表


插圖:Approximately 10 years ago, transgenic mice weregenerated in which the green fluorescent proteinsS65T-GFP or later EGFP were used to label astro-cytes. The unique advantage of fluorescent proteinsis buried in their structure, in which the fluorophor isspontaneously generated from three residues of thepolypeptide chain (by cyclization and oxidation). Noexogenous cofactors are needed as labeling dyes.GFAP-GFP transgenic mice revolutionized the identi-fication of astrocytes in brain tissue. For the first time,it was possible to unequivocally identify astrocytes inall brain regions without prior immunohistochemicallabeling, which normally requires tissue fixation. Liveastrocytes could be analyzed in acutely isolated brainslices or even in vivo. Via fluorescence-activatedcell sorting, fluorescent astrocytes could be isolatedund subsequently analyzed in cell culture. Using thisapproach, the neurogenic potential of embryonic radialglia cells was revealed. In addition, acutely isolatedtissue slices isolated from brain regions such as thebrain stem or hippocampus served for the analysisof the dynamic interaction of astroglial processeswith neighboring active synaptic terminals. Time-lapserecordings demonstrated highly motile lameUipodiaand filopodia emanating from major process branches.This work strengthened the view of astrocytes as regu-lators of neuronal transmission. However, astrocytesdo not just modulate neuronal function. In vivo, thepivotal role of astroglial endfeet associated with neigh-boring capillaries could be demonstrated.  Transgenic labeling with the human GFAP pro-moter has been very helpful in identifying cells withastroglial properties in other species such as thezebra fish. Another important approach to labelastrocytes uses viral infections. Baculo-, lenti-,adeno-, and adeno-associated viruses carrying GFAPpromoter elements have been used to deliver genes ofinterest into astrocytes. Depending on brain regionand tropism of the viral substrain, even preferentialinfection of astrocytes can be achieved.






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