
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:徐秋琴 總主編,王青,謝建中 主編  頁數(shù):248  


本書共分10個單元。每單元按照語言教學(xué)規(guī)律進(jìn)行編排,包括:Listening and Talking(聽說部分)、Intensive Reading(精讀部分)、Learning strategy(學(xué)習(xí)策略部分)。以學(xué)生入學(xué)開始的生活為主線,在具體的交際場景中進(jìn)行聽說系統(tǒng)訓(xùn)練,精選了與學(xué)習(xí)、生活緊密相關(guān)的文章進(jìn)行講解,并提供了涉及閱讀、翻譯和寫作的學(xué)習(xí)策略和語言應(yīng)用技巧。    本書可作為高職高專非英語專業(yè)學(xué)生教材,也可作為相關(guān)職業(yè)培訓(xùn)的參考教材。


Unit One  Listening and Talking    Asking for Suggestion and Preference  Intensive Reading    Text A The Pleasure of Transforming Your Hobby into Your Profession    Text B Top 10 Habits of Happy People  Learning StrategyUnit Two  Listening and Talking    Asking for and Offering Help  Intensive Reading    Text A Reciprocal Altruism and Teamwork - Using Human Nature to Motivate Employees    Text B Helping Others Brings the Same Pleasure    We Get from the Gratification of Personal Desire  Learning StrategyUnit Three  Listening and Talking    Calling the Police  Intensive Reading    Text A The Police-Serving the Community    Text B Say Thank You to the Police  Learning StrategyUnit Four  Listening and Talking    At the Hospital  Intensive Reading    Text A Emotional IQ    Text B Stress and Its Repercussions  Learning StrategyUnit Five  Listening and Talking    At the Bank  Intensive Reading    Text A Preventing Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud : How to Protect your Credit Information    Text B Online Banking and Its Advantage  Learning StrategyUnit Six:  Listening and Talking    At the Hair Salon  Intensive Reading    Text A Early History of Barbering    Text B My Story  Learning StrategyUnit Seven  Listening and Talking    Expressing Anger and Regret  Intensive Reading    Text A How Water Shortage Can Impact You...    Text B Energy Crisis: Let's Stop Ignoring the Obvious  Learning StrategyUnit Eight  Listening and Talking    Expressing Complaints and Gratitude  Intensive Reading    Text A Cyberculture: Society, Culture, and the Internet    Text B Open Communication: from Counterculture to Cyberculture  Learning StrategyUnit Nine  Listening and Talking    Expressing Likes and Sympathy  Intensive Reading    Text A The Gratitude Attitude    Text B Gratitude Is the Key to a Better World for Everyone  Learning StrategyUnit Ten  Listening and Talking    Looking for Jobs and Talking About Future  Intensive Reading    Text A Fit for Work    Text B Employability Uncovered  Learning StrategyReferences


  本教材取材于真實語料,來源廣泛,文體多樣,在具有實用性和趣味性的同時,注重了學(xué)生人文素質(zhì)的培養(yǎng);按語言功能編排并突出了語用特點,使學(xué)生在日常學(xué)習(xí)和日后的工作中得以更便利地查找、模仿和使用;本教材在每單元均提供了大量操作性強的學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù),將語言知識的積累、技能訓(xùn)練和語言信息的有效輸出在學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)的驅(qū)動中巧妙結(jié)合,用任務(wù)強化能力。   《高等實用英語教程3》為第三冊,以英語知識在各學(xué)科的通用性內(nèi)容為主,同時充分考慮職場語言技能需求,將語言的實際運用和語言的基礎(chǔ)知識相結(jié)合。



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