出版時間:2010-7 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:張俊善 頁數(shù):365
Many structural components used in the industrial facilities for energy re-sources, petrochemical, aeronautical and aerospace engineering are operatingat high temperatures. For instance, the vapor temperature in a thermal powerstation is about 600度,the temperatures for hydrogen production and ethyl-ene-cracking are as high as 950度and 1050度, respectively and the workingtemperatures of turbine blades in an aircraft exceed 1000 ~C. High tempera-ture strength is therefore the major concern of these materials. High temperature strength is defined as the resistance of a material tohigh temperature deformation and fracture. The definition of high temperatureis the temperatures at which the atomic diffusion is fast enough to affect sig-nificantly the plastic deformation and fracture behaviors of materials. Usual-ly, for metallic alloys the temperatures considered are higher than one half oftheir melting points (Tm).
本書內(nèi)容分兩篇共25章。上篇為高溫變形篇,包括金屬與合金蠕變的宏觀規(guī)律、蠕變位錯亞結(jié)構(gòu)、純金屬蠕變、固溶體合金蠕變、第二相粒子強化合金蠕變、擴散蠕變、超塑性以及多軸蠕變等內(nèi)容,重點論述蠕變過程中位錯與各種晶體缺陷的交互作用、蠕變微觀機制以及蠕變物理模型和理論。下篇為高溫斷裂篇,包括蠕變空洞形核和長大、蠕變裂紋擴展、蠕變損傷與斷裂的評價與預(yù)測、高溫低周疲勞斷裂、蠕變疲勞交互作用以及材料的高溫環(huán)境損傷等內(nèi)容,從微觀、宏觀和唯象三個層次論述了高溫斷裂理論及其工程應(yīng)用。 本書可作為高等院校材料學(xué)科研究生教學(xué)參考書,也可供材料、固體物理和力學(xué)專業(yè)教師及科研人員參考。
Author contact detailsPreface Part I High Temperature Deformation 1 Creep Behavior of Materials 1.1 Creep Curve 1.2 Stress and Temperature Dependence of Creep Rate 1.3 Stacking Fault Energy Effect 1.4 Grain Size Effect References 2 Evolution of Dislocation Substructures During Creep 2.1 Parameters of Dislocation Substructures and Their Measurements 2.2 Evolution of Dislocation Substructure during Creep 2.3 Dislocation Substructure of Steady State Creep 2.4 Inhomogeneous Dislocation Substructure and Long-Range Internal Stress References 3 Dislocation Motion at Elevated Temperatures 3.1 Thermally Activated Glide of Dislocation 3.2 Measurement of Internal Stress 3.3 Climb of Dislocations 3.4 Basic Equations of Recovery Creep 3.5 Mechanisms of Recovery References 4 Recovery-Creep Theories of Pure Metals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Weertman Model 4.3 Models Considering Sub-Boundary 4.4 Models Based on Dislocation Network 4.5 Creep Model Based on the Motion of Jogged Screw Dislocation 4.6 Summary of Recovery Creep Models 4.7 Soft and Hard Region Composite Model 4.8 Harper-Dorn Creep References 5 Creep of Solid Solution Alloys 5.1 Interaction Between Dislocation and Solute Atom 5.2 Creep Behavior of Solid Solution Alloys 5.3 Viscous Glide Velocity of Dislocations 5.4 Creep Controlled by Viscous Glide of Dislocations References 6 Creep of Second Phase Particles Strengthened Materials 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Arzt-Ashby Model 6.3 Creep Model Based on Attractive Particle-Dislocation Interaction 6.4 Interaction of Dislocation with Localized Particles 6.5 Mechanisms of Particle Strengthening 6.6 Grain Boundary Precipitation Strengthening References 7 Creep of Particulates Reinforced Composite Material 7.1 Creep Behavior of Particulates Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites 7.2 Determination of Threshold Stress 7.3 Creep Mechanisms and Role of Reinforcement Phase References 8 High Temperature Deformation of Intermetallic Compounds 8.1 Crystal Structures, Dislocations and Planar Defects 8.2 Dislocation Core Structure 8.3 Slip Systems and Flow Stresses of Intermetallic Compounds 8.4 Creep of Interrnetallic Compounds 8.5 Creep of Compound-Based ODS Alloys References 9 Diffusional Creep 9.1 Theory on Diffusional Creep 9.2 Accommodation of Diffusional Creep.Grain Boundary Sliding 9.3 Diffusional Creep Controlled by Boundary Reaction 9.4 Experimental Evidences of Diffusional Creep 10 Superplasticity 10.1 Stability of Deformation 10.2 General Characteristics of Superplasticity 10.3 Microstructure Characteristics of Superplasticity 10.4 Grain Boundary Behaviors in Superplastic Deformation 10.5 Mechanism of Superplastic Deformation 10.6 The maximum Strain Rate for Superplasticity References 11 Mechanisms of Grain Boundary Sliding 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Intrinsic Grain Boundary Sliding 11.3 Extrinsic Grain Boundary Sliding References 12 Multiaxial Creep Models 12.1 Uniaxial Creep Models 12.2 Mutiaxial Creep Models 12.3 Mutiaxial Steady State Creep Model 12.4 Stress Relaxation by Creep ReferencesPart II High Temperature Fracture 13 Nucleation of Creep Cavity 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Nucleation Sites of Cavity 13.3 Theory of Cavity Nucleation 13.4 Cavity Nucleation Rate References 14 Creep Embrittlement by Segregation of Impurities 14.1 Nickel and Nickel-Base Superalloys 14.2 Low-Alloy Steels References 15 Diffusional Growth of Creep Cavities 15.1 Chemical Potential of Vacancies 15.2 Hull-Rimmer Model for Cavity Growth 15.3 Speight-Harris Model for Cavity Growth 15.4 The role of Surface Diffusion 16 Cavity Growth by Coupled Diffusion and Creep 16.1 Monkman-Grant Relation 16.2 Beer-Speight Model 16.3 Edward-Ashby Model 16.4 Chen-Argon model 16.5 Cocks-Ashby Model References 17 Constrained Growth of Creep Cavities 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Rice Model 17.3 Raj-Ghosh Model 17.4 Cocks-Ashby Model References 18 Nucleation and Growth of Wedge-Type Microcracks 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Nucleation of Wedge-Type Cracks 18.3 The Propagation of Wedge-Type Cracks 18.4 Crack Growth by Cavitation References 19 Creep Crack Growth 19.1 Crack-Tip Stress Fields in Elastoplastic Body 19.2 Stress Field at Steady-State-Creep Crack Tip 19.3 The Crack Tip Stress Fields in Transition Period 19.4 Vitek Model for Creep Crack Tip Fields 19.5 The Influence of Creep Threshold Stress 19.6 The Experimental Results for Creep Crack Growth References 20 Creep Damage Mechanics 20.1 Introduction to the Damage Mechanics 20.2 Damage Variable and Effective Stress 20.3 Kachanov Creep Damage Theory 20.4 Rabotnov Creep Damage Theory 20.5 Three-Dimensional Creep Damage Theory References 21 Creep Damage Physics 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Loss of External Section 21.3 Loss of Internal Section 21.4 Degradation of Microstructure 21.5 Damage by Oxidation References 22 Prediction of Creep Rupture Life 22.1 Extrapolation Methods of Creep Rupture Life 22.2 θ Projection Method 22.3 Maruyama Parameter 22.4 Reliability of Prediction for Creep Rupture Property References 23 Creep-Fatigue Interaction 23.1 Creep Fatigue Waveforms 23.2 Creep-Fatigue Failure Maps 23.3 Holding Time Effects on Creep-Fatigue Lifetime 23.4 Fracture Mechanics of Creep Fatigue Crack Growth References 24 Prediction of Creep-Fatigue Life 24.1 Linear Damage Accumulation Rule 24.2 Strain Range Partitioning 24.3 Damage Mechanics Method 24.4 Damage Function Method 24.5 Empirical Methods References 25 Environmental Damage at High Temperature 25.1 Oxidation 25.2 Hot Corrosion 25.3 CarburizationReferencesAppendix AAppendix BIndex
The correlation between K and the crack growth rate is poor for materials with goodductility. In addition, the stress intensity factor K cannot correlate the crack growthdata obtained for different types d specimens of identical materials. Figure 19. 10(a)shows the crack growth rate plotted against stress intensity factor obtained from sin-gle edge notched (SEN) and notched center hole (NCH) specimens of a 316 stainlesssteel. The two types of specimen exhibit different a~K correlations. For in-stance, a single relationship is found for the SEN specimens, but the same relation-ship is not found for the NCH specimens. Instead, it shows great variations ingrowth rate for very slight changes in K. These observations indicate that the stressfactor K is not the exclusive crack-tip parameter controlling the growth rate of creepcrack. In fact, the stress intensity factor K is the fracture mechanics parameterwhich describes the elastic stress field and the elastoplastic stress field under smallscale yielding conditions. In materials with low creep resistance and high creep ductil-ity, the elastic stress field of the crack tip can be easily relaxed by the fast creep de-formation, resulting in large scale of creep or even whole-section creep. In this case,the stress intensity factor cannot be utilized as the parameter to describe the stressfield of the crack tip and the growth rate of creep crack in the ductile materials suchas stainless steels, low-alloy steels and pure metals, etc. ……
The energy, petrochemical, aerospace and other industries all require materialsable to withstand high temperatures. High temperature strength is definedas the resistance of a material to high temperature deformation and fracture.This important book provides a valuable reference to the main theories of hightemperature deformation and fracture and the ways they can be used to predictfailure and service life. Part I reviews the mechanisms of high temperature deformation in metals,alloys, metal matrix composites and intermetallic compounds. It discusses creepbehaviour such as dislocation and recovery as well as superplastic deformation,diffusional and multiaxial creep. Part II discusses high temperature fracture,starting with the nucleation and growth of creep cavities before analysing creepcrack growth and damage. Later chapters review ways of predicting creep rupture,creep-fatigue interactions and modelling service life. High Temperature Deformation and Fracture of Materials will be an importantreference for both academic researchers and those industry using these hightemperature materials. Professor Jun-Shan Zhang works within the School of Materials Science andEngineering at Dalian University of Technology, China.