
出版時(shí)間:2010-5  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:科學(xué)出版社 編  頁數(shù):全2冊(cè)  


These Proceedings represent the papers accepted for the International Symposium on the Con-servation of Ancient Sites held in September, 2008, in Dunhuang, China. The Symposium wassponsored by the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Chinese Society for RockMechanics and Engineering (CSRME), Dunhuang Academy and Lanzhou University.The deterioration of ancient stone monuments and sites is caused by manifold factors, inclu-ding wind, water, earthquakes, war and other human activities. Accordingly, studies of opti-mal conservation strategies have to include a multiplicity of disciplines to ensure that a particu-lar deterioration problem and the remedial solution take into account all the relevant factors.This means that the scientists involved in the evaluation process should work as a coherentgroup. However, some of the key constituent groups do not have an experience of team work,especially erudite experts concerned with the delicacies of wall painting conservation and engi-neering experts concerned with the mechanics of rock masses who use explosives to blast therock into pieces.For this reason, and because the world is becoming progressively more aware of the impor-tance of its cultural heritage, this Conservation Symposium was held at an opportune time. Mo-reover, the location of the Symposium, at Dunhuang on the Silk Road where the World HeritageMogao Grottoes are located, was a perfect venue. I attended the Symposium and rank it as oneof the best symposias that I have ever attended. The Keynote lectures were excellent, the pa-pers themselves covered the necessary wide range of subjects, and it was an ideal opportunity towork together with scientists across the variety of disciplines. In short, it was an inspiring expe-rience, culminating in a visit to the grottoes with detailed explanations of the past and presentconservation work there.  Congratulations therefore go to Professor Li Zuixiong of DunhuangAcademy who organised the Symposium and to everyone who supported him in the preparationand running of the event.


  A total of more than 170 experts and scholars from all over the world, who arein fields of cultural sector, engineering geology, environmental geology, rockmechanics, chemistry, computer industry and other fields, participated in thisconference. The conference has received a total of 71 articles, 55 articlesamong of these have been published during days of the report. These papers andreports relate to the concept and status quo of the conservation of ancient siteswhich are from different countries and different areas, the experience of themanagement of ancient sites, the integration about conservation of ancient siteswith other disciplines, the opportunities and challenges faced by the conservationof ancient sites and the successful experience of international cooperation. Thesepapers reflect the latest achievements in the research of international conservationof the ancient sites.  The book can be reference materials for cultural conservation experts, profes-sional archaeologists and students from relevant professional institutions.


Preface 1Preface 2Comprehensive Study on Conservation of Ancient Sites Site Management and Monitoring of World Cultural Heritages Based on Their Value—— A Case Study of the Mogao Grottoes  An Overview of Ancient Persian Civilization: An Investigation on the Conservation of Rock Monuments. Reinforcement and Protection of Earth Sites in the Silk Road of China Principles of the Natural Stone Use and Practices from the Western Side of the Silk Road Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Conservation of the Archaeological Sites and Ruins in China Compatibility of Conservation Interventions in Archaeological Sites-Theoretical Background and Practical Perspectives The Application of Technology and Quality Guarantee System on Cuhural Relic Feasible Approaches to the Conservation of Monuments and Sites in Southeast China Geosynthetics for Site Conservation——A review of some Applications in ChinaStudy on Environment and Conservation of Ancient Sites Research of the Prevention Countermeasure and the Main Environ-geology diseases of the Large-scale Ancient Sites in South China The Microenvironment Assessment and the Protection of the Cultural Relic Improving the Environment is an Important Means of Preserving Large Earthen Sites: a Report about Liangzhu Tangshan Site in Hangzhou, P. R. of China Influences on Grotto Cultural Relics Caused by Engineering Construction of the Protection Project of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang The Impacts of Desertification on Cultural Relics in Dunhuang  Research on the Relationship Between Environment and Deterioration in Cave TemplesStudy on Water Environment and Salt Disease of Ancient Sites Study on Mechanism of Condensation Water Disease and Test in Site  The Study on Chemical Effect of the Water-rock Interaction on the Weathering of Yungang Grottoes Salt Hazard of Earthen Monuments Induced by Capillary Rise  A Study on the Mechanism of Salt Damages on the Mural Paintings of Mogao Grottoes The Analysis of the Source of the Water Causes the Blister on the Wall Painting of Cave 351 of Mogao Grottoes  Relic Conservation by the Richards Barrier and underground disposal of radioactive materials  Application of Satellite Remote Sensing for Estimation of Fault Distribution and Vegetation in the Dunhuang Area Research the Groundwater Seepage Field of Chengdu Boat-shaped Coffin Relics with Numerical Simulation Technology Application Research on Supervision Mode of Water Percolation in Longmen Grottoes Preliminary Research on Salinity and Moisture Content Inside the Rock Structure of Cave 98, Mogao Grottoes An Analysis of Causes for Grotto Water Disaster Formation and Major Treatment PrinciplesStudy on Existing Condition Survey and Analysis of Ancient Sites Fungi-damage Survey of Shijiazhuang Pilu Temple Mural and Fungi Colony Identification Current Situation of the Conservation and the Problems of Kucha GrottoesStudy on Weathering and Stability of Ancient Sites The Mechanical Behavior in Weathering Layer of Lithoid Structural Unit  Study on the Long Term Strength of the Rock Piles of Yungang Grottoes Failure Process of the Central Tower, Bayon, An~kor Thom, Cambodia  Seisnfic Stability Analysis for Caves with Gable Ceiling in Mogao Grottoes under the Vertical Earthquake Load  Research on Stability of Typical Tamper-Soil's Relic in Arid Region of Northwestern ChinaStudy on Monitoring and Application of New Technology of Ancient Sites Preliminary Detection of Grouting Effect on Delaminated Wall Paintings in Tibetan Archi- tecture Weathering Principle and Conservation Treatment of the Cliff at Mogao Grottoes .. Construction of Topographic Map Using Close-Range Photogrammetry for the Preservation of the Buddhist Monastery of Ajina Tepa, Tajikistan Study on Dynamic Safety Ensuring of Protection Engineering for Geotechnical Cultural Relics Research on the Cliff Mass Deformation Feature of Jiaol~ Ruins in the Process of Anchor Grouting Deformation Characteristics and Stability Evaluation for 26-D Section of Cliff in Jiaohe Ruins after Reinforcement Application of Surface Wave Method in Cranny Grouting of Cliff in Earthen Architecture Development of a Novel Sampler for SPM Applicable to Artifacts Environments The Study on Measuring Cracks of Soil in the Pit No. 1 of Qin Terracotta ~ The Design and Realization of National Earthen Site Information System Database by GIS A Study on an Information Management System for Large Archaeological Sites Based on WebGISStudy on Experimental Protective Materials of Ancient Sites Synthesis of Fluorosilicone Acrylate Copolymer Latexes and its Application to the Protection of Sandstone Monument ~ Selection of Chemical Grouts for Strengthening Funasako Earthen Sites The Application of Silicone on Cultural Relics Conservation ……Study on Conservation and Reinforcement of Ancient Sites


插圖:3. 3 Safeguard monitoring of the Mogao GrottoesThe safeguard monitoring system at the Mogao Grottoes was set up in later 1980s, and beforethat it was only watched by workers. The caves are large in number and scattered in a widerange. A safeguard manual and automatic monitoring system has played an important part insafeguarding the cultural relics of the Mogao Grottoes, prevented several thefts of cultural relicsand illegal cases within the protection zone, and created a good environment and conveniencefor visitors.3. 4 Visitor investigation and monitoring at the Mogao GrottoesThe opening up of the Mogao Grottoes began in late 1970s. Recently, the visitors to MogaoGrottoes have increased in an accelerated way, the high season in a year and rush hour in a daydouble the pressure on the conservation and opening up of the Mogao Grottoes. This requires usto preserve the cultural heritage effectively and satisfy the visitors to the largest extent at thesame time. So we have to improve our conservation level of culture relics, and meanwhile moni-tor and investigate the needs of the visitors. Therefore, we launched the research project on visi-tor capacity at the Mogao Grottoes. We know the dynamic information about the changes of themarket and structure of visitors precisely and timely, thus get the reliable evidences for makingreasonable visitor management through regular and special visitor investigations and reservationsystem ; in addition, the feedback of the visitors is also a reference for understanding the needsof the visitors, promoting services, and improving service installations.Based on multi-time special questionnaires, we set up manual and network reservation sys-tem, which is not only useful for the conversation and opening up of the caves, but also for im-proving visiting environment and promoting visiting quality. The reservation system has been ac-cepted gradually by visitors and travel agencies. The number of visitors tends to be balanced andthe visiting order is improved through this system. Before reservation system was set up, if thevisitors were more than 3000, we had to apply another way: the docents should stay in somecertain caves to present site interpretation. But when the system is used, even daiy visitorsamount to 5000, visitors can visit the caves guided by a docent just like before. The advantageof reservation system can be fully reflected.





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