
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:張華志 編  頁數(shù):345  




Unit 1 On Friendship
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 2 Love
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 3 Health
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 4 Seeking a Job
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 5 Digital Technology
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
 Revision 1 Test Paper One
Unit 6 The Way to Success
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 7 Happiness
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 8 Finance
 Text A
 Text B
 Fast Reading
 Writing Skills
 Appreciation of English Poetry
Unit 9 Environmental Protection
 Unit 10 Natural Disasters
 Revision 2 Test Paper Two
 Appendix Glossary


  3. My first friend was Slobo. I was still living in Yugoslavia at the time, and not far from my house there was an old German truck left abandoned after the war. It had no wheels. No windshield. No doors. But the steering wheel was intact. Slobo and I flew to America in that truck. It was our airplane. Even now, I remember the background moving as we took off down the street, across Europe, across the Atlantic. We were inseparable. The best of friends. Naturally, not one word concerning the nature of feelings for one another was Everex changed. It was all done in actions.  4. The inevitable would happen at least once a day. As we were flying over the Atlantic, there came, out of nowhere, that wonderful moment: engine failure! "We'll have to bail out," I shouted. "A-a-a-a-a-!" Slobo made the sound of a failing engine. Then he would turn and look me in the eye: "I can't swim," he'd say. "Fear not." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll drag you to shore." And, with that, both of us would tumble out of the truck onto the dusty street. I swam through the dust. Slobo drowned in the dust, coughing, gagging. "Sharks!" he cried. But I always saved him. The next day the ritual would be repeated, only then it would be my turn to say "I can't swim," and Slobo would save me. We saved each other from certain death over a hundred times, until finally a day came when I really left for America with my mother and sister. Slobo and I stood at the train station. We were there to say goodbye, but since we weren't that good at saying things and since he couldn't save me, he just cried until the train started to move.  ……



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