出版時間:2010-1 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:(英)弗理斯頓 著 頁數(shù):647
“很少有哪些科學(xué)進(jìn)展可以像為正在工作的人類大腦進(jìn)行‘拍照’這樣引人注目”。人們?yōu)槭裁慈绱酥杂谀X功能成像]因為,為了理解正常人類大腦的工作機(jī)制,功能成像是必不可少的。它試圖將不同的心理過程定位于大腦的不同部分,也即繪制一張標(biāo)明哪些區(qū)域負(fù)責(zé)哪些加工過程的”腦功能解剖圖”。如同”人類基因組計劃”一樣,對人類大腦功能的探索寄托著人們“認(rèn)識自我”的亙古不變的理想和愿望?! ‰S著腦成像的數(shù)據(jù)不斷增長,在統(tǒng)一的框架內(nèi)對這些數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行有效的整合及比對就顯得越發(fā)重要。統(tǒng)計參數(shù)圖(Statistical Parametric Mapping,SPM)提供了一種被廣泛接受的基本概念,這種概念可以用來處理各種不同形式的數(shù)據(jù)。 本書不僅闡述了腦信號分析的概念和過程,還介紹了各種腦成像數(shù)據(jù)分析的背景和方法,從fMRI到腦磁描記法(magnetoencephalography),這些信息通過其他途徑很難獲得。本書可用作學(xué)生教材,對于剛剛接觸此項技術(shù)的科研人員和實驗神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家都是非常好的參考書,還可作為腦成像數(shù)據(jù)分析軟件包的使用手冊使用。
作者:(美國)Karl Friston (美國)John Ashburner (美國)Stefan Kiebel
致謝 第一部分 導(dǎo)論 1 SPM簡史 2 統(tǒng)計參數(shù)圖 3 腦反應(yīng)建模 第二部分 計算解剖學(xué) 4 剛體配準(zhǔn) 5 非線性配準(zhǔn) 6 圖像分割 7 基于像素的形態(tài)計量學(xué) 第三部分 廣義線性模型 8 廣義線性模型 9 對照和經(jīng)典推斷 10 協(xié)方差成分 11 分層模型 12 隨機(jī)效應(yīng)分析 13 方差分析 14 fMRI卷積模型 15 fMRI有效實驗設(shè)計 16 EEG和MEG的分層模型 第四部分 經(jīng)典推斷 17 參數(shù)方法 18 隨機(jī)場理論 19 拓?fù)渫茢? 20 錯誤發(fā)現(xiàn)率方法 21 非參數(shù)方法 第五部分 貝葉斯推斷 22 經(jīng)驗貝葉斯和分層模型 23 后驗概率圖 24 變分貝葉斯 25 fMRI時空模型 26 EEG時空模型 第六部分 生理物理模型 27 fMRI的正演化模型 28 EEG的正演化模型 29 EEG模型的貝葉斯反演 30 誘發(fā)反應(yīng)的貝葉斯反演 31 群體動力學(xué)的神經(jīng)元模型 32 能量學(xué)的神經(jīng)元模型 33 EEG和MEG的神經(jīng)元模型 34 動力學(xué)模型的貝葉斯反演 35 貝葉斯模型的選擇和平均 第七部分 大腦連接 36 功能整合 37 功能連接:特征圖像和多元分析 38 有效連接 39 非線性連接與核 40 多元自回歸模型 41 fMRI的動態(tài)因果模型 42 EEG的動態(tài)因果模型 43 動態(tài)因果模型和貝葉斯模型的選擇 附錄 附錄1 廣義線性模型和推斷 附錄2 動力系統(tǒng) 附錄3 EM算法 附錄4 拉普拉斯近似下的變分貝葉斯方法 附錄5 卡曼濾波
插圖:Functional specialization and integrationFrom a historical perspective, the distinction betweenfunctional specialization and functional integrationrelates to the dialectic between localizationism and connec-tionism that dominated thinking about brain function inthe nineteenth century. Since the formulation of phrenol-ogy by Gall, who postulated fixed one-to-one relationsbetween particular parts of the brain and specific mentalattributes, the identification of a particular brain regionwith a specific function has become a central theme inneuroscience. Somewhat ironically, the notion that dis-tinct brain functions could, at least to some degree, belocalized in the brain was strengthened by early scien-tific attempts to refute the phrenologists' claims. In 1808,a scientific committee of the Athenee at Paris, chairedby Cuvier, declared that phrenology was an unscientificand invalid theory (Staum, 1995). This conclusion, whichwas not based on experimental results, may have beenenforced by Napoleon Bonaparte (who, allegedly, wasnot amused after Gall's phrenological examination of hisown skull did not give the flattering results he expected).During the following decades, lesion and electrical stim-ulation paradigms were developed to test whether func-tions could indeed be localized in animal models. Initiallesion experiments on pigeons by Flourens gave resultsthat were incompatible with phrenologist predictions,but later experiments, including stimulation experimentsin dogs and monkeys by Fritsch, Hitzig and Ferrier, sup-ported the idea that there was a relation between distinctbrain regions and certain cognitive or motor functions.Additionally, clinicians like Broca and Wemicke showedthat patients with focal brain lesions in particular loca-tions showed specific impairments. However, it was real-ized early on that, in spite of these experimental findings,it was generally difficult to attribute a specific functionto a cortical area, given the dependence of cerebral activ-ity on the anatomical connections between distant brainregions; for example, a meeting that took place on August4th 1881 addressed the difficulties of attributing functionto a cortical area, given the dependence of cerebral activ-ity on underlying connections (Phillips et al. 1984). Thismeeting was entitled 'Localisation of function in the cor-tex cerebri'.