
出版時間:2009-11  出版社:科學出版社  作者:顧曉松 編  頁數(shù):353  


Students :of the medical and allied sciences require a solid grounding in human anatomy if they want to fullyunderstand the key aspects of all medical courses and to pursue their future careers in health-related professions.The structure of the human body, as studied in human anatomy, represents not only an innate beauty of biologicalmachines essential for our lives, but a physical basis to determine how the body functions or goes wrong. Basedon this, the importance of human anatomy for medical education cannot be overestimated. This textbook, designed for a one-semester human anatomy course, is aimed to provide elementary knowl-.edge and basic concepts of human anatomy and to furnish an accessible framework of medical morphology forstudents majoring in medicine and other health-care programs. Although human anatomy is a classical subject inthe medical course system, the teaching of human anatomy has been greatly challenged in recent years due to anexplosion of information and an updating of ideas in medical science. To ensure enough knowledge to be learnedby students without necessarily increasing their learning time, we rely on the collective wisdom and combinedexperience of all authors to condense the subject essentials into this student-friendly text of 5 units, 19 chapters.The text contents are rigorously chosen to acquaint students with clear views on anatomical structures and relation-ships, and the text layout is ingeniously organized to allow each chapter to become a freestanding reading materialand yet to make different chapters well inter-correlated. Anatomy is a visual science, and the learning of it by students can benefit from ample illustrations with com-bination of aesthetic beauty and scientific accuracy in the textbook. The total 466 figures of high quality have beenincluded to integrate with the text. They are created based on measurements or observations of dissected materialsor by reference to the standard atlas from trusted anatomy bibles by skilled professionals among them some arerenowned artists. We believe that these artworks will enable students to build a pictorial insight into anatomicaldescriotions and to comorehend the issues that they find particularly difficult through the text reading.


Dr. Gu Xiaosong is Professor of Anatomy at Nantong University, and serves as a doctoral mentor. He is currently the vice-president of Chinese Society for Anatomy Sciences and the president of Jiangsu Anatomy Society. As a nationally renowned instructor, he has long taught a broad spectrum of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the medical school.    Dr. Gu Xiaosong is also the director of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration. His research interest focuses on neuroscience, especially neural damage and regeneration. He has obtained the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and taken charge of national and provincial natural science foundation programs. His academic achievements are manifested in many research articles and monographs, invention patents, and governmentissued prizes.


PrefaceINTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMYPART ONE  LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM  Chapter 1  Osteology    Chapter 2  Arthrology    Chapter 3  Myology PART TWO  SPLANCHNOLOGY  Chapter 4  General Description    Chapter 5  Digestive System    Chapter 6  Respiratory System    Chapter 7  Urinary System    Chapter 8  Reproductive System  Chapter 9  PeritoneumPART THREE  ANGIOLOGY  Chapter 10  Cardiovascular System  Chapter 11   Lymphalic SvstemPART FOUR  SENSORY ORGANS  Chapter 12  General Description  Chapter 13  Visual Organ    Chapter 14  Vestibulocochlear Organ  Chapter 15  Other Sensory Organs  PART FIVE  NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEM  Chapter 16  General Description    Chapter 17  Central Nervous System    Chapter 18  Peripheral Nervous System  Chapter 19  Endocrine System







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