
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:科學(xué)出版社 科學(xué)出版社 (2009-09出版)  作者:科學(xué)出版社  頁數(shù):332  


  The Development of Manufacturing Industry Indexes and Methods,China’S Manufacturing Industry:The Evaluation of Regional Development,Manufacturing Industry:International Comparative Study,The Development of China’S Manufacturing Industry:Prediction of General Trend。


Introduction to the Editors-in-ChiefPrefaceChapter 1 The Development of Manufacturing Industry:Indexes and Methods1.1 China’S Manufacturing Industry (CMI):AReview ofthe Past Thirty Years1.2 The Development of Manufacturin9:Evaluation Indexes1.3 China’S Manufacturing Industries(CMI):Development Evaluation1.4 CMl:Development Index1.5 A Brief Summary of this ChapterChapter 2 China’S Manufacturing Industry:The Evaluation of Regional Development2.1 Regional Manufacturing Industry:the Evaluation of the“New—Type”Level2.2 China’S Manufacturing Industry:“Top Ten Provinces”2.3 The“Top Ten Cities”in China’S Manufacturing Industry2.4 A Brief Summary ofthis ChapterChapter 3 Manufacturing Industry:International Comparative Study3.1 Ideas and Methods for International Comparative Study3.2 International Comparison of Manufacturing Industry’S Capability of Economi Creation3.3 Comparison of Countries in Terms the Capability of Scientific and Technolog:Innovation in Manufacturing Industry3.4 International Comparison of Manufacturing Industry in Terms of the Capabilil of Environmental Protection3.5Comparative Study of Manufacturing Industry in Differeni Countries in Terms of the Level of“New—Type”Transformation3.6 A Brief Summary ofthis ChapterChapter 4 The Development of China’S Manufacturing Industry:Prediction of General Trend——4.1 Trend ofCMl’S Total Amount Development4.2 Prediction of CMl’S Development Trend4.3 Development Trend ofthe Rate ofValue—Added ofChina’S Manufacturing Industry4.4 Prediction ofthe Trend ofthe Need for Labor in CMl4.5 A Brief Summary ofthis Chapter


《中國制造業(yè)發(fā)展研究報告(英文版)》:In 2003, The Education Ministry of the PRC invited public bidding across the country for 40 "Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Science" for the first time. After stiff competition, the research team led by Prof. Li Lianshui won the bidding for "Research on Eastern Super-Metropolis Zone and the World Manufacturing Industry Center" (No. 03JZD0014), with a granted research fund of 500, 000. Later on, the team won two National Science Fund projects--"Research on the Development Path for China's Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource-Restraint and Self-Innovation" and "Research on the Development of China's Manufacturing Industry", as well as a series of provincial-level research projects.



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