出版時間:2009-4 出版社:科學出版社 作者:Constance Hammond 頁數(shù):398
作者:(美國)Constance HammondLarry R. Squire is Distinguished Professor of Psy-chiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology at the Univer-sity of California School of Medicine, San Diego, andResearch Career Scientist at the Veterans AffairsMedical Center, San Diego. He investigates the organi-zation and neurological foundations of memory. He isa former President of the Society for Neuroscience andis a member of the National Academy of Sciences andthe Institute of Medicine.Darwin K. Berg is Distinguished Professor in theDivision of Biological Sciences at the University ofCalifornia, San Diego. He has been chairman of theBiology Department and currently serves as Councilorof the Society for Neuroscience and as a Board memberof the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind. His researchis focused on the roles of nicotinic cholinergic signal-ing in the vertebrate nervous system.Floyd Bloom is Professor Emeritus in the Molecularand Integrative Neuroscience Department (MIND) at The Scripps Research Institute. His recent awardsinclude the Sarnat Award from the Institute of Medi-cine and the Salmon Medal of the New York Academyof Medicine. He is a former President of the Society forNeuroscience and is a member of the NationalAcademy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. Sascha du Lac is an Investigator of the HowardHughes Medical Institute and an Associate Professorof Systems Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Bio-logical Studies. Her research interests are in the neu-robiology of resilience and learning, and her laboratoryinvestigates behavioral, circuit, cellular, and molecularmechanisms in the sense of balance. Anirvan Ghosh is Stephen Kuffler Professor in theDivision of Biological Sciences at the University of California, San Diego and Director of the graduateprogram in Neurosciences. His research interestsinclude the development of synaptic connections inthe central nervous system and the role of activity-dependent gene expression in the cortical develop-ment. He is recipient of the Presidential Early CareerAward for Scientists and Engineers and the Society forNeuroscience Young Investigator Award. Nicholas C. Spitzer is Distinguished Professor inthe Division of Biological Sciences at the University of California, San Diego. His research is focusedon neuronal differentiation and the role of electricalactivity and calcium signaling in the assembly ofthe nervous system. He has been chairman ofthe Biology Department and the Neurobiology Section,a trustee of the Grass Foundation, and served as Councilor of the Society for Neuroscience. He is amember of the American Academy of Arts and Sci-ences and Co-Director of the Kavli Institute for Brainand Mind.
前言致謝第1章 神經(jīng)元第2章 神經(jīng)元-膠質(zhì)細胞第3章 離子梯度、離子電流和膜電位第4章 電壓門控性鈉離子通道與動作電位第5章 電壓依賴式鈣離子通道與動作電位第6章 化學性突觸第7章 神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)釋放第8章 離子型乙酰膽堿受體(AChR)第9章 離子型GABAA受體第10章 離子型谷氨酸受體第11章 代謝型GABAB受體第12章 代謝型谷氨酸受體第13章 胞體一樹突對突觸后電位的編輯處理:生物膜的被動特性第14章 胞體-樹突膜上閾下電壓門控電流第15章 低閾值電壓門控電流在胞體-樹突對突觸后電位的編輯處理中的作用第16章 高電壓激活的去極化電流在胞體一樹突對突觸后電位的編輯處理中的作用第17章 神經(jīng)元放電模式第18章 突觸可塑性第19章 成體海馬網(wǎng)絡(luò)第20章 海馬神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的成熟索引
插圖:Acetylcholinesterases are glycoproteins synthesizedin the soma and carried to the terminals via antero-grade axonal transport. They are inserted into thepresynaptic membrane and the basal lamina. They dis-play an important structural polymorphism (Figure6.12b): they have a globular form (G) or an asymmetricform (A). These different forms have distinct localiza-tions. Globular forms (G) are anchored in the pre- orpostsynaptic membrane (these are ectoenzymes) andare secreted as a soluble protein into the synaptic cleft.Asymmetric forms (A) are anchored in the basal lam-ina (Figure 6.12c). The molecules of acetylcholine,released in the synaptic cleft when the neuromuscularjunction is activated, cross the basal lamina through itsloose stitches. But a part of the acetylcholine moleculesis also degraded before being fixed to postsynapticreceptors, by the acetylcholinesterase inserted in thebasal lamina. The other part is quickly degraded afterits fixation. Acetylcholinesterases hydrolyze acetyl-choline into acetic acid and choline. Choline is takenup by presynaptic terminals for the synthesis of newmolecules of acetylcholine. This degradation system ofacetylcholine is a very efficient system for inactivationof a neurotransmitter.6.3.3 Nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine are abundant in the crests of the folds in the postsynaptic membrane The plasma membrane of muscle cells, the sar-colemma, presents numerous folds in mammalian neu-romuscular junctions. By using a radioactive ligand for atype of acetylcholine nicotinic receptor, c-bungarotoxinlabelled with a radioactive isotope or a fluorescent mole-cule, it has been shown that the radioactive materialaccumulates predominantly in the crests of the folds inthe sarcolemma. Immunocytochemical techniques pro-duce similar results. Other studies have shown that theyare anchored to the underlying cytoskeleton (see thefollowing section). The nicotinic receptor is a transmembrane glycopro-tein comprising four homologous subunits assembledinto a heterologous 2B8 pentamer. It is a receptorchannel permeable to cations whose activation resultsin the net entry of positively charged ions and in depolar-ization of the postsynaptic membrane. The structureand functional characteristics of the muscular icotinicreceptors are given in Chapter Mechanisms involved in the accumulation of postsynaptic receptorsin the folds of the postsynaptic muscular membrane The acetylcholine nicotinic receptors are, in theadult neuromuscular junction, present in high density(about 10,000 molecules per itm) in the postsynapticregions and occur in a much lower density in thenonsynaptic membrane (extrajunctional membrane).Under the nerve terminal, the muscle cell is free of themyofimanents actin and myosin. At this level, four toeight cell nuclei are found, the fundamental nuclei(Ranvier 1875). The myonuclei located outside the post-synaptic region (extrasynaptic) are the sarcoplasmicnuclei. The formation of this well organized subsynapticdomain - which concerns not only the nicotinic recep-tors but also the Golgi apparatus and the cytoskeleton(it also comprises the organization of the basal laminaand the distribution of the asymmetric form of acetyl-cholinesterase in the synaptic cleft) - occurs in numer-ous steps during maturation of the neuromuscularjunction (Figure 6.13a): There is an increase in the number of nicotinicreceptors (1 and 2) during fusion of the myoblasts to form myotubes, owing to the neosynthesis of these receptors. They have an even distribution over the membrane surface. This phenomenon is independent of the neuromuscular activity since it is not affected by the injection in ovo of nicotinic antagonists such as curare.~ There is formation of aggregates of nicotinic receptors under the nerve terminal (3-5) and disappearance of extrajunctional receptors (5).