出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:科學(xué)  作者:JOCELYN E.KREBS//ELLIOTT S.GOLDSTEIN//STEPHEN T.KILPATRICK  頁(yè)數(shù):809  


  Completely revised and updated with the latest findings in the field, the second edition of Lewin's Essential GENES provides students with a fundamental background in molecular biology and molecular genetics. An exceptional new pedagogy enhances student learning and helps readers understand and retain key material like never before. New Concept and Reasoning Checks at the end of each chapter section, End of Chapter Questions and Further Readings sections, and several categories of special topics boxes expand and reinforce important concepts. The reorganization of topics allows students to focus more sharply on the key material at hand and improves the natural flow of course material. New end-of-chapter questions review major points and allow students to test themselves on important course material.


PART Ⅰ.GENES Chapter 1.Genes Are DNA Chapter 2.Genes Code for Proteins Chapter 3.The Interrupted Gene Chapter 4.The Content of the Genome Chapter 5.Genome Sequences and Gene Numbers Chapter 6.CLusters and RepeatsPART Ⅱ.PROTEINS Chapter 7.Messenger RNA Chapter 8.TransLation Chapter 9.Using the Genetic Code Chapter 10.Protein LocaLizationPART Ⅲ.PROKARYOTIC GENE  EXPRESSION Chapter 11.Bacterial Transcription Chapter 12.The Operon Chapter 13.ReguLatory RNA Chapter 14.Phage StrategiesPART Ⅳ.DNA REPLICATION AND RECOMBINATION Chapter 15.The Repticon Chapter 16.Extrachromosomal Replicons Chapter 17.Bacterial RepLication Is Connected to the CeLL CycLe Chapter 18.DNA RepLication Chapter 19.HomoLogous and Site-Specific Recombination Chapter 20.Repair Systems Chapter 21.Transposons, Retroviruses, and Retrotransposons Chapter 22.Immune Diversity Chapter 23.ChromosomesPART Ⅴ.EUKARYOTIC GENE EXPRESSION Chapter 24.Chromatin Chapter 25.Eukaryotic Transcription Chapter 26.Eukaryotic Transcription ReguLation Chapter 27.Epigenetic Effects Are Inherited Chapter 28.RNA SpLicing and Processing Chapter 29.CataLytic RNA Chapter 30.Genetic EngineeringGLossaryAppendix: Answers to Even-Numbered QuestionsIndex



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