出版時間:2009-5 出版社:科學出版社 作者:張敬源,彭漪,Mark Buck 主編 頁數:315
教育部頒布的《大學英語課程教學要求》對我國大學生英語的聽、說、讀、寫、譯等能力均提出了三個層次的要求,并在全國興起了實用性大學英語教學改革與實踐的浪潮。為進一步完善大學英語教學改革的成果,努力提高學生的英語實用能力,南開大學、天津大學、北京化工大學、北京航空航天大學、北京科技大學、北京郵電大學、對外經濟貿易大學、廣東工業(yè)大學、哈爾濱商業(yè)大學等國內重點高校的英語教師通力合作,編寫了“大學英語選修課系列教材”。本套教材包括《高級英語口語教程》、《科技英語閱讀教程》、《高級英語閱讀教程》、《實用翻譯技能集成》、《英美報刊深度閱讀》、《高級英語寫作教程》、《實用商務英語綜合教程》、《英語視聽說教程》和《當代英美社會文化新編》等九本教材。本系列教材應用了最新的英語教學理念,吸收了最新的英語教學成果,符合我國大學英語教學改革的最新要求,并體現了四、六級考試改革后的新精神,所有編寫內容均為各參編院校多年使用過的優(yōu)秀素材,具有良好的教學效果和廣泛的使用基礎。 “大學英語選修課系列教材”主要特點如下: 1.選材廣泛,內容豐富。本系列教材所選材料均來自國內外原版報紙、雜志、教材、論著、會議論文、實用文件和一些權威網站,語言真實準確、地道優(yōu)美;內容涉及視聽說、口語、閱讀、翻譯、寫作、文化、商務和科技英語等多個領域,適合不同專業(yè)學生對英語學習的需求。本系列教材選材注重原汁原味,力圖使學生在浩瀚的知識海洋中多方汲取營養(yǎng),以滿足實用性英語教學的需求。如《高級英語閱讀教程》的文章大多是近年來有關社會熱點問題,并且大都是學生所關心和感興趣的新聞報道,趣味性、實效性較強;另外,文章內容涉及生活的方方面面,集知識性、科普性、娛樂性于一體,有利于培養(yǎng)學生的學習興趣。 2.注重語言綜合技能的訓練,實用性較強。通過精心選編的課文和悉心設計的多種實踐和交際活動,從多渠道、多層面、多角度向學生輸入大量有效語言信息,吸引學生參加多種多樣、生動活潑的語言實踐和交際活動,進行大量的“交互式”的語言輸入和輸出(output)。如《英語視聽說教程》、《高級英語口語教程》強調各種微技能的培養(yǎng)和訓練,結合具體生活環(huán)境和主題,突出聽說實踐能力的培養(yǎng);《實用翻譯技能集成》圍繞實例,闡明方法和技巧,強調翻譯實踐,培養(yǎng)動手能力。每一章圍繞各種翻譯技巧,梳理分析,深入淺出,將翻譯理論技能和實踐訓練有機地結合起來。
《英美報刊深度閱讀》重點培養(yǎng)學生快速閱讀并深入準確地理解英美媒體文章的能力,力爭使大學英語提高階段語言知識的擴展寓于語言綜合使用能力的提高之中。 書中材料除個別特別精選的過刊文章外,大多選自2008年以來的英美報刊文章,最新內容截至2008年美國總統選舉。主要內容由長期講授英美報刊閱讀課程的資深外籍教授撰寫,將報刊閱讀與英美文化介紹融為一體,將報刊閱讀技巧與報刊文章寫作融為一體,從而進一步增強學生閱讀與鑒賞英美報刊文章的能力。
總序前言Part One The Media in Britain and the USAPart Two Understanding the Western PressPart Three Selected Readings from Latest Western Media Unit One American News Unit Two International News Unit Three Economic News Unit Four Science and Technology Unit Five Features Unit Six Editorials and Opinions Unit Seven Military News Unit Eight Entertainment Unit Nine Sports Report Unit Ten Classified AdsPart Four Answer Keys to the Exercises
Two of the worlds richest men, with bank balances that rival thegross domestic product of small countries, are joining forces to wagewar against a common enemy——the tobacco industry. Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, and Michael Bloomberg,the Mayor of New York City, are making a combined investmenttoday of $500 million (~250 million) to try to reduce smoking incountries such as China and India and to help to prevent a "tobaccoepidemic" in Africa. The billionaires, through their eponymous charities, intend tolobby governments in Asia, Africa and South America to increasetaxes on cigarettes, implement smoking bans and raise awareness ofhealth risks. Nearly five million people worldwide a year——almost 14,000 every day——die from tobacco-related illness, more than are killed by any other single agent. Unless urgent action is taken, theysay, as many as one billion people——more than two thirds of these in the developing world——could die this century as a result of smoking. As rates of smoking have decreased in the developed world, tobacco companies haveconcentrated their advertising and marketing resources on the developing world. Many of the companies have argued that they are not trying to addict new smokers but aretrying only to convert adults who are smoking inferior local brands. However, the World HealthOrganization released a report this year that concluded that the industry was targeting teenagersand women. The developing world is also used as a "dumping ground" for much of the inferiorquality tobacco grown by the companies. One aspect often cited as a reason why many low and middle-income countries have resistedcalls to ban advertising is that they enjoy the revenues generated from tobacco taxes. The Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, which was established in 2005, has todate committed more than $375 million towards projects aimed at reducing passive smoking andhelping smokers to give up.