出版時(shí)間:2009-4 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:張發(fā)祥 (作者), 康立新 (作者), 趙文超 (作者) 頁(yè)數(shù):210
自zellig Harris于1952年在Language雜志上發(fā)表“Discourse Analvsis”一文以來(lái),話語(yǔ)分析已有五十多年的發(fā)展歷史。其間,話語(yǔ)分析作為一門(mén)研究語(yǔ)言使用的學(xué)科,在理論上“博采眾學(xué)科之精華”。它不僅從系統(tǒng)功能語(yǔ)言學(xué)、語(yǔ)用學(xué)、認(rèn)知語(yǔ)用學(xué)等各種語(yǔ)言理論中尋找對(duì)話語(yǔ)分析有用的部分并加以應(yīng)用,還從社會(huì)學(xué)、人類學(xué)、教育學(xué)、心理學(xué)、認(rèn)知科學(xué)、計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)、哲學(xué)、人類學(xué)等許多學(xué)科中吸收了許多有益的理論和方法。這種多源的學(xué)科發(fā)展歷史注定了話語(yǔ)分析是一個(gè)“雜交”的學(xué)科,多種學(xué)科思想、理論精神和研究方法在話語(yǔ)分析領(lǐng)域得到彰顯、演繹、融合和升華。在應(yīng)用范圍上,話語(yǔ)分析的對(duì)象也可謂“包羅語(yǔ)言之萬(wàn)象”,它不僅分析日常會(huì)話、還分析書(shū)面文本,它不僅考察語(yǔ)言與教育的相互關(guān)系,還關(guān)注語(yǔ)言與社會(huì)的相互關(guān)系,更重視語(yǔ)言和思維的相互關(guān)系。
話語(yǔ)分析作為一門(mén)研究語(yǔ)言使用的學(xué)科,在理論上“博采眾學(xué)科之精華”,在應(yīng)用范圍上,話語(yǔ)分析的對(duì)象也可謂“包羅語(yǔ)言之萬(wàn)象”,至今已有五十多年的發(fā)展歷史。 本書(shū)是在廣泛收集語(yǔ)料的基礎(chǔ)上,在這一領(lǐng)域現(xiàn)有的研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上,力圖進(jìn)行實(shí)例分析方面的補(bǔ)充。全書(shū)分兩大部分:第一部分為理論論述,第二部分為實(shí)例分析,共分五章。
前言Part One Discourse Analysis Theory Chapter 1 An Introduction to Discourse AnaIysis 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Definition of discourse 1.2 Discourse analysis: its definition and development 1.3 “Text”, “context” and “discourse” 1.4 An understanding of DA as a discipline 1.5 Conversation analysis and conversational principles 1.5.1 Conversation analysis 1.5.2 Conversational principles 1.6 Eclecticism in discourse analysis 1.7 DA and pragmatics Chapter 2 Methodology of Discourse Analysis 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Methods of doing discourse analysis 2.1.1 Structural discourse analysis 2.1.2 Socio-cultural discourse analysis 2.1.3 Cognitive discourse analysis 2.1.4 Critical discourse analysis 2.1.5 Integrated discourse analysis 2.2 Understanding the methods 2.2.1 In terms of focus 2.2.2 In terms of aim 2.2.3 In terms of technique 2.3 Summary Chapter 3 Theoretical Thoughts about Discourse 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Speech act theory 3.2 Cooperative principle theory 3.3 Face and politeness principle theory 3.4 Relevance theory 3.5 The study of stylistic variation and registers 3.6 Schema theory 3.6.1 The terminology of schema theory 3.6.2 Evidence for schemata 3.6.3 The origins of schema theory 3.7 Post-structuralist theory about discourse 3.7.1 Michel Foucault's thoughts about discourse 3.7.2 M.M. Bakhtin's dialogic view on discourse 3.8 Genre theories 3.8.1 The problem of definition 3.8.2 Definitions in applied linguistics 3.8.3 Systems of genre studies 3.9 Summary Chapter 4 Discourse Analysis and Second Language Teaching. 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Application of discourse analysis to grammar teaching 4.2 Application of discourse analysis to vocabulary teaching 4.3 Application of discourse analysis to text interpretation teaching 4.3.1 Top-down and bottom-up text processing 4.3.2 Types of text 4.3.3 Patterns in text 4.4 Application of discourse analysis to conversational interaction teaching 4.5 SummaryPart Two Cases Analysis Chapter 5 Discourse Types 5.0 Introduction 5.1 News discourse analysis 5.1.1 Vocabulary analysis 5.1.2 Word features 5.1.3 Syntactical analysis 5.2 Public discourse analysis 5.2.1 Modal verb analysis 5.2.2 Analysis of pronoun 5.3 Advertising discourse analysis 5.3.1 Lexical features 5.3.2 Syntactic features in advertising discourse 5.3.3 Rhetorical features in advertising discourse 5.4 Diplomatic discourse analysis 5.4.1 Forms of achieving vagueness in diplomatic discourse 5.4.2 Functions of vagueness in diplomatic discourse 5.5 Teacher-student discourse analysis 5.5.1 Elements of structure in classroom interaction 5.5.2 Classes of acts 5.5.3 Classes of moves 5.5.4 Classes of exchanges 5.6 Humorous discourse analysis 5.6.1 Remarkable characteristics of humor 5.6.2 Cooperative principle and humor 5.6.3 Speech act and humor 5.7 Network discourse analysis 5.7.1 Reasons for the formation of network discourse 5.7.2 Development of network discourse 5.7.3 Classifications of network vocabulary 5.7.4 Characteristics of network discourseReferences
It was the particular search for the?。╬urely) constatives (utterances which describe something outside the text and can therefore be judged true or false) which prompted John L. Austin (1962) to direct his attention to the distinction with the so-called performatives, i.e. utterances which are neither true or false but which bring about a particular social effect by being uttered (e.g. "With this ring I thee wed"-by speaking the utterance you perform the act). For a performative to have the desired effect, it has to meet certain social and cultural criteria, also called felicity conditions. Further on in his essay, Austin abandoned the distinction between constatives and performatives and replaced it by a new distinction between three different "aspects" of an utterance against the background of a generalized claim that all utterances are really performatives. This generalized claim is the key assumption of speech act theory (the theory of "how to do things with words"), viz. by making an utterance, language users perform one or more social acts. These are called "speech acts". The threefold distinction is that between different types of action. For instance, by speaking an utterance (locution), you may perform the social act of making a promise (illocution-what the speaker does by using the utterance) and, as a result, convince your audience of your commitment (perlocution-what the speakers done, having made the utterance).
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