出版時(shí)間:2008 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:Zhou Zhiyi,Zhen Yongyi 頁數(shù):401
In the light of researches published up to 2005, this book aims to provide a review and a complete list of Chinese trilobite genera (or subgenera) with new information about their temporal and spatial distributions, in order to amplify the data compiled by Lu et al. (1965) in the Trilobites of China. We hope that our effort herein will be of significance for palaeontologists who wish to roam about the Chinese trilobite kingdom with ease. Lu et al. (1965) dealt with 376 trilobite genera that were known in China before 1963. By the beginning of 2006, however, there are altogether 1677 genera (or subgenera) recorded in China, with an increase of available generic (or subgeneric) names by 350% in the last 40 years. Many of these newly proposed taxa were published in various regional palaeontological atlases during the late 1970s and early 1980s with no full literature review undertaken, and the precise occurrences for most of them were not known. Some of them were even established on poorly preserved, fragmentary, or insufficient specimens,with morphological characters difficult to interpret. A radical revision of the Chinese trilobites is therefore required, and through the collective revisions presented in various chapters of this book, 1317 genera (or subgenera) belonging to 166 families are recognized as valid. The work is largely based on NIGP collections made from the type localities or nearby areas, from which the relevant original specimens were collected. Most of these Chinese trilobite genera were listed by Jell & Adrain (2003) with indication of their known synonyms, and two trilobite orders (Agnostida and Redlichiida) including Agnostina (Shergold & Laurie, 1997), Eodiscina (Jell, 1997), and Redlichiina (Chang et al., 1997) were revised in the second edition of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology edited by R. L. Kaesler (1997). These two comprehensive works have added significant amount of new data to our knowledge and provided us with much valuable information on Chinese trilobites.
This volume deals with 1677 trilobite genera that occur in the Palaeozoic rocks of China, and, after a critical revision, 1317 of them are considered as valid. All the valid forms are listed with reference to their familial assignments, and chronostratigraphical, geographical and geological settings. Based on the updated data of their temporal and spatial distribution, the Cambrian and Ordovician biogeography of China is reviewed. Furthermore, the familial and generic biodiversity changes through the 46 Palaeozoic stages and 71 Cambro-Ordovician time intervals (defined by biozones) in China are depicted, and the fundamental trends in the history of trilobite diversification and macroevolution through the Palaeozoic of China are revealed. The book provides the most complete and consistent data set available for trilobite records in China, and will interest all those of the palaeontologists, geologists and biologists who wish to roam about theChinese trilobite kingdom with ease.
EDITORIAL PREFACECHAPTER 1 Introduction with reference to previous work, stratigraphical and geological settings, and biogeography Zhou Zhiyi and Zh 1.1 Trilobite research in China: a historical review 1.2 Notes on the chronostratigraphy of trilobite-bearing beds 1.3 Division of geographical units 1.4 Outline of Cambrian and Ordovician trilobite biogeographyCHAPTER 2 Cambrian agnostoids 2.1 List ofagnostoid genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 2.2 Occurrences CHAPTER 3 Early Cambrian (Chiungchussuan, Tsanglangpuan and Lungwangmia 3.1 A brief stratigraphic review 3.2 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 3.3 OccurrencesCHAPTER 4 Non-agnostoids of the early Mid Cambrian (Maochuangian and Hsuchuangian) 4.1 Zonation and correlation 4.2 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 4.3 OccurrencesCHAPTER 5 Non-agnostoids of Changhian (late Mid Cambrian) 5.1 Zonation and correlation 5.2 List of genera (or subgenera) erected based on Chinese material 5.3 OccurrencesCHAPTER 6 Platform-facies non-agnostoids of Late Cambrian (Kushanian,Changshanian and Fengshanian) 6.1 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 6.2 Occurrences CHAPTER 7 Cambrian (late Taijiangian-Taoyuanian) slope-facies noti-agnostoids" 7.1 List ofpolymerid genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 7.2 OccurrencesCHAPTER 8 Latest Cambrian and Ordovician 8.1 Notes on the stratigraphic framework 8.2 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 8.3 Age and occurrences CHAPTER 9 SHurian 9.1 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 9.2 OccurrencesCHAPTER 10 Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Yuan J 10.1 List of genera (or subgenera) erected on Chinese material 10.2 OccurencesCHAPTER 11 History of trilobite biodiversity: a Chinese perspective 11.1 Data and analytical methods 11.2 Origin 11.3 Diversity 11.4 Radiation events 11.5 Extinction events 11.6 ConclusionsREFERENCESINDEXCONTRIBUTORS
Yinaspis Chang & Fan, 1960, p. 113 [*Y. granulatus Chang & Fan; 1960, p. 114; holotype: NIGP 10100,cranidium (Chang & Fan, 1960, pl. 5, fig. 8), late Tremadoc, Yumen, western Gansu]. Yinpanolithus Lu in Lu & Chang, 1974, p. 129 [*Y. yinpanensis Lu in Lu & Chang, 1974, p. 129;lectotype (selected Zhou & Hughes, 1989, p. 66): NIGP, eephalon (Lu & Chang, 1975, pl. 51, fig. 9),Arenig, Chengkou, northeastern Chongqing]. Yosimuraspis (Eoyosimuraspis) Qian, 1985a, p. 71 [* Y. (E.) truncates Qian, 1985a, p. 71; holotype:NIGP 92754, cranidium (Qian, 1985a, pl. 13, fig. 2), upper part of the Yosimuraspis Zone, earliest Tremadoc, Hunjiang, southern Jilin]. Junior subjective synonym of Yosimuraspis Kobayashi, 1960a (see Duan et al., 1986, p. 56). Yosimuraspis (Metayosimuraspis) Qian, 1985a, p. 75 [*Y. (M.) latilimbatus Qian, 1985a, p. 75; holotype:NIGP 92737, cranidium (Qian, 1985a, pl. 11, fig. 3), upper part of the Yosimuraspis Zone, earliest Tremadoc, Hunjiang, southern Jilin]. Junior subjective synonym of Yosimuraspis Kobayashi, 1960a (see Duan et al., 1986, p. 56). Yumenaspis Chang & Fan, 1960, p. 134 [*Y. yumenensis Chang & Fan, 1960, p. 135; holotype: NIGP 10147 (Chang & Fan, 1960, pl. 9, fig. 1), latest Llanvirn-early Caradoc, Yumen, western Gansu]. Zhenganites Yin in Yin & Lee, 1978, p. 528 [*Z. guizhouensis Yin in Yin & Lee, 1978, p. 529; holotype:SMNH Gt-307, cephalon (Yin & Lee, 1978, pl. 174, fig. 4), Llanvirn, Zhengan, northern Guizhou]. Zoraspis Nan, 1985a, p. 12 [*Z. lobata Nan, 1985a, p. 12; holotype: SIGM 030133, cranidium (Nan,1985a, pl. 1, fig. 7), late Tremadoc, Huma, northem Heilongjiang]. The dorsal shield coincides well with that of either Megalaspides Brogger, 1886 or Liomegalaspides Lu, 1975, but the hypostome bears a great resemblance to that of the latter, especially in the absence of the posterior border furrow.The genus is therefore considered herein as a junior subjective synonym of Liomegalaspides.