
出版時(shí)間:2008-1  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:Second Edition  頁(yè)數(shù):473  


  The first edition of The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their Kins, which includes the fossil amphibians, reptiles, synapsids, and birds of China, was published in English in 1992. It is a professional book written to introduce the lower vertebrate fossils of China to paleontologists around the world. The book received world-wide attention and was sold out shortly after its appearance because it was well written and well-illustrated with plentiful text figures.  As a result of the many remarkable achievements in the vertebrate paleontology of China during the last 15 years, it is necessary to update The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their Kins. We hope that the new edition of the book will become a window through which paleontologists will have a broad view of recent research on the fossil lower vertebrates and birds of China.  The whole book was compiled by the specialists whose names are listed in each section. The specialists who worked on the last edition of the book are named as the junior author in each section but they are not responsible for any mistakes the present edition may have.  Illustrations indicated particularly in their captions are from published sources, others either from the last editions or innovation for this edition.  We would like to thank the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Peoples Republic of China, and National Natural Science Foundation of China, for the moral and financial support that made achievement by the authors in the past decades possible.  The editors and authors express their appreciation to Professor Susan E. EVANS for reading and improving the preface, introduction, and manuscripts of amphibians and squamates, Dr. MIAO Desui for reading and improving the preface, and introduction. We are grateful to YANG Mingwan, XU Yong, DING Xiaoqing and HE Li for their assistance with some illustrations.  The proceeding of this book is supported by The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Peoples Republic of China (2006FY120400, 2006CB806400 and 2005DKA21405).


Fifteen years have past since the first edition of The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their Kins was published. Like its first edition, this second edition remains to serve as an introductory manual of the Chinese lower vertebrate fossils and primitive birds for paleontologists and non-professionals alike.  This thoroughly revised and updated edition has incorporated 172 new genera and 219 new species discovered in the past 15 years in China. Most of them came from the materials collected during the China-Canada Dinosaur Project in northwestern China, the Jehol Biota in northern China, the Dashankou Fauna in Gansu, and the Triassic marine fauna in Guizhou.  In addition, cladograms are introduced in the new edition, representing our current understanding of the relationships within the Amphibia,Anapsida, Diapsida, Squamata, the basal groups of Lep dosauromorpha,Archosauromorpha, Crocodylomorpha, Pterosauria, Ornithischia,Saurischia, Aves, and Synapsida. Linnaean system of classification,however, is retained in this edition.


PrefaceIntroductionIntroduction (The first edition, 1992)Institutional abbreviationsTetrapoda  Amphibia     Order Temnospondyli       Family Brachyopidae       Family Metoposauridae     Superfamily Mastodonsauroidea       Family Heylerosauridae         Family Mastodonsauridae     Superfamily Dissorophoidea       Family Dissorophidae     Subclass Lissamphibia       Superorder Caudata         Order Urodela           Family Cryptobranchidae           Family ?Salamandridae      Superorder Salientia        Order Anura          Family Alytidae          Family Pelobatidae          Family Bufonidae          Family Ranidae        Superorder Reptiliomorpha          Order Anthracosauria            Family Chroniosuchidae          Suborder Seymouriamorpha            Family Discosauriscidae            Family KotlassiidaeAmniota  Sauropsida    Subclass Anapsida       Family Bolosauridae     Suborder Procolophonia       Family Procolophonidae     Suborder Pareiasauroidea       Family PareiasauridaeOrder Testudines  Infraorder Rhaptochelydia  Gigaorder Casichelydia   Suborder Cryptodira    Family Chengyuchelyidae   Hyperorder Daiocryptodira    Parvorder Eucryptodira          Family Sinochelyidae          Family Xinjiangchelyidae        Unranked taxon Centrocryptodira          Family Sinemydidae        Superfamily Triohychoidea          Family Adocidae          Family Nanhsiungchelyidae          Family Carettochelyidae          Family Trionychidae        Superfamily Testudinoidea          Family Lindholmemydidae          Family Emydidae          Family Testudinidae  Order Captorhinomorpha   Family CaptorhinidaeSubclass Diapsida  Order Choristodera   Family Champsosauridae      Family MonjurosuchidaeInfraclass Lepidosauromorpha  Superorder Lepidosauria   Order Rhynchocephalia    Family Sphenodontidae   Order Squamata    Infraorder Iguania     Pleurodonta          Acrodonta      Scleroglossa        Infraorder Scincomorpha          Family Polyglyphanodontidae          Family ?Paramacellodidae         Infraorder Anguimorpha          Family Anguidae          Family Carusiidae          Family ?Xenosauridae          Family Helodermatidae          Family ?Varanidae     ……Marine diapsedsInfraclass ArchosauromorphaOrder CrocodylonorphaOrder PterosauriaOrder SaurischiaAvesSubclass SymapsidaLiterature citedSystematic indexIndexA comparative list of the locality in Chinese phonetic alphabet(CPA)and conventional English(CE)



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