出版時間:2007-1 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:Wei-Xin Ren,Hong hao,Xin-Qun Zhu 著 頁數(shù):全二冊
Despite significant advances in the field of structural condition monitoring, assessment andimprovement, failures of civil engineering structures without warning, in particular bridges, undernormal operation conditions occur occasionally. The recent collapse of the 1——35W Mississippi Riverbridge in Minnesota on 1 August 2007 has drawn a lot of attention and publicity. Just about twoweeks after the collapse of the Minnesota bridge, a highway bridge in Feng-Huang county in HunanProvince, only a few hundred kilometres from Changsha, collapsed on 13 August 2007, killed 64.Three days later on 16 August, a 38 m long highway bridge in Shanxi Province in China collapsedbecause of overloading. Collapse of these structures claim life, cause enormous economic loss andsignificant psychological impact to general public. The objectives of research into structural conditionmonitoring, assessment and improvement are to provide scientific basis for structural assetmanagement for the ultimate goal of prevention of sudden structure collapse for life and economyprotection. The first International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring andImprovement (SCAMI-I) was held in Perth, Western Australia in December 2005, launched andchaired by Prof. H. Hao. It attracted more than 50 participants. 48 technical papers were presented inthe conference, including four keynote papers presented by Prof. M. S. Cheung, A. De Stefano, R. E.Melchers, and Y. L. Xu. In the last two years, many research progresses have been made in the areaof structural condition monitoring, assessment, and improvement. It is the right time to bring theresearchers and engineers together again to exchange the advancement in this area. Compared to theSCAMI-I, the organizing committee of the SCAMI-II had decided to extend the conference themesby including the topic of vehicle-structure interaction. More than 330 abstracts were received. All the abstracts were reviewed by the organizingcommittee members. About 290 abstracts were accepted and 40 rejected. All the 250 full papers,except the keynote papers, were subjected to rigorous peer review by the International AdvisoryCommittee members. Finally about 220 full papers were accepted to be included in the conferenceproceedings. These papers describe the recent advances in the area of structural condition monitoring,assessment and improvement, and in the area of vehicle-structure interaction. They reflect theenormous research effort and significant research achievements of the authors. The conference is jointly organized by the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, CentralSouth University in China, and the School of Civil and Resource Engineering, the University ofWestern Australia in Australia. The editors would like to thank the sponsorship and help from thesetwo engineering schools in organizing the conference, and thank all the members in the InternationalAdvisory Committee for publicizing the conference and for reviewing the full papers. The editorswould also like to thank National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), GuangdongProvincial Communication Group Testing Center, Beijing Pi-Optical Co. Ltd. and ChangshaUniversity of Science and Technology for financial supports. Finally, the editors wish thank all theauthors for your contribution to the conference and proceedings. Without these supports, theconference would not have been possible.
《Structural Condition Assessment,Monitoring And Improvement》Despite significant advances in the field of structural condition monitoring, assessment andimprovement, failures of civil engineering structures without warning, in particular bridges, undernormal operation conditions occur occasionally. The recent collapse of the 1——35W Mississippi Riverbridge in Minnesota on 1 August 2007 has drawn a lot of attention and publicity. Just about twoweeks after the collapse of the Minnesota bridge, a highway bridge in Feng-Huang county in HunanProvince, only a few hundred kilometres from Changsha, collapsed on 13 August 2007, killed 64.Three days later on 16 August, a 38 m long highway bridge in Shanxi Province in China collapsedbecause of overloading. Collapse of these structures claim life, cause enormous economic loss andsignificant psychological impact to general public.
PrefaceVolume Ⅰ Keynotes Operational Modal Analysis and Structural Health Monitoring With sparse sensor arrays Vibration-based Health Monitoring of Bridges and Transportation Infrastructures Benchmark of Uncertainties in structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Development of High-quality Engineering Models for Marine Coastal Zone Corrosion of Steels Extraction of Bridge Frequencies from a Passing Vehicle-an Indirect Approach 1 Structural and System Reliability Structural Reliability as a Measure for Assessing the Quality of Stochastically Updated finite Element Model Fuzzy Random Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridges Probabilistic Analysis on the Load upon the Existing Beam Bridge Based on Reliability Theory Transition Probabilities in Markov Chain for Bridge Condition Projection Damage Detection of Spatial Truss Structure Based on Strain Mode and Bayesian Statistical Method Stuatisity Assessment of No.1Steel Pedestrain Bridge of Wuhan University of Technology …… 2 Structural Analysis and Integrity 3 Damage Detection and Safety Evaluation 4 Local/Global structurcl gondition assessments 5 FE Model Updating and Performance Evaluation Author IndexVolume Ⅱ 6 Critical Issues for Health Monitoring 7 Instrumentation and Sensors for Structural Appraisal 8 Smart Materials and Structures 9 Temperature and Other Environmental Compensation Techniques 10 Structural Strengthening ,Repair and Retrofitting 11 Maintenance,Management and Life-Cycle Cost 12 System Applications and Field Tests 13 Special Session1:Vehicle -Structure Interactive Vibration 14 Special Session 2:Structural Damage Identification and Health Monitoring Author Index
《Structural Condition Assessment,Monitoring And Improvement》由科學(xué)出版社出版。