
出版時間:2007-8  出版社:科學  作者:發(fā)伊姆  頁數(shù):245  




ABOUT THE AUTHORPREFACEFOREWORD1.INTRODUCTION1.1 WHAT ARE SYSTEM-ON-A-CHIP PROCESSORS?1.2 ORGANIZATION2.PHASE-LOCKED LOOP FUNDAMENTALS2.1 Introduction2.2 PLL Basics2.3 Continuoas-time Linear Analysis of PLLs2.4 Discrete-time Linear Analysis of PLLs2.5 Nonlinear Locking Behaviour of PLLs2.6 Summary3.LOW-VOLTAGE ANALOG CMOS DESIGN3.1 Introduction3.2 MOS Transistors3.3 Low-Voltage Current Mirrors3.4 Low- Voltage Charge Pumps3.5 Low- Voltage Oscillator Design3.6 Voltage and Current References3.7 Summary4.JITTER ANALYSIS IN PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS4.1 Introduction4.2 Jitter Basics4.3 Jitter in Voltage Controlled Oscillators4.4 Jitter Performance of Closed-Loop PLL System4.5 Coupling Noise Effects on Jitter4.6 Summary5.LOW-JITTER PLL ARCHITECTURES5.1 Introduction5.2 Differential PLL Architecture.5.3 Supply Voltage Regulated PLL Architectures5.4 Adaptive PLL Architectures5.5 Resistorless Loop Filter PLLs5.6 Delay-Locked Loop Frequency Multipliers5.7 Summary6.DIGITAL PLL DESIGN6.1 Introduction6.2 Basic Topology6.3 Z-domain Analysis6.4 Circuit Implementation Issues6.5 Alternate Digital PLL for Clock Generation6.6 Summary7.DSP CLOCK GENERATOR ARCHITECTURES7.1 Introduction7.2 Sampling Clock Requirements for Data Converters7.3 Jitter in Frequency Dividers7.4 Fractional-N PLLs as Clock Generators7.5 Oversampled PLL Topologies7.6 Direct Digital Synthesis with Analog Interpolation7.7 Summary8.DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY IN PLLS8.1 Introduction8.2 Verification of SoC PLLs8.3 Jitter Measurement Techniques8.4 Design for Testability and Self-Test in PLLs8.5 Summary9.CLOCK PARTITIONING AND SKEW CONTROL9.1 Introduction9.2 Clock Distribution Networks in SoCs9.3 Performance Limitations in Clock Networks9.4 Active Skew Management Strategies9.5 Multi-phase Clock Generator9.6 Low-Power Clock Distribution Strategies9.7 Multi-clock Domain Interfacing9.8 SummaryINDEX


  Clock Generators for SOC Processors  This book examines the issue of design of fully-integrated frequency synthesizers suitable for system-on-a-chip(soc)processors.  This book takes a more global design perspective in jointly examining the design space at the circuit level as well as at the architectural level.The coverage of the book is comprehensive and includes summary chapters on circuit theory as well as feedback control theory relevant to the operation of phase locked loops(PLLs).  On the circuit level,the discussion includes low-voltage analog design in deep submicron digital CMOS processes,effects of supply noise,substrate noise,as well device noise.On the architectural level,the discussion includes PLLanalysis using continuous-time as well as discrete-time models,linear and nonlirear effects of PLL performance,and detailed analysis of locking behavior.



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