
出版時(shí)間:2006-8  出版社:衛(wèi)生職業(yè)教育分社  作者:潘華凌  頁(yè)數(shù):444  


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Unit One General Introduction of Beauty  Lesson One    Text A Societal Standards of Beauty    Text B Ethical Challenges in Surgery as Narrated by Practicing Surgeons  Lesson Two    Text A Beauty and Society    Text B The History of Cosmetic SurgeryUnit Two Psychology of Cosmetic Medicine  Lesson Three    Text A The Cases of BDD    Text B Social,Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Cosmetic Use  Lesson Four    Text A Painful Obsessions    Text B Psychosocial Issues and Their Relevance to Cosmetic Surgery PatientUnit Three Technology of Cosmetic Medical Care  Lesson Five    Text A Liposuction(Ⅰ)    Text B Liposuction(Ⅱ)  Lesson Six    Text A Autologous Fat Transplantation    Text B Non?invasive Assessment Techniques in Cosmetology:Measurementof Blood Flow in the utaneous Microvasculature  Lesson Seven     Text A Dermabrasion    Text B Is Tumescent Liposuction SafeUnit Four Cosmetics  Lesson Eight    Text A Skin?care Products for Normal, Dry and Greasy Skin    Text B Moisturizing Agents and Perfumes  Lesson Nine    Text A Main Finished Products: Moisturizing and Cleansing Creams    Text B Sunscreens  Lesson Ten    Text A Hair Care    Text B Hand and Body LotionsUnit Five Cosmetic Dermatology  Lesson Eleven    Text A Skin Aging    Text B Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis  Lesson Twe lve    Text A Sensitive Skin    Text B Cosmetic Dermatology in ChildrenUnit Six Cosmeceuticals  Lesson Thirteen    Text A Antioxidants    Text B Botulinum Toxin  Lesson Fourteen    Text A Percutaneous Penetration and Diffusion of Cosmetic Ingredients: Implications for Safety and Efficacy    Text B Side-effects and Social Aspects of Cosmetology: Adverse Cosmetic ReactionsUnit SevenCosmetic Surgery  Lesson Fifteen    Text A Photoaging: Mechanisms, Consequences and Prevention    Text B Chemical Peels  Lesson Sixteen    Text A Evaluation of the Aging Face    Text B The Treatment of KeloidsUnit Eight Lasers in Cosmetology  Lesson Seventeen    Text A Lasers in Skin Resurfacing    Text B Laser Hair Removal  Lesson Eighteen    Text A Lasers in the Treatment of Vascular Lesions    Text B Lasers in the Treatment of Pigmented LesionsUnit Nine Anesthesia for Aesthetic Surgery  Lesson Nineteen    Text A Office?based Sedation and Monitoring    Text B Procedural Techniques of Regional Anesthesia(Ⅰ)  Lesson Twenty    Text A Regional Anesthesia for Aesthetic Surgery    Text B Procedural Techniques of Regional Anesthesia(Ⅱ)Unit Ten Cosmetic Dentistry  Lesson Twenty-One    Text A Artistic and Scientific Principles Applied to Aesthetic Dentistry    Text B Replacement of Deficient Crowns  Lesson Twenty-Two    Text A Establishing an Aesthetic Gingival Appearance    Text B Tissue Management for the Maxillary Anterior RegionAppendices  Appendix Ⅰ Declaration of Aesthetic Medical Ethics  Appendix Ⅱ Organizations and Journals of Aesthetic Medicine  Appendix Ⅲ Disciplinary Terms of Aesthetic Medicine





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