出版時間:1970-1 出版社:科學(xué)出版社 作者:Shi Ya feng 編 頁數(shù):539
Since the professional institution for glaciology attached to the Chinese Academy ofSciences (CAS) was established in 1958, studies of glaciers in alpine regions, laterextended to Arctic and Antarctic regions, and then of Quaternary glaciations all overChina, have been developed gradually. The study fields include general glaciology,hydrology and climatology in glaciated regions, the physics of snow and ice,glaciochemistry, the extraction and analysis of ice cores, the seasonal snow cover, snowand ice hazards and their control measures, and climatic and environmental changes inrelation to glaciers. The study methods include expeditions, static observations,laboratory experiments and analyses, and a glacier inventory across China. It was myhonor to manage the studies from 1958 to 1984. Since then, I have become engaged inthis field until the present time. Therefore, I am lucky enough to have witnessed thewhole development of glaciology in China. Nowadays, the papers published in scientificperiodicals are increasing so rapidly that there are thousands already, calling eagerly forintegrated studies both for a single discipline and as a whole, so as to convenient theciting and reference providing for a broad range of scholars. For an integrated study, wehave produced two Chinese monographs: An Introduction to the Glaciers in China(Science Press in 1988) with 322 references and Glaciers and Their Environments inChina the Present, Past and Future (Science Press in 2000) with 794 references. Weare pleased to have them widely used by Chinese scholars.
However, due to language difference between China and the western countries, theprogress of glaciology in China, of which most accounts have been published in Chinese,is difficult for western scientists to appreciate. Therefore, we decided to publish anEnglish edition based on Glaciers and Their Environments in China——the Present, Pastand Future (in Chinese), as you see here, named Glaciers and Related Environments inChina, which in fact is an optimized version, with new research data till 2005 and arevised structure. It is our hope, through publishing this monograph, to enable foreignscientists to understand systematically the current situation and historical progress ofglacier research and other relevant environmental studies within the Chinese territory,so as to promote more cooperation with foreign glaciologists, who also share the wish todevelop further the field and to face effectively the widespread concerns as globalwarming, water cycle changes, glacier shrinking and deteriorating environments.
FOREWORD ⅠFOREWORD ⅡPREFACECHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GLACIERS, CRYOSPHERE AND GLACIOLOGY 1.2 DEVELOPMENT OF GLACIOLOGY IN CHINA 1.2.1 Preliminary Development during 1958-1977 1.2.2 Relatively Steady Development of Glaciological Research since 1978 1.3 S()CIAL SIGNIFICANCE()F GLACI()L()GICAI.RESEARCH 1.3.1 Applications to Studies of Water and Tourism Resources and Their Rational Utilization 1.3.2 Effective Mitigation of Glacier- and Snow-Induced Disasters 1.3.3 Valuable Information Sources of Climate and Environment 1.3.4 Inspiring Future Generations REFERENCESCHAPTER 2 GLACIERS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION IN CHINA 2.1 C()NDITI()NS F()R GLACIER DEVEL()PMENT 2.1.1 Mountains and Glacier Development in West China 2.1.2 Climatic Conditions of Glacier Development 2.2 MAIN RESULTS ()F THE GLACIER INVENT()RY ()F CHINA 2.2.1 The Glacier Inventory of China 2.2.2 Glacier Volume 2.2.3 Distribution of Glaciers by Province (Region) 2.2.4 Distribution of Glaciers by Mountain System 2.2.5 Distribution o{ Glaciers by Slope ()rientation 2.2.6 Distribution of Glaciers by Water Drainage System 2.3 GLACIER TYPES AND THEIR REGI()NAL DISTRIBUTION 2.3.1 Classification in Terms of Geophysical Properties 2.3.2 Classification in Terms of Morphology and Distribution Characteristics of Morphological Types 2.3.3 Relation between Glacier Morphological Type and Glacier Size 2.4 SNOW LINE ALTITUDE AND ITS SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION 2.4.1 Method to Determine the Snow Line Altitude 2.4.2 Spatial Distribution of the Snow Line Altitude and Its Dependent Factors 2.4.3 Accumulation Area Ratio of Glaciers and the Factors on Which It Depends 2.5 GLACIERS LOCATED IN SOME REPRESENTATIVE REGIONS AND THEIR FEATURES 2.5.1 The Altay Mountains 2.5.2 The Tianshan Mountains 2.5.3 The Qilian Mountains 2.5.4 The Pamirs 2.5.5 The Karakorum Mountains 2.5.6 The Kunlun Mountains 2.5.7 The Qangtang Plateau, Especially the Purog Kangri Ice Field 2.5.8 The East Section of the Nyainqentanglha Range 2.5.9 The Mount Gongga and Mount Yulong of the Hengduan Mountains 2.5.10 The Middle Section of the Himalayas REFERENCESCHAPTER 3 PHYSICS OF GLACIERS 3.1 DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE IN GLACIERS 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Heat Transfer in the Near-Surface Layer 3.1.3 Heat Conduction at the Glacier Base 3.1.4 Heat Transfer within a Glacier 3.1.5 Two-Dimensional Temperature Distribution 3.1.6 Temperate Glaciers 3.1.7 Types of Glacier Temperature Distribution 3.2 ICE FORMATION 3.2.1 The Transformation of Snow to Ice 3.2.2 Glacial Zonation 3.2.3 Glacial Zones in the Main Glaeierized Areas 3.3 ICE TEXTURES 3.3.1 The History 3.3.2 Crystal Size 3.3.3 c-Axis Orientation 3.3.4 The Features of Ice Textures in China 3.4 MECHANISMS OF GLACIER MOTION 3.4.1 ABriefView 3.4.2 Deformation of Ice 3.4.3 Basal Sliding and Deformation of the Bed 3.4.4 Hydraulic Effects at the Glacier Bed 3.4.5 A Summary of Motion Mechanisms of Glaciers in China REFERENCESCHAPTER 4 MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE OF GLACIERSCHAPTER 5 SNOW AND ICE CHEMISTRY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE ……CHAPTER 6 SNOW COVER DISTRIBUTION,VARIABILITY,AND RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN CHINACHAPTER 7 GLACIAL RUNOFF AND ITS MODELINGCHAPTER 8 SNOW AND ICE HAZARDS AND THEIR CONTROL MEASURESCHAPTER 9 CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT CHANGES DERIVED FROM ICE CORE RECORDSCHAPTER 10 QUATERNARY GLACIATIONS,GLACIAL AND INTERGLACIAL CYCLES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGESCHAPTER 11 IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING ON GLACIERS AND RELATED WATER RESOURCES IN CHINAINDEXPLATESPHOTOGRAPHS
插圖:The methods of measurement and calculation of mass balance currently applied inChina are described as follows. Direct measurementA stake network is fixed on the glacier surface for direct measurement. The surfacelevel relative to the stake top is measured periodically. To measure snow depth anddensity and describe snow-firn stratigraphy in the accumulation area, snow pitting or icecore sampling should be conducted at some fixed sites within some fixed dates, so thatsnow accumulation rates for different time intervals can be calculated. By means of netbalance isopleths and/or altitude zones, an isoline diagram can be drawn on a large-scaleglacier map from the measurements for the calculation of the instantaneous, seasonal(winter and summer) or annual mass balance components.Xie Zichu and Zhang Jinhua (1988) have systematically summarized this method. Inthis Chapter, we only stress aspects of mass balance measurement and calculation thathave been improved and replenished.(1)In China continental or warm season accumulation glaciers are widespread withextensive development of superimposed ice. Therefore, it has been suggested that netbalance of snow/tim, superimposed ice and glacial ice should be measured separately ata fixed site. Although the measurements expend a lot of labor, these measurements arenecessary for calculating instantaneous net balance, therefore, the process of calculationcan be simplified.(2)In the wet snow zone or higher zones, it is possible that meltwater percolatesinto the firn formed in the previous year. So, when acquiring net accumulation by meansof snow pits, be careful to measure the mass increase in old firn.(3)In the previous studies, only the method of net balance isopleths was applied toestimate the net balance of a glacier. This method is inconvenient for studying theelevation related balance variation. To keep consistency with WGMS, it is suggestedthat the method of altitude zones should be employed simultaneously on those monitoredglaciers. In that case, their results can compare and compensate each other, thus thechance for errors got minimized.
《GLACIERS AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTS IN CHINA(中國冰川及其環(huán)境)(英文版)》是由科學(xué)出版社出版。