
出版時(shí)間:2009-7  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:汪世平,葉嗣穎  頁(yè)數(shù):660  字?jǐn)?shù):1391000  




Part I  Fundamentals of Microbio-logy and ParasitologyChapter 1  IntroductionChapter 2  Host-Parasite InteractionsChapter 3  Infection and ImmunologyChapter 4  Laboratory Diagnosis forChapter 5  Epidemiology and Control of Infectious DiseasesPart Ⅱ  BacteriologyChapter 6  OverviewChapter 7  Morphology and Structure of Bacteria                 Chapter 8  Physiology of BacteriaChapter 9  Sterilization and DisinfectionChapterl0  Bacterial Genetics andChapter 11  Bacterial Infection and ImmunityChapter 12  Principles of Diagnosis and Prevention of Bacterial InfectionChapter 13  Bacterial Drug-Resistance and Nosocomial InfectionChapter 14  CoccusChapter 15  Enteric BacilliChapter 16  Vibrio   Chapter 17  Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pyloriChapter 18 Anaerobic BacteriaChapter 19  Corynebacterium   Chapter 20  MycobacteriaChapter 21  ParvobacillusChapter 22  Zoonotic BacteriaChapter 23  Other BacteriaChapter 24  Actinomyces and NocardiaChapter 25  SpirochetesChapter 26  ChlamydiaeChapter 27  MycoplasmasChapter 28  RickettsiaPart Ⅲ  VirologyChapter 29  General Properties of VirusesChapter 30  Multiplication and Variation of viruses   Chapter 31  Viral Infection and Immunity   Chapter 32  Diagnosis of Viral Infectious   Chapter 33  Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infection   Chapter 34  Hepatitis Viruses   Chapter 35  Respiratory Viruses   Chapter 36  Enteroviruses    Chapter 37  HerpesvirusesChapter 38  Retroviruses and Cancer  Associated VirusesChapter 39  Encephalitis VirusesChapter 40  Hemorrhagic Fever VirusesChapter 41  Other Important VirusesPart IV  MycologyChapter 42  General Properties of FungiChapter 43  Pathogenic FungiPart V  ProtozoologyChapter 44  General Properties of the ProtozoaChapter 45  LoboseaChapter 46  ZoomastigophoreaChapter 47  SporozoaChapter 48  CiliatesPart VI  Helminthology Chapter 49  TrematodesChapter 50  Cestodes   Chapter 51  NematodePart Ⅶ ArthropodologyChapter 52  IntroductionChapter 53  InsectsChapter 54  ArachnidaReferencesAppendix Ⅰ  English-Chinese GlossaryAppendix Ⅱ  Chinese-English Glossary of Medical MicrobiologyAppendix Ⅲ  Chinese-English Glossary of Medical parasitology





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