
出版時(shí)間:2005-3  出版社:科學(xué)分社  作者:彭善池  


China is richly endowed with Cambrian strata yielding some of the best-preserved fossilsknown anywhere in the world. The trilobites are most important element in the fauna, and ofscientific relevance for several reasons. First, they are of regional importance in the precisecorrelation of strata, and are of primary use in characterising mappable formations. Second, some ofthe species are widespread internationally, and these permit the placing of Chinese stratigraphicalschemes within the global chronostratigraphy. Thirdly, the variety, relationships and endemicity ofthe faunas contributes to the broad questions of how evolution proceeded in the Cambrian, and isrelevant to debates about whether special conditions applied at the early stage of the Phanerozoicradiation.The polymerid trilobite faunas of northwestern Hunan are remarkable for their diversity andexcellence of preservation. Many of them belong to genera confined to China or to itspalaeogeographic neighbours. However, some of these important taxa have remained imperfectlyknown or undescribed. This monograph makes good this omission. Thus in several cases pygidia orfree cheeks are assigned where they had not been known previously, thus providing a much fullerpicture of morphology in assessing relationships. This is particularly welcome where the speciesconcerned is the type of its genus. In addition a number of new genera are added to the fauna. Thepaper also documents the endemic radiation of the specialised and interesting DameseUoidea, afamily showing some of the most specialised pygidia in the Trilobita. The systematics of thesetrilobites is fully discussed, and the whole work is illustrated by photographs of the highest quality.This work should remain the standard account for the foreseeable future.The detailed work on the trilobites is placed in the wider context of biostratigraphy andcorrelation, which should be of interest to all those concerned with Cambrian geology. Arefinement of the biostratigraphic zones based on the ranges of trilobite species will haveimplications for those currently seeking to increase the precision in international correlation ofsubdivisions within the Cambrian. Careful new work, of which this paper is an excellent example,is a more valuable contribution than almost anything else in this endeavour.




中國湖南寒武系多節(jié)類三葉蟲(英文版)(1)  FOREWORD  INTRODUCTION    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS    REPOSITORIES  PREVIOUSWORK  GEOLOGICSETTING    PALEOGEOGRAPHY    STRATIGRAPHY    MEASURED SECTIONS  CORRELATION    NORTH CHINA AND NORTHEAST CHINA PLATFORMS    TARIM AND NORTHWEST CHINA    WESTERNZHEJIANG    AUSTRALIA    BALTICA    KAZAKHSTAN    LAURENTIA    SIBERIA  SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY    Class TRILOBITA Walch,1771    Order CORYNEXOCHIDA Kobayashi,1935    Suborder CORYNEXOCHINA Kobayashi,1935    Family CORYNEXOCHIDAE Angelin,1854    Genus CORYNEXOCHUS Angelin,1854      Corynexochus xiangxiensis sp.nov.    Genus CORYNEXOCHINA Lermontova,1940      Corynexochina sinensis sp.nov.    Genus CHATIANIA Yang in Zhou et al.,1977      Chatiania chatianensis Yang in Zhou et al.,1977      Chatiania expansa(Yuan and Yin,1998)      Chatiania Yang in Zhou et al.,1977      Chatiania convexa sp.nov.   Family DOLICHOMETOPIDAE Walcott,1916   Genus AMPHOTON Lorenz,1906      Amphoton deois(Walcott,1905)      Amphoton alceste(Walcott,1905)      Amphoton,1942a)    Genus FUCHOUIA Resser and Endo in Kobayashi,1935      Fuchouia chiai Lu,1957      Fuchouia kuruktagensis Zhang,1981      ……  REFERENCES  INDEX OF SPECIES AND GENERA  PLATES中國湖南寒武系多節(jié)類三葉蟲(英文版)(2)


插圖:Cranidium subtriangular, width slightly greater than length. Anterior border narrow,gently convex, curved forward gently; anterior border furrow narrow but clearly defined.Preglabellar field narrow. Glabella subelliptical, width five-sixths length, rounded anteriorly andposteriorly, convex, defined by narrow, shallow axial and preglabellar furrows. Occipital furrowfaint. Palpebral lobe small, close to axial lobe, located immediately anterior of cranidial midlength.Posterior area of fixigena triangular, sloping downward strongly, with maximm width at posteriormargin, maximam width equal to one-third of basal glabellar width; with narrow border andshallow border furrow.Remarks. One cranidia left in open nomenclature most closely resembles Luyanhaoaspis inflata sp.nov., described above, but differs in having a less convex, subquadrate rather than subovate glabella,and a much narrower, flat rather than upturned (sag. exs.) anterior border. Luyanhaoaspis decorosa,the type species, is differentiated by having a wide (sag., exs.) anterior border, a proportionallylonger glabella, and more posteriorly located palpebral lobes. This specimen may represents anunnamed species of Luyanhaoaspis, but not enough material is known at present to ascertain thatpossibility.Occurrence. From dark-gray limestone of the Huaqiao Formation in the Paibi section, Hunan,where it occurs in association with trilobites indicative of the upper part of the Wanshaniawanshanensis Zone (equivalent to the lower part of the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone).Diagnosis. Onchonotopsidae with narrow preglabellar field. Glabella subquadrate, moderatelyconvex; lateral furrows effaced; occipital ring nearly uniform in width (sag., exs.); anterior cranidialborder strongly convex, arched moderately forward; palpebral lobes small, located subcentrally;anterior branch of facial suture diverging forward; posterior branch deflected rearward distally,subparallel to sagittal line, enclosing wide (sag.), short (exs.), subrectangular posterior area offixigena.Remarks. The new genus from northwestern Hunan most closely resembles Matania Rasetti in suchfeatures as the shape of the anterior border; the convexity of the glabella; the size, shape, andposition of the palpebral lobes; and the width of the palpebral area. A subquadrate glabella ispresent in Matania (Robison, 1988). However, Matania is distinguished by the absence of apreglabellar field, the course of the facial suture (which is subparallel anterior to the palpebral lobesand directed diagonially behind the palpebral lobe), and the distally narrowing occipital ring.






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