
出版時間:2005-2  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:魏保生主編  頁數(shù):298  




引言 第1天 無菌術(shù) 第2天 無菌術(shù)和體液調(diào)節(jié) 第3天 體液調(diào)節(jié) 第4天 體液調(diào)節(jié)和酸堿平衡失調(diào) 第5天 酸堿平衡失調(diào) 第6天 酸堿平衡失調(diào)和輸血 第7天 輸血和休克 第8天 休克和急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 第9天 急性呼吸窘迫綜合征和急性腎衰 第10天 急性腎衰和麻醉 第11天 麻醉和心肺復(fù)蘇 第12天 心肺復(fù)蘇和術(shù)前準備第13天 術(shù)前準備和外科感染第14天 外科感染 第15天 腫瘤、移植和闌尾炎 第16天 闌尾炎 第17天 闌尾炎胃癌和疝 第18天 急性腸系膜缺血第19天 急性腸系膜缺血和甲狀腺瘤 第20天 甲狀腺瘤和褥瘡 第21天 褥瘡 乳腺癌和腹部損傷 第22天 腸梗阻和骨折總論 第23天 骨折總論第24天 骨折總論鎖骨骨折和肩脫位 第25天 肩脫位肘部骨折和股骨骨折 第26天 脊髓損傷 第27天 脊髓損傷和骨髓炎 第28天 總復(fù)習(xí) 第29天 總復(fù)習(xí) 第30天 總復(fù)習(xí)


  Intrarenal vasoconstriction is the dominant mechanism for the reduced GFR in patientswith ARF. The mediators of this vasoconstriction are unknown, but tubule injury seems to bean important concomitant finding. While obstruction of urine outflow into the collecting systemis an obvious cause of reduced net ultrafiltration, the intratubular obstruction that results fromsloughed cells and cellular debris that evolves in the course of renal failure is a less obviouscause. The importance of this mechanism is highlighted by the improvement in renal functionthat follows relief of such intratubular obstruction. In addition, when obstruction is prolonged,intrarenal vasoconstriction is prominent.  Apart from the increase in basal renal vascular tone, the stressed renal microvasculature is more sen-sitive to potentially vasoconstrictive drugs and otherwise-tolerated changes in systemic blood pressure. Pro-longed vasoconstriction may evolve into intrip.sic ARF, especially when concomitant large vessel arterialdisease occtn-s. Renal failure caused by prolonged vasoconstriction (especially with concomitant large vesselarterial disease) often is induced by the use of angiotensin-eonverfing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and/or di-uretics. The vasculature of the injured kidney has an impaired vasodilatory response and loses its autoregu-latory behavior. This latter phenomenon has important clinical relevance because the frequent reduction insystemic pressure during intermittent hemodialysis may provoke additional damage that can delay reeoyexyfrom ARF.




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