
出版時間:2004-1-1  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:Xiao-qing Jin,Yi-min Wei  頁數(shù):204  




ContentsPrefaceChapter 1  Introduction1.1  Basic symbols1.2  Basic problems in NLA1.3 Why shall we study numerical methods?1.4 Matrix factorizations (decompositions)1.5  Perturbation and error analysis1.6  Operation cost and convergence rateExercisesChapter 2  Direct Methods for Linear Systems2.1  Triangular linear systems and LU factorization2.2  LU factorization with pivoting2,3  Cholesky factorizationExercisesChapter 3  Perturbation and Error Analysis31I  Vector and matrix norms3.2 Perturbation analysis for linear systems3.3 Error analysis on floating point arithmetic3.4 Error analysison partial pivotingExercisesChapter 4  Least Squares Problems4.1  Least squares problems4.2  Orthogonal transformations4.3  QR decompositionExercisesChapter 5  Classical Iterative Methods5.1  Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel method5.2  Convergence analysis5.3  Convergence rate5.4  SOR methodExercisesChapter 6  Krylov Subspace Methods6.1  Steepest descent method6.2  Conjugate gradient method6.3  Practical CG method and convergence analysis6.4  Preconditioning6.5  GMRES methodExercisesChapter 7 Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems7.1  Basic properties7.2  Power method7.3  Inverse power method7.4  QR methodExercisesChapter 8  Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems8.1  Basic spectral properties8.2  Symmetric QR method8.3  Jacobi method8.4  Bisection method8.5  Divide-and-conquer methodExercisesChapter 9  Applications9.1  Introduction9.2  Background of BVMs9.3  Strang-type preconditioner for ODEs9.4  Strang-type preconditioner for DDEs9.5  Strang-type preconditioner for NDDEs9.6  Strang-type preconditioner for SPDDEsBibliographyIndex



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