
出版時間:2003-6-1  出版社:科學出版社  作者:Charles S.Parker,Brett Miketta,Deborah Morley  頁數(shù):679  字數(shù):1130000  


計算機不僅是一門先進的科學技術,它甚至成為人類社會繼19世紀產(chǎn)業(yè)革命之后的又一次變革。計算機正日益深刻地影響著我們行為和思維的方式。    本書以全新的技術及社會視角,對異彩紛呈的計算機世界作了詳盡的描繪。內(nèi)容包括:計算機基本操作、硬件(處理器、存儲器、輸入輸出設備)、軟件(系統(tǒng)軟件、應用軟件)、網(wǎng)絡(網(wǎng)絡和通信、Internet及萬維網(wǎng))、Internet應用(多媒體和網(wǎng)絡、電子辦公和電子商務)、計算機系統(tǒng)(信息系統(tǒng)、程序開發(fā)、數(shù)據(jù)庫和數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng))以及與計算機相關的社會問題。除了對內(nèi)容的鋪陳,本書還提供了形式多樣的示例、圖表、習題,以幫助讀者消化吸收書中的內(nèi)容。    本書可作為大學計算機專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教材,非計算機專業(yè)的計算機文化基礎教材,也適合計算機愛好者閱讀。


PrefaceMODULE Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Computers  Overview  Computers in Your Life  What is a Computer and What Does It Do?  Computer Networks and the Internet  Computer Systems to Fit Every Need  Computers and Society  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 2 Using Your PC,Windows,and the Web  Overview  Starting Your Computer:The Boot Process  Using the Windows Operating System  Using the Internet and World Wide Web  E-Mail  Downloading and Installing Plug-Ins and Other Files  Summary  Key Terms  Reiew Activities  ProjectsThe History of Computers WindowsMODULE Hardware Chapter 3 The System Unit:Processing and Memory  Overview  Data and Program Representation  Inside the System Unit  How the CPU Works  Making Computers Faster Now and in the Future  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 4 Storage  Overview  Properties of Storage Systems  Mangetic Disk Systmes  Optical Discs  Ohter Types of Storage Systems  Comparing Storage Alternatives  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 5 Input and Output  Overview  Input and Output  Keyboards  Pointing Devices  Scanners and Related Devices  Multimedia Input Devices  Display Devices  Printers  Multimedia Output Devices  Multifunction Devices  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  ProjectsMODULE Software Chapter 6 Systems Software  Overview  Systems Software vs.Application Software  The Operating System  Common Operating Systems for Desktop PCs and Serers  Other Operating Systems  Myths About Operating Systems  Utility Programs  The Future of Operating Systems  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 7 Application Software  Overview  The Basics of Application Software  Word Processing Concepts  Spreadsheet Concepts  Database Concepts  Presentation Graphics Concepts  Other Types of Application Software  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  ProjectsMODULE Networks Chapter 8 Communications and Networks  Overview  The Communications Industry  Communications Applications  What is a Netword?  How Networks Work  Communications protocols  Network Security lssues  Network Employment Opportunities  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 9 The Internet and World Wide Web  Overview  Evolution of the Internet  Internet Connectivity lssues  Searching the Internet  Beyond Browsing and E-Mail  Censorship and Privacy  The Future of the Internet  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Web Guide WindowMODULE Internet Applications Chapter 10 Multimedia and the Web  Overview  What is Multimedia?  Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Multimedia  Multimedia Elements  Multimedia Applications  Multimedia and Web Site Design  Multimedia and Web Site Development  The Futre of Multimedia  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 11 E-Business and E-Commerce  Overview  What is E-Business and E-Commerce?  E-Business Applications  E-Commerce Business Models  Types of E-Commerce Web Sites  Implementing Web-Based E-Commerce  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  ProjectsMODULE Systems Chapter 12 Information Systems and Systems Development  Overview  What is an Information System?  Who Uses Information Systems?  Types of Information Systems  Responsibility for Systems Development  The Systems Development Life Cycle(SDLC)  Approaches to Systems Development  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 13 Program Development and Programming Languages  Overview  The Program Development Life Cycle(PDLC)  Tools for Facilitating Program Development  Programming Lauguages  Markup,Scripting,and Other Types of Languages  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 14 Databases and Database Management Systems  Overview  What is a Database?  Data Concepts and Characteristics  Database Classifications  Database Models  Databases and the Web  Database management Systems Personnel  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  ProjectsMODULE Computers in Our Lives Chapter 15 Ethics,Computer Crime,Privacy,and Other Social Lssues  Overview  Ethics  Computer Crime and Security  Computers and Privacy  Intellectual Property Rights  Health,Ergonomics,and the Environment  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  Projects Chapter 16 You and Your PC  Overview  PC System Components  Selecting a PC System  Setting Up a New System  System Maintenance  Upgrading  Learning More About PCs  Summary  Key Terms  Review Activities  ProjectsUbiquitous Computing Window Appendix Quiz Answers Credits GlossaryIndex




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