
出版時(shí)間:2003-12-1  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:MEILIR PAGE-JPNES  頁數(shù):458  字?jǐn)?shù):569000  


UML已成為描述面向?qū)ο笤O(shè)計(jì)符號的事實(shí)上的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。本書介紹了面向?qū)ο筌浖O(shè)計(jì)的基本概念、符號表示、術(shù)語、準(zhǔn)則以及原理等內(nèi)容,其中第一部分(第1章和第2章)介紹了面向?qū)ο蟮幕靖拍钜约懊嫦驅(qū)ο缶幊痰陌l(fā)展過程,第二部分(第3章至第7章)對UML進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)的介紹,第三部分(第8章至第14章)較深入的介紹面向?qū)ο笤O(shè)計(jì)的原理。最后一張(第15章)對軟件構(gòu)件的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)作了分析。    本書可供面向?qū)ο蠹夹g(shù)的程序員、設(shè)計(jì)人員、系統(tǒng)工程師或技術(shù)經(jīng)理使用。


ForewordPrefacePart Ⅰ Introduction  Chapter 1 What Does It Mean to Be Object Oriented,Anyway?    1.1 Encapsulation    1.2 Information/Implementation Hiding    1.3 State Retention    1.4 Object Identity    1.5 Messages    1.6 Classes    1.7 Inheritance    1.8 Polymorphism    1.9 Genericity    1.10 Summary    1.11 Exercises    1.12 Answers  Chapter 2 A Brief History of Object Orientation    2.1 Where Did Object Orientation Come From?    2.2 Object Orientation Comes of Age    2.3 Object Orientation As an Engineering Discipline    2.4 What's Object Orientation Good For?    2.5 Summary    2.6 Exercises    2.7 AnswersPart Ⅱ The Unified Modeling Language  Chapter 3 Basic Expression of Classes,Attributes,and Operations    3.1 The Class    3.2 Attributes    3.3 Operations    3.4 Overloaded Operations    3.5 Visibility of Attributes and Operations    3.6 Class Attributes and Operations    3.7 Abstract Operations and Classes    3.8 The Utility    3.9 Parameterized Classes    3.10 Summary    3.11 Exercises    3.12 Answers  Chapter 4 Class Diagrams    4.1 The Generalization Construct    4.2 The Association Construct    4.3 Whole/Part Association    4.4 Summary    4.5 Exercises    4.6 Answers  Chapter 5 Object-Interaction Diagrams    5.1 The Collaboration Diagrams    5.2 The Sequence Diagrams    5.3 Asynchronous Messages and Concurrent Execution    5.4 Summary    5.5 Exercises    5.6 Answers  Chapter 6 State Diagrams    6.1 Basic State Diagrams    6.2 Nested States    6.3 Concurrent States and Synchronization    6.4 Transient States from Message-Result Arguments    6.5 Continuously Variable Attributes    6.6 Summary    6.7 Exercises    6.8 Answers  Chapter 7 Architecture and Interface Diagrams    7.1 Depicting System Architecture    7.2 Depicting the human Interface    7.3 Summary    7.4 Exercises    7.5 AnswersPart Ⅲ The Principles of Object-Oriented Design  Chapter 8 Encapsulation and Connascence    8.1 Encapsulation Structure    8.2 Connascence    8.3 Summary    8.4 Exercises    8.5 Answers  Chapter 9 Domains,Encumbrance,and Cohesion    9.1 Domains of Object Classes    9.2 Encumbrance    9.3 Class Cohesion:A Class and Its Features    9.4 Summary    9.5 Exercises    9.6 Answers  Chapter 10 State-Space and Behavior     10.1 State-Space and Behavior of a Class    10.2 The State-Space of a Subclass    10.3 The Behavior of a Subclass    10.4 The Class Invariant as a Restriction on a State-Space    10.5 Preconditions and Postconditions    10.6 Summary    10.7 Exercises    10.8 Answers  Chapter 11 Type Conformance and Closed Behavior    11.1 Class versus Type    11.2 The Principle of Type Conformance    11.3 The Principle of Closed Behavior    11.4 Summary    11.5 Exercises    11.6 Answers  Chapter 12 The Perils of Inheritance and Polymorphism    12.1 Abuses of Inheritance    12.2 The Danger of Polymorphism    12.3 Summary    12.4 Exercises    12.5 Answers  Chapter 13 Techniques for Organizing Operations    13.1 Mix-In Classes    13.2 Rings of Operations     13.3 Summary    13.4 Exercises    13.5 Answers  Chapter 14 Class Cohesion and Support of States and Behavior    14.1 State Support in a Class Interface     14.2 Behavior Support in a Class Interface     14.3 Operation Cohesion in a Class Interface    14.4 Summary    14.5 Exercises    14.6 Answers  Chapter 15 Designing a Software Component    15.1 What Is a Component?    15.2 Similarities and Differences Between Component and Objects    15.3 Example of a Component    15.4 Internal Design of a Component    15.5 Lightweight and Heavyweight Component    15.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Components    15.7 Summary    15.8 Exercises    15.9 AnswersAppendix A Checklist for an Object-Oriented Design WalkthroughAppendix B The Object-Oriented Design Owner's ManualAppendix C The Blitz Guide to Object-Oriented TerminologyGlossaryBibliographyIndex




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