
出版時間:2003-5  出版社:科學出版社  作者:雷克托 (Brent Rector)  頁數(shù):635  字數(shù):780000  


ATL是一組小而靈活的類,可用于開發(fā)COM組件。本書對ATL的內部工作原理做了深入的剖析,詳細介紹了關于ATL設計的基礎知識和體系結構,展示了ATL如何與COM相匹配,并對一些重要的實施細節(jié)做了具體提示。在此基礎上,對ATL的一些高級內容和功能做了充分的介紹。更為重要的是,本書還指出了ATL存在的一些缺陷,并告訴讀者如何去避免。   本書具有一定的技術深度,適合有經驗的COM和VC++程序員閱讀。        	     Brent Rector is President of Wise Owl Consulting,Inc., a form that specializes in Windows/COM development and consulting.He also teaches classes on COM, ATL,and MTS for DevelpMentor,a leading COM education firm.His previous books include Win32 Programming ,Developing windows 3 Applications with Microsoft SDK,and Developing Windows 3.1 Applications with Microsoft C/C++.He received the Microsoft Annual MVP award for his contributions to CompuServe's Windows forums.    Chris Sells Works as an independent consultant specializing in design and development using COM.He is also a COM C++, and ATL instructor for DevelopMentor,where he authored the Essential ATL five-day shor course.His previous books include Effective COM and Windows Telephony Programming .He is a contributor to the Visual C++ Developer's Journal and the Visual C++ Professional newsletter,and a frequent speaker at conferences ,including Software Development,WinDev,and the Visual C++ Developer's Conference.


ForewordPrefaceChapter 1 Hello,ATL  What Is ATL?  Creating a COM Server  Inserting a COM Class  Adding Properties and Methods  Implementing Additional Interfaces  Support for Scripting   Adding Persistence  Adding and Firing Events  Using a Window  Implementing Component Categories  Adding a User Interface  Hosting a Control  SummaryChapter 2 ATL Smart Types:Strings,BSTRs,VARIANTs,and Interface Pointers  String data Types,Conversion Macros,and Helper Functions  The CComBSTR Smart BSTR Class  The CComBSTR Class  The ComVariant Smart VARIANT Class  The CComPtr,CComQIPtr,and CcomDispatchDriver Smart Pointer Classes  SummaryChapter 3 Objects in ATL  Recall:COM Apartments  Implementing IUnknown  The Layers of ATL  Threading Model Support  The Core of IUnknown  Your Class  CComObject et al.  ATL Creators  Debugging   SummaryChapter 4 COM Servers  A Review of COM Servers  The Object Map and the CComModule Class  The Object Map  Methods Required of an Object Map Class  The CComModule  CComCoClass Revisited  Server Optimization Compilation Options  SummaryChapter 5 Interface Maps  Recall:COM Identity  Table-Driven QueryInterface  Multiple Interfaces  Aggregation:The Controlling Outer  Interface Map Tricks  SummaryChapter 6 Persistence in ATL  A Review of COM Persistence  AT  L Persistence Implementation Classes  The Property Map  The Persistence Implementations  Additional Persistence Implementations  Adding Marshal-by-Value Semantics Using Persistence  SummaryChapter 7 Collections and Enumerators  COM Collections and Enumerators Interface  Enumerating Arrays  Enumerating STL Collections  Collections  STL Collections of ATL Data Types  Simple Collections  Object Models  SummaryChapter 8 Connection Points  A Review of Connection Points  Creating an ATL-Based Connectable Object  Creating an Object That Is an Event Recipient  How It All Works:The Messy Implementation Details  SummaryChapter 9 Windowing  The Structure of a Windows Application  CWindow  CWindowImpl  CDialogImpl   Windows Control Wrappers  CContainedWindow  SummaryChapter 10 ActiveX Controls  A Review of ActiveX Controls  The BullsEye Control Requirements  Creating the Initial Control Using the ATL Wizard  The Initial BullsEye Source Files  Developing the BullsEye Control Step by Step  SummaryChapter 11 Control Containment  How Controls Are Contained  Basic Control Containment  Hosting a Control in Dialog  Composite Controls  HTML Controls  ATL's Control Containment Limitations  SummaryAppendix A C++ Templates by Example  The Need for Templates  Template Basics  A Different Kind of Polymorphism  Function Templates  Member Function Templates  SummaryAppendix B ATL Classes and HeadersIndex




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