出版時間:2003-5  出版社:科學出版社  作者:(美) 梅勒(Mellor,S.J.),(美)巴爾塞(Balcer,M.J.) 著  頁數:368  字數:478000  


Executable UML是軟件開發(fā)領域的一項重大發(fā)明,這方面的著作尚不多見。本書對這一技術做了深入的介紹,比如,怎樣用UML將需求和用況物化成為直觀的圖表,如何用UML產生可執(zhí)行、可測試的模型,如何將模型直接翻譯成代碼,以及如何Executable UML模型編譯器將分散的系統域編譯在一起。為加深讀者對有關概念和技巧的理解,書中還提供了一個開發(fā)成功的大型案例。另外,還提供了兩個網址,以便于讀者下載有關的模型以及翻譯和運行這些模型的工具。    本書適合軟件系統分析、設計人員閱讀。


ForewordPrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1  Introduction    1.1 Raising the Level of Abstraction  1.2 Executable UML  1.3 Making UML Executable   1.4 Model Compilers  1.5 Model-Driven Architecture  1.6 ReferencesChapter 2  Using Executable UML  2.1 The System Model  2.2 Modeling a  single Domain  2.3 Verification and Execution  2.4 The Big Picture  2.5 ReferencesChapter 3  Domains and Bridges  3.1 Domains  3.2 Domains and Requirements  3.3 Bridges  3.4 Aspects and Join Points  3.5 Domains and Aspects  3.6 ReferencesChapter 4  Use Cases  4.1 Basics of Use Cases  4.2 Working with Use Cases  4.3 Activity Diagrams  4.4 Formalizing Use Cases  4.5 Scenarios and Testing  4.6 System Modeling  4.7 ReferencesChapter 5 Classes and Attributes  5.1 Classes  5.2 Attributes  5.3 Attributes Data Types   5.4 Documenting Classes and Attributes   5.5 Checking Classes and Attributes  5.6 Rules,Rules,Rules   5.7 ReferencesChapter 6   Relationships and Associations  6.1 Associations  6.2 Associations Descriptions  6.3 Checking Associations  6.4 Associations Classes  6.5 Generalization and Specialization  6.6 Reflexive Associations  6.7 The Class Model  6.8 ReferencesChapter 7  Class Actions  7.1 Object and Attribute Actions  7.2 Selection Expressions  7.3 Link Actions  7.4 Link Object Actions  7.5 Generalization Hierarchies  7.6 Other Action Languages  7.7 ReferencesChapter 8  Constraints  8.1 Unique Instance Constraints  8.2 Derived Attributes  8.3 Referential Constraints  8.4 Association Loops  8.5 Constraints Capture Semantics    8.6 ReferencesChapter 9  Lifecycles  9.1 Concept of a Lifecycle  9.2 State Machine  9.3 State Transition Table  9.4 Creating and Deleting Objects  9.5 Forming Lifecycles  9.6 Lifecycles for Classes   9.7 ReferencesChapter 10 Communicating Objects  10.1 Signals  10.2 Creating and Deleting Objects  10.3 Visualizing Domain Dynamics   10.4 Domain Dynamics Chapter 11  Synchronizing Objects  11.1 How to Think about Time  11.2 Rules about Signals  11.3 Rules about procedures  11.4 Rules about Data Access  11.5 Delayed Signals and Time Events  11.6 Rules,Rules,Rules  11.7 ReferencesChapter 12  Using Lifecycles  12.1 Statechart Diagram Construction Techniques  12.2 Reworking the Class Diagram  12.3 ReferencesChapter 13  Relationship Dynamics  13.1 Dynamically Simple Associations  13.2 Associstions Involving Competition  13.3 Dynamics in Generalization Hierarchies  13.4 Polymorphic Events and Polymorphic Signals  13.5 Reclassification  13.6 ReferencesChapter 14  Domain Dynamics  14.1 Partitioning Control  14.2 Control Strategies  14.3 Delegation of Control  14.4 Input Conditioning  14.5 Distrbuted Dynamics  14.6 ReferencesChapter 15  Domain Verification  15.1 Finding Unit Tests for a Single Use Case  15.2 Test Execution  15.3 System Tests  15.4 Finding Test Cases from the Models  15.5 The Verifiction Gap  15.6 ReferencesChapter 16  Model Management  16.1 Dividing Large Domains   16.2 Subsystems and the Class Diagram  16.3 Collaboations between Subsystems  16.4 Adjusting Subsystem partitioning   16.5 Model ManagementChapter 17  Joining Multple Domains  17.1 Kinds of Domains  17.2 Anonymous Explicit Bridges  17.3 Implicit Bridging weth Join Points  17.4 Bridging to the Model CompilerChapter 18  Model Compilers  18.1 Compiling the Models:The Bookstore  18.2 Model Compilers and the Software Platform  18.3 Fit   18.4 Buying,Modifying,and Building a Model Compiler  18.5 Modeling the Model Compiler as a Domain  18.6 ReferencesAppendix A  GlossaryAppendix B Case Sthdy  B.1 Subsystem producSpecification  B.2 Subsystem Ordering  B.3 Subsystem Shipping  B.4 Domain Data Types  B.5 Object Collaboration DiagramIndex




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