
出版時(shí)間:2003-5  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:米勒 (GranvilleMiller)  頁數(shù):425  字?jǐn)?shù):545000  


本書通過諸多實(shí)例,具體而客觀地為讀者介紹了復(fù)雜軟件項(xiàng)目的用況模型創(chuàng)建過程,內(nèi)容包括基本知識、項(xiàng)目啟動(dòng)、初級用況模型、用況模型擴(kuò)展等。本書提供了一個(gè)用于創(chuàng)建和維護(hù)用況模型的框架,讀者可將其定制以適合自己的系統(tǒng)。    本書可供軟件開發(fā)過程各階段的技術(shù)人員閱讀。


ForewordPrefaceIntroductionPart 1 Fundamentals  Chapter 1 Actors  Chapter 2 Use CasesPart 2 Project Initiation  Chapter 3 Scoping the System:Vision Document  Chapter 4 Balancing the Software System Use Case ModelPart 3 Advanced Use Case Modeling Framework:Initial Use Model  Chapter 5 Introduction to the System Use Case Modeling Process Framework  Chapter 6 Preparing for Use Case Modeling and Determining Use Case Appuoach  Chapter 7 Performing Initial Use Case ModelingPart 4 Advanced Use Case Modeling Framework:Expanding the Use Case Model  Chapter 8 Develop Base Use Case Descriptions  Chapter 9 Elaborate the Base Use Case Description  Chapter 10 Model Extend,Include,and Generalization Relationships  Chapter 11 Add Supplemental Information to the Use Case Model  Chapter 12 Map Use Cases to Object Models  Chapter 13 Develop Instance Scenarios   Chapter 14 Create Test Cases and Documentation  Chapter 15 Organize the Use CasesPart 5 Additional Topics  Chapter 16 Building User Interfaces  Chapter 17 Coping with Change  Chapter 18 Creating Your Advanced Use Case Modeling Process  Chapter 19 Ensuring a Successful Use Case Modeling EffortAppendix A  Use Case Development Review ChecklistAppendix B  Development Case for Advanced Use Case ModelingAppendix C  Simplified Loan Processing SystemAppendix D  Simplified Loan Processing System User  Interface SpecificationBibliographyIhdexAppendix



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