
出版時間:2003-4  出版社:科學出版社  作者:帕特里克(Patrick G.)  頁數(shù):278  字數(shù):3500  


“精要速覽系列(Instant Notes Series)”叢書是國外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。該系列結構新穎,視角獨特;重點明確,脈絡分明;圖表簡明清晰;英文自然易懂,被國內(nèi)多所重點院校選用作為雙語教材。先鋒版是繼“現(xiàn)代生物學精要速覽”之后推出的跨學科的升級版本。    本書是該系列中的《醫(yī)藥化學》分冊,全書共13章,綜合了化學、生物學和計算機科學的內(nèi)容,扼要介紹了藥物設計與發(fā)現(xiàn)、新藥開發(fā)與應用、臨床試驗及專利申請等。    本書是指導大學生快速掌握醫(yī)藥化學基礎知識的優(yōu)秀教材,也是輔助教師授課的極佳教學參考書,同時可供相關專業(yè)的研究生參考。


AbbreviationsPrefaceAbout the authorSection A-The science of medicinal chemistry A1 Introduction A2 From concept to marketSection B-Drug targets B1 Enzymes B2 Receptors B3 Carrier proteins B4 Structural proteins B5 Nucleic acids B6 Lipids B7 CarbohydratesSection C-Pharmacokinetics C1 Pharmacokinetics C2 Drug absorption C3 Drug distribution C4 Drug metabolism C5 Drug excretion C6 Drug administration C7 Drug dosingSection D-Biological testing and bioassays D1 Testing drugs D2 Testing drugs in uitro D3 Testing drugs in uiuoSection E-Drug discovery E1 The lead compound E2 Natural sources of lead compounds E3 Synthetic sources of lead compoundsSection F-Synthesis F1 Synthetic considerations F2 Stereochemistry F3 Combinatorial synthesisSection G-Structure-activity relationships G1 Definition of structure-activity relationshiips G2 Binding interactions G3 Functional groups as binding groups G4 The pharmacophore G5 Quantitative structure-activity relationshipsSection H-Target orientated drug design  H1 Aims of drug design H2 Computer aided drug design H3 Simplification of complex molecules H4 Conformational restraint H5 Extra binding interactions H6 Enhancing existing binding interactionsSection I-Pharmacokinetic orientated drug design I1 Drug solubility I2 Drug stabilitySection J-Patenting and manufacture J1 Patenting and chemical development J2 Optimization of reactions J3 Scale-up issues J4 Process development J5 SpecificationsSection K-Preclinical testing and clinical trials K1 Toxicology K2 Pharmacology and pharamceutical chemistry K3 Drug metabolism studies K4 Clinical trials K5 Regulatory affairsSection L-Case study:inhibitors of EGF-receptor kinase L1 Epidermal growth factor receptor L2 Testing procedures L3 From lead compound to dianilino-phthalimides L4 Modeling studies L5 4-(Phenylamino)pyrrolopyrimidines L6 PyrazolopyrimidinesSection M-History of medicinal chemistry M1 The age of herbs,potions and magic M2 The nineteenth century M3 A fledgling science(1900-1930) M4 The dawn of the antibacterial age(1930-1945) M5 The antibiotic age(1945-1970s) M6 The age of reason (1970s to present)Further readingIndex



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