
出版時間:2002-4  出版社:科學出版社  作者:特懷曼  頁數(shù):451  字數(shù):668000  




AbbreviationsPrefaceSection A-First principles  A1 Basic concepts in development biology  A2 Cell fate and commitment  A3 Mechanisms of developmental commitment  A4 Mosaic and regulative development  A5 Maintenance of differentiation  A6 Pattern formation and compartments  A7 MorphogenesisSection B-Experimental developmental biology  B1 Model organisms  B2 Developmental mutants  B3 Transgenic organisms in development  B4 Cellular and microsurgical techniquesSection C-Genes in development  C1 Gene expression and regulation  C2 Chromatin and DNA methylation  C3 Signal transduction in development  C4 The cell division cycle  C5 The cytoskeleton,cell adhesion and the extracellular matrixSection D-Unicellular models  D1 Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis  D2 Mating type switching in yeast  D3 Aggregation and culmination in Dictyostelium discoideumSection E-Sex,gametes and fertilization  E1 Germ line specification  E2 Germ-cell migration  E3 Gametogenesis  E4 Gamete recognition,contact and fertilization  E5 Sex determinationSection F-Cleavage and gastrulation  F1 Cleavage  F2 Gastrulation in invertebrate embryos  F3 Gastrulation in vertebrate embryosSection G-Single cell specification  G1 Early animal development by single cell specification  G2 Cell specification and patterning in Caenorhabditis elegans  G3 Ascidian development  G4 Early development of molluscs and annelidsSection H-Axis specification and patterning in Drosophila  H1 Molecular aspects of embryonic pattern formation in Drosophila  H2 Anteroposterior axis specification in Drosophila  H3 Gap genes  H4 Molecular control of segmentation  H5 Homeotic selector genes and regional specification  H6 Dorsoventral axis specification and patterningSection I-Axis specification in vertebrates  I1 Early patterning in vertebrates  I2 The vertebrate organizer  I3 Left-right asymmetry in vertebratesSection J-Fate of the ectoderm  J1 The ectoderm:neural induction and teh epidermis  J2 Patterning the anteroposterior neuraxis  J3 Patterning the dorsoventral neuraxis  J4 Shaping the neural tube  J5 Neurogenesis  J6 The neural crest  J7 Neuronal connectionsSection K-Mesoderm and endoderm  K1 Mesoderm induction and patterning  K2 Somitogenesis and patterning  K3 Somite differentiation  K4 Mammalian kidney development  K5 Heart development  K6 Endoderm developmentSection L-Organogenesis in invertebrate model systems  L1 Vulval specification in C.elegans  L2 Pattern formation in imaginal discs  L3 Drosophila eye developmentSection M-Vertebrate limb development  M1 Initiation and maintenance of limb growth  M2 Patterning and morphogenesis in limb development  M3 Limb regenerationSection N-Plant development  N1 Plant vs .animal development  N2 Development of the plant embryo  N3 Development of the seedling  N4 Shoot and root meristems  N5 Leaf development  N6 Flower developmentFurther readingGlossary of acronymsIndex




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