
出版時間:2001-4  出版社:科學出版社  作者:(美)沃爾 (Wall, P.D.)主編  




ContributorsColor PlateIntroduction to the fourth editionPatrick D WallSECTION 1-BASIC ASPECTSPeripheral & Central1. Peripheral neural mechanisms of nociceptionSrinivasa N Raja, Richard A Meyer, Matthias Ringkamp, James N Campbell2. Peripheral mechanisms of inflammatory painJon D Levine, David B Reichling3. Nociceptive peripheral neurons: cellular propertiesStuart Bevan4. Trophic factors and painStephen B McMahon, David L H Bennett5. Pathophysiology of damaged nervers in relation to chronic painmarshall Devor, Ze''ev Seltzer6. The dorsal horn: state-dependent sensory processing, plasticity and the generation of painTimothy P Doubell, Richard J Mannion, Clifford J Woolf7. Medulla to thalamusA D Craig, J O Dostrovsky8. The image of painMartin Ingvar, Jen-Chuen Hsieh9. Developemental neurobiology of painMaria Fitzgerald10. Central pharmacology of nociceptive transmissionTony L Yaksh11. Central nervous system mechanisms of pain modulationHoward L Fields, Allan I BasbaumPsychology12. Emotions and psychobiologykenneth D Craig13. Cognitive aspects of painMatisyohu WeisenbergMeasurement14. Assessing transient and persistent pain in animalsRonald Dubner, Ke ren15. Measurement and assessment of paediatric painpatrick J McGrath, Anita M Unruh16. Studies of pain in human subjectsRichard H Gracely17. pain measurements in persons in painRonald Melzack, Joel Katz18. Measures of function and psychologyAmanda C de C WilliamsSECTION 2-CLINICAL STATESSoft tissue, Joints and bones19. Acute and postoperative painMichael Cousins, Ian Power20. OsteoarthritisPaul Creamer21. Rheumatoid arthritisMalcolm I V Jayson22. Muscles, tendons and ligamentsDianne J Newham, Keyyu R Mills23. Chronic back painDonlin M Long24. Upper extremity painAnders E Sola25. Fibromyalgia Robert M BenettDeep and visceral pain26. Abdominal painLaurence M Blendis27. Heart, vascular and haemopatic painPaolo Procacci, Massimo Zoppi, Marco Maresca28. Chronic pelvic painAndrea J Rapkin29. Obstetric painJohn S McDonald30. Genitourinary painUrsula Wesselmann, Arthur L BurnettHead31. Orofacial painYair Sharav32. Trigeminal, eye and ear painJoanna M Zakrzewska33. HeadacheJean Schoenen, Peter S SandorNerve and root damage34. Phantom pain and other phenomena after amputationTroels Staehclin Jensen, Line Nikolajsen35. Peripheral neuropathiesJ W Scadding36. Complex regional pain syndromeJ W Scadding37. Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditisDavid DubuissonCentral nervous system38. Central painJorgen Boivie39. Spinal cord damage: injury40. Pain and psychological medicineHarold MerskeySpecial cases41. Sex and gender differences in painkaren J Berkley, Anita Holdcroft42. Cancer pain and palliative care in childrenCharles B Berde, John J Collins43. Pain in the elderlyLucia Gayliese, Joel Katz, Ronald Melzack44. Pain in the elderlyCharles E Short45. Cancer pain: principles of assessment and syndromesNathan I Cherny, Russell K Portenoy46. Cancer, mind and spiritWilliam Breitbart, Steven D Passik, Barry D Eosenfeld47. Pain and impending deathCicely M Saunders, Michael PlattSECTION 3-THERAPEUTIC ASPECTSPhsarmacology48. Methods of therapeutic trialsHenry J McQuay, R A Moore49. Antipyretic(non-narcotic)analgesicsKay Nrune, Hanns Ulrich Zeilhofer50. Psychotropic drugsRichard Monks, Harold Merskey51. OpioidsRobert G Twycross52. Local anaesthetics and epiduralsHJ McQuay, R A Moore53. Other drugs including sympathetic blockersR Munglani, R G HillSurgery54. Root and ganglion surgeryDavid Dubuisson55. Disc surgeryErik Spangfort56. Orthopaedic surgeryRobert f McLain, James N Weinstein57. Central neurosurgeryJan M Gybels, Ron R TaskerSrimulation58. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, vibration and acupuncture as pain-relieving measuresPer Hansson, Thomas Lundeberg59. Spinal cord and brain stimulationBrian A SimpsonPhysiotherapy60. Ultrasound, shortwave, microwave, laser, superficial heat and cold in the treatment of painJustus F Lehmann, Barbara J de Lateur61. Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relidf of musculoskeletal painScott Haldeman, Paul D HooperPsychotherapy62. The placebo and the placebo responsePatrick D Wall63. A cognitive-behavioral approach to pain managementDennis C Turk, Akiko Okifuji64. Behavioral therapyFrancis J Keefe, John C LefebvreSpecial cases65. Pain in childrenCharles B Berde, Bruce Masek66. Practical issues in the management of cancer painNathan I Cherny, Russell K Portenoy67. Peripheral neuropathic pain: an approach to managementHoward L Fields, Ralf Baron, Michael C Rowbotham68. Prevention of disability due to chronic muculoskeletal painSteven James LintonIndex



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