出版時間:2001-1 出版社:醫(yī)學衛(wèi)生出版分社 作者:歐文 編 頁數(shù):682
《透析與移植》是經(jīng)典名著”Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney”的配套書,由美國杜克大學醫(yī)學院William F.Owen教授,Tufts大學醫(yī)學院Brian J.G.Pereira教授,哈佛大學醫(yī)學院Mohamed H.Sayegh教授主編,近80位一流專家參加編寫。全書密切配合“Brenner & Rectors The Kidney”一書,深入探討了透析的原理、適應(yīng)證、步驟及并發(fā)癥的處理,并著重探討了透析與腎移植之問的關(guān)系、腎移植免疫生物學、移植腎的取舍、腎移植外科技術(shù)、抗免疫排斥反應(yīng)、移植物功能衰竭的診斷和治療,移植腎感染的處理、小兒腎移植,異體腎移植的臨床應(yīng)用等。 《透析與移植》可供腎內(nèi)科、泌尿外科醫(yī)生,及研究生學習、收藏。
Color PlatesSection APRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF HEMODIALYSISChapter 1Principles of Hemodialysis Jane Y. Yeun, M.D., Thomas A. Depner, M.D.Chapter 2Biocompatibility of Hemodialysis Membranes Brian J. G. Pereira: M.D., Alfred K. Cheung, M.D.Chapter 3Hemodialysis Adequacy Titus W. L. Lau, M,D., William F. Owen, Jr., M.D.Chapter 4Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Peter J. Conlon, M.B., M.H.S., F.A.C.P., F.R.C.P.I., Steve J. Schwab, M.D.Chapter 5Reprocessing of HemodialyzersRichard A. Ward, Ph.D.,Harold I. Feldman, M.D., M.S.Section BPRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PERITONEAL DIALYSISChapter 6Peritoneal Membrane BiologyJanice A. Nagy, Ph.D., Robert W. Jackman, Ph.D.Chapter 7Peritoneal Transport: Clinical Implications Ramesh Khanna, M.D., F.A.C.RChapter 8Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription: Dosing and AdequacyPeter G. Blake, M.B, F.R.C.RC.,David N. Churchill, M.D., ER.C.RC.Chapter 9Management of Peritoneal Dialysis InfectionsRam Gokal, M.D., F.R.C.R, Beth Piraino, M.D.Chapter 10Conventional and Newer Peritoneal Dialysis SolutionsLeo Martis, Ph.D., Nicholas Topley, Ph.D.,Clifford J. Holmes, Ph.D.Section CLONG-TERM CARE OFTHE PATIENT UNDERGOING DIALYSISChapter 11Intradiaytie ComplicationsToros Kapoian, M.D., Richard A. Sherman, M.D.Chapter 12Cardiac Disease in Dialysis PatientsPatrick S. Parfrey, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C.)Robert N. Foley, M.D., ER.C.R(C.)Chapter 13Dialysis-Related AmyloidosisJonathan Kay, M.D.Chapter 14Renal OsteodystrophyMichael Yudd, M.D., Francisco Llach, M.D.Chapter 15Achieving an Optimum HematocritDavid B. Van Wyck, M.D., John C. Stivelman, M.D.Chapter 16Management of the Diabetic Patient with End-Stage Renal DiseaseMark E. Williams, M.D, F.A.C.RChapter 17Pediatric DialysisWilliam E. Harmon, M.D., Kathy L. Jabs, M.D.,Steven R. Alexander, M.D.Chapter 18Nosoeomial Infections in Hemodlalysis Units: Strategies for ControlJerome I. Tokars, M.D., M.RH.,Miriam J. Alter, Ph.D., Matthew J. Arduino, Dr.RH.Chapter 19Drug Dosing in Dialysis PatientsGeorge R. Aronoff, M.D., F.A.C.R,Michael E. Brier, Ph.D., Karen M. Erbeck, M.D.,Rosemary Ouseph, M.D.Chapter 20Algorithms and Care Paths for QuAlity ImprovementJay B. Wish, M.D., Joan Blondin, M.D.Section DRENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY IN THE CRITICALLY INChapter 21Selection of Dialysis ModalityRavindra L Mehta, M.D.,Glenn M. Chertow, M.D., M.P.H.Chapter 22Dopamine, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, and Growth Factors in Acute Renal FailureHugh R. Brady, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.RI.,Michael Clarkson, M.B., M.R.C.RI.,Patrick L. Coleman, M.B., M.R.C.RI.,Mark D. Denton, M.B., M.R.C.R,Henry Ooi, M.B., M.R.C.RI.,Richard Solomon, M.D.Chapter 23Extraeorporeal Treatment of Poisoning Mary Jo Shaver, M.D., Michael A. Marx, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S., Thomas A. Golper, M.D., F.A.C.P.Section EETHICAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUESChapter 24Ethical Issues in the Care of Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Treated by Dialysis .Ronald Baker Miller, M.D., F.A.C.RSection FKIDNEY TRANSPLANTATIONChapter 25Transplantation lmmunobiology .Mohamed H. Sayegh, M.D., Alan M. Krensky, M.D.Chapter 26Current Results and Determinants of GraftOutcome in Kidney TransplantationJohn R Vella, M.D., M.R.C.RI.,Charles B. Carpenter, M.D.Chapter 27Evaluation of Potential Renal TransplantCandidates and DonorsDianne B. McKay, M.D., Edgar L. Milford, M.D.Chapter 28Surgical Aspects of Renal TransplantationDicken S. C. Ko, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C.),F(xiàn)rancis L. Delmonico, M.D.Chapter 29Induction Immunosuppressive TherapyIhmed M. Alkhunaizi, M.D.,Douglas J. Norman, M.D.Chapter 30Current and Emerging MaintenanceImmunosuppressive TherapySimin Goral, M.D., J. Harold Helderman, M.D.Chapter 31Diagnosis and Therapy of Graft Dysfunction ....Gabriel M. Danovitch, M.D., Cynthia Nast, M.D.Chapter 32Infection in the Renal Transplant RecipientNina E. Tolkoff-Rubin, M.D., F.A.C.P.,Robert H. Rubin, M.D., RA.C.R, EC.C.RChapter 33Medical Complications of KidneyTransplantationV. Ram Peddi, M.D., M. Roy First, M.D.Chapter 34Recurrent and De Novo Renal Disease in KidneyTransplantationYvonne M. OMeara, M.D., F.R.C.RI.,Rosemary Masterson, M.B., B.Ch.Chapter 35Pediatric Renal TransplantationAmir Tejani, M.D., William E. Harmon, M.D.Chapter 36Xenotransplantation: Prospects for ClinicalApplicationJeffrey H. Lawson, M.D., Ph.D., Jeffrey L. Platt, M.D.Index