
出版時間:2000-9  出版社:科學出版社  作者:卡里科  




ContributorsPrefaceBASIC MANAGEMENT SKILLSChapter IAirway ManagementDavid S. MulderChapter 2Intravenous Access and Emergency Thoracotomy .David C. BorgstromChapter 3Diagnostic Procedures Used to Establish PrioritiesJennifer McNeil, Grace S. Ro@ycki, Erwin R. ThalChapter 4General Surgical Principles: Wound Managementand ClosureR Craig Hobar, RodJ. RohnchABDOMENChapter 5Stomach and Distal EsophagusJoseph R MineiChapter 6DuodenumAnna M. Ledger-woodChapter 7PancreasGregory]. JurkovichChapter 8Small IntestineAnna M. Ledger-woodChapter 9Colon and Rectal InjuriesRonald V. MaierChapter 10Parenchymal Liver InjuriesRobert C. Lim, Jr.Chapter 11Perihepatic Venous InjuriesH. Leon PachterChapter 12Gallbladder and Biliary TractDavid B. Hoyt, William J. MileskiChapter 13Spleen ........Steven R. ShackfordChapter 14Abdominal WallJohn HuntHEAD AND NECKChapter 15Cranial NeurotraumaLawrence H. PittsChapter 16Scalp and Face TraumaMartin C. Robson, James M. Shau\ Lawrence H. PittsChapter 17Cervical EsophagusRodney M. DurhamChapter 18Tracheal InjuryR. Bernard RochonChapter 19Vascular Injuries of the NeckMalcolm 0. PerryChapter 20Thoracic Inlet InjuriesDonald D. TrunkeyVASCULARChapter 21Abdominal AortaR. James ValentineviiiContentsChapter 22Injuries to the Inferior Vena CavaMalcolm 0. PerryChapter 23Mesenteric Vascular TraumaJohn D. MartinChapter 24Upper Extremity Vascular InjuriesJames W HolcroftChapter 25Lower Extremity Vascular InjuriesEric R, FrykbergChapter 26The Nonoperative Management ofCervical Vascular InjuriesSalvatoreJ, A. SclafaniIndex





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