頭顱MRI成像 MRI Imaging of the Skull and Brain

出版時間:1995-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Loeffler, W.  頁數(shù):808  


Subject of the book is MR imaging in all kinds of diseases that may affect the skull and brain. Primary purpose of the book is to provide the reader with a descriptive as well as pictorial overview of MRI in the various pathologic processes. An important additional purpose is to explain how to make the best use of MRI if a particular disease is suspected. Extensive information on differential diagnosis will also be included.


CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Physics and Chemistry  Wilfred Loeffler: Hanns-Joachim Weinmann, Heinz Gries, Ulrich Speck  Introduction  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance  Relaxation  Image Formation  Pulse Sequences and Image Contrast    Gradient Echo Sequences    Steady State Sequences    Spin Echo Sequences    Inversion Recovery Sequences  Instrumentation    Magnet System    Gradient System    RF Electronics    RF Coils    Computer System, Display System, and Software    Potential Hazards  Image Artifacts    Chemical Shift Misregistration    Edge Ringing (Truncation Artifact)    Aliasing (Wrap-Around Artifact)    Metal Artifacts    Magnetic Susceptibility    Gradient Nonlinearity and Magnet Inhomogeneity    Motion and Flow Artifacts  Flow Imaging and MR Angiography    Phase-Sensitive Methods    Inflow-Enhancement Methods  Contrast Agents    Mechanism of Contrast Enhancement ,    Types of Contrast Agents    Gd-DTPA/Dimeglumine    ReferencesCHAPTER 2 Principles of Examination and Interpretation  Scott Mirowitz, Klaus Sartor  Introduction  Safety Considerations    Patient Preparation and Monitoring  Examination Techniques    General Objectives    Standard (Spin Echo) Pulse Sequences    Special Pulse Sequences    Imaging Protocols  Imaging Strategies  Image Analysis and Interpretation  ReferencesCHAPTER 3 Normal Anatomy  Klaus Sartor  Introduction    Brain and Skull Maturation    General Features of the Adult Brain    Normal Aging of the Brain  Cerebral Hemispheres  Deep and Midline Cerebral Structures  Brainstem and Cerebellum  Cranial Nerves and Sellar Region  Cerebral Blood Vessels and Meninges  Orbit and Cranium  ReferencesCHAPTER 4 Developmental Anomalies  Klaus Sartor  Introduction    Gross Morphology    Differentiation of Gray and White Matter and Myelination    Neoplastic Degeneration    Other Structural Abnormalities    Functional Anatomy    Associated Extracranial Anomalies  Disorders of Dorsal Induction    Encephaloceles    Chiari I and II Malformations    Syringohydromyelia and Syringobulbia  Disorders of Ventral Induction    Holoprosencephaly    Neuroepithelial Cysts    Dandy-Walker MalformationCHAPTER 5 Mechanical TraumaCHAPTER 6 Tumors and Related ConditionsCHAPTER 7 Vascular DiseasesCHAPTER 8 Infection and InflammationsCHAPTER 9 Demyelinating and Degenerative DiseasesCHAPTER 10 Miscellaneous ConditionsSubject Index



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