Web數據挖掘與Web使用分析進展/Advances in web mining and web usage analysis

出版時間:2006-11-14  出版社:Springer  作者:Nasraoui, Olfa; Zaiane, Osmar; Spiliopoulou, Myra  頁數:176  


This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Mining Web Data, WEBKDD 2005, held in Chicago, IL, USA in August 2005 in conjunction with the 11th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD 2005.    The 9 revised full papers presented together with a detailed preface went through two rounds of reviewing and improvement and were carfully selected for inclusion in the book. The enhanced papers show that Web mining techniques and applications have to more effectively integrate a variety of types of data across multiple channels and from different sources in addition to usage, such as content, structure, and semantics. Thus a next generation of intelligent applications is stimulated for more effective exploitation and mining of multi-faceted data. The papers express also the need to study and design robust recommender systems that can resist various malicious manipulations.


Mining Significant Usage Patterns from Clickstream DataUsing and Learning Semantics in Frequent Subgraph MiningOvercoming Incomplete User Models in Recommendation Systems Via an OntologyData Sparsity Issues in the Collaborative Filtering FrameworkUSER: User-Sensitive Expert Recommendations for Knowledge-Dense EnvironmentsAnalysis and Detection of Segment-Focused Attacks Against Collaborative RecommendationAdaptive Web Usage ProfilingOn Clustering Techniques for Change Diagnosis in Data StreamsPersonalized Search Results with User Interest Hierarchies Learnt from BookmarksAuthor Index




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